Publier en United States of America - Débâts politiques et analyses - 16 Jul 2016 20:39 - 6

Hello, my fellow Americans,
Tonight I have quite a few updates for you all, so please bear with me while I give you a brief on what our country has been doing. I am very sorry if this becomes overly extensive, and I also want to take the opportunity to apologise for its late release (I wanted to have this published two days ago, but during the night I had planned to write it, I had a very bad stomach ache which prevented me from doing anything, and I took the next day to recover a bit).
In any case, here are the topics for today:
1. State Department and Negotiations with Japan
2. Department of Citizen Affairs and eNASA
3. Department of Defense
4. Department of Technology
5. Media and Radio
6. Congressional Elections
It might seem like a long list of things--and you'd be right; however, most of these are simple things that are just now coming in place. Make sure to stay tuned!

State Department and Negotiations with Japan

It is no secret to anyone in the country that I begun negotiations with Japan regarding our regions, and these negotiations have been back and forth regarding certain details we had to address. As such, we are now at the final steps to conclude a deal that benefits both nations. Here are the terms of the deal I have offered to Japan in order to reach a compromise:
1. As compensation for the loss of South Dakota, Japan shall pay a weekly sum of 20,000 House Raw Materials to USA and 100 Q5 helicopters.
2. USA will allow Japan to take Montana.
3. Japan will return Washington, Idaho and Wyoming to USA.
4. Canada will pay a sum in gold for Minnesota and Wisconsin and will give British Colombia to Japan.
Naturally the Canadian government was also consulted in this negotiation and they are on board as well. It is important to note that one of our regions was forcefully returned by Indonesia (Argentina opened a resistance war in Nevada); as such--and considering the whole point of the deal was to make sure USA could get 100% weapon bonus--we may be re-evaluating part of this deal. We will, however, take the compensation Japan offered, and we will consider what to do with it. The way I see it, since the people are the ones who get prejudiced, the people who need these raws to produce should be the ones receiving an equal value of raws.
We also have other deals up for debate in our government, specifically with Portugal--which we expect to be concluded soon.
On another matter, my Secretary of State Arith reopened the Ambadorial program, and he has been working hard to make sure it succeeds.
Ambadorial Program details:
Ambadorial program description and requirements here:
In this program you may get a small taste of how foreign affairs work by representing USA for your igned country. You'll produce confidential reports that will give the Secretary of State and the President valuable information that may help facilitate negotiations and relations between the USA and your igned country.
Apply now here: https:///9nWOBa

Department of Citizen Affairs and eNASA

I'm aware some of you have been wondering what exactly we've been doing here. I can say for now that our Secretary of Citizen Affairs is working on several tutorials for the new players. One that was specifically requested was a Congressional tutorial. We have requested this one in order to make sure new Congressman are aware of the proper procedures.
We have noticed from the previous term that some Congressmen make mistakes because they are not fully aware of our country legislation before acting so we are trying to find a way to better translate all the legalese into something more common and more straightforward for someone new.
I have experienced some technical issues with the moodle platform which has been overcome; as such, all tutorials will continue to be added there and made available for all new players.
In what regards this program in particular, we have started a fundraise with real life money and we are looking for websites and blogs where we can advertise eRevollution. Due to the fact our target audience is american gamers, I am more than open to any suggestion you may have in order to advertise eRevollution as a means to enlarge our lation and get our country more active.
If you have any suggestion where we can advertise, feel free to contact me or Hunburry.
Government Internships
If you are interested to work for the government in any particular department, feel free to fill out this form: https:///PVL3P8 - you will be contacted shortly either by me or any of the Secretaries.

Department of Defense

My Secretary of Defense EddieA resigned a few days ago due to the fact he had real life concerns to attend to and therefore his deputy Fayth took over his functions. Fayth was still learning the ropes when she was igned to this job, and while some people may rightfully question her experience, I believe in "trials by fire". I believe in trying someone by making that person go through fire: if you make it, you're good. If you don't, maybe it's time to reconsider the options. I personally trained Fayth during this time and made her aware of all military mechanics eRevollution has; I dare to say that yesterday she was tested in all sorts of military knowledge, ping with distinction. As such I would like to congratulate her on her efforts to learn and try to do a competent job.
Arm America
Furthermore, I inform that we did two incursions with Arm America this past week. The first one had far more participants than the first one; we are looking toward more means to bring people into mive attacks and improve coordination. It is one of the key priorities for our military at the current moment.
Defensive Shield - Maginot Line
Some people raised concerns (yes, PRP, I am looking at you) regarding the expenses this program would entail. I dare to say that I have been solo funding this program myself and as soon as we have more news regarding the map, we may start placing Defensive Systems in key regions.
National Security Council - US Armed Forces (USAF)
We have worked out a structure for the USAF last month and now we have been working out the details on how this will work. At the current moment this is the document the National Security Council has in hand to discuss regarding how the Military Units will operate: https:///IGVG2c
Some other things were suggested, like a central website for the entire USAF as well as a centralized supplying system with various Quartermasters in order to make sure our men are supplied more often during the day. All suggestions and structural changes are still being evaluated and I expect to have documents regarding final structures and exact numbers in a matter of days.

Department of Technology

We have been mostly working on making a better design for the landing page and should the National Security Council approve, we may structure a page for the entire eUnited States Armed Forces.
Our Vice President Monkus and Former President The Mad Catter have also been working on Trello boards, these boards are to be expected to make public soon for every citizen to view exactly the goals and plans of our current government. Expect more updates regarding this department very soon.

Media and Radio

First of all I'd like to thank our Secretary of Media Orwell for his outstanding work so far; he has been providing valuable information to our country. I take the opportunity to thank Arith and dk3dknight for the weekly radio shows where a lot of things are discussed and where we all have some fun for a bit as well. I am a regular guest in these shows, and you may even hear the State of the Union I presented last week here:
As a last note, there is a more in depth show hosted by Biohaze and myself where I will be doing a political commentary (in situations where I'm not in office) or informing the lation regarding what is being done. To note that this is a more professional approach and will be delivered very soon. The name of the show will be "The Gettysburg Address".

Congressional Elections

There are a couple things I'd like to remark here:
First of all, I'd like to congratulate the Federalist Party for achieving once again a Congressional majority.
I'd like to congratulate the Independent Party for electing a representative, it is a historical moment for you all.
Finally I'd like to congratulate all members of Congress in their victory in this elections and in particular the First Lady Tanishq for achieving the highest number of votes.
I am sure you will all do your best for the good of our country and I certainly hope to see you all in the debates there will be to come. The hopes of our country are in me and you, so let us all do a good job!

This is all I have to say for now. You may all return to your regularly scheduled clicking!
Thank you and kind regards,

EmphosTricky DickUberlyuberno0bsailbotCommentaires (6)

First denied!


🙎No Ace, No Vote 🙅🙅
