Publier en Canada - Débâts politiques et analyses - 25 Aug 2016 12:15 - 3
Dragi gradjani eKanade zelim da vas obavjestim da je ova vlada potpisala NAP (sporazum o ne napadanju). I molim sve igrace koji postuju vladu da slusaju naredbe vlade. Detalje sporazuma mozete procitati na ovom linku
Ovom prilikom se jos jednom zahvaljujemo nasim saveznicima.
Igraci koji zele da koriste q5 bolnicu neka se presele u Prince Edward Island
Sutra ce biti jos jedan clanak o donacijama za pomenutu bolnicu
Dear citizens eCanada want to inform you that this government signed NAP ( agreement not attacking ) . I ask all players respect the government to obey orders of the government. Details of the agreement can be read at this link
This opportunity to once again thank our allies .
Players who wish to use the Q5 hospital a move to Prince Edward Island
Tomorrow will be another article on donations to named hospital
Ovom prilikom se jos jednom zahvaljujemo nasim saveznicima.
Igraci koji zele da koriste q5 bolnicu neka se presele u Prince Edward Island
Sutra ce biti jos jedan clanak o donacijama za pomenutu bolnicu
Dear citizens eCanada want to inform you that this government signed NAP ( agreement not attacking ) . I ask all players respect the government to obey orders of the government. Details of the agreement can be read at this link
This opportunity to once again thank our allies .
Players who wish to use the Q5 hospital a move to Prince Edward Island
Tomorrow will be another article on donations to named hospital
RsJack_Qurcika_Commentaires (3)