Publier en Serbia - Divertissement - 13 Sep 2016 01:16 - 9

Phantom986BISKVITEpolizesMI jajaSTROKAVABISKVITEpolizesMI jajaSTROKAVAXanderCommentaires (9)

In this case, only Serbs can hide from us. Brace yourselves, Macedonians will be drinking coffee in Belgrad in few days

I would say that as much as our southern bothers are wrong, so much our politicians created all this mess.
And calling them fyromians doesnt help. While its historical fact that they are not descends of ancient Macedon, they are still nation, new nation but today they stand independent , not as Serbs not as Bulgar s, but they are nation even tho less than 100y old.

Well done man great article

Уз ТРС одрасто ко ја, за МДП сада навија, пола бугар пола фајроман.

Orkane, pa ti si egipćanin sada, predstavnik makedonije u svom obraćanju je zaboravio da kaže šta mu je sve ponuđeno, da sedi čak na 2 stolice u 2 saveza, ali ne brini Invictus ne briše zemlje, tako da Makedonija neće biti obrisana.

Nece biti obrisana nego pripojena majci srbiji, a trenutno stanovnistvo cemo raseliti delom nazad u blgarsku, a deo na podrucje gde je nekad bila anticka sparta, kako bi mogli da pocnu da urlaju jas sum spartanec


sa kim ce sada MDP da potpisuje NAPove

Serbia behave like a scared pack right now in articles, shouts and everywhere trying to bring chaos, because its game over once again