Publier en Canada - Divertissement - 18 Sep 2016 17:11 - 5
First off, Hello World!
This is my first article in what I hope will become a long and fruitful career in journalism, and it saddens me to say that what made me start to write, was an established player begging for gold.
Yes, I know, pointing fingers won't fix anything with a particular user, except perhaps to embarr him/her into not doing it again, but I feel strongly enough that by staying silent on the issue, I am helping to propagate it's existence. Maybe, just maybe, if I write this article, and highlight how this behavior is NOT acceptable in eRevollution, or any online game for that matter, it will help prevent it from happening again. Herein are my arguments:
Yesterday (September 17th, 2016) I was contacted by Orion Pax, and here is a screenshot of the conversation:
Perhaps if he had been a new player, fresh into the world and didn't really know proper online-gaming etiquette, this would have been if not acceptable, at least understandable. Instead, as shown in the next screenshot (and you can look it up yourself), he is a very experienced player.
Now I realize that I'm coming off rather harsh against Mr (or Ms) Orion Pax, but I feel that a point needs to be made. Begging for gold is NOT acceptable, by ANYBODY, regardless of how experienced or inexperienced you are in the game. Even if in this case my gold would have been returned as agreed, there are bound to be seedier people on the fantastic world of the internet.
No, I'm not saying Orion Pax is one of them, but the only way to really find out is to be stung by one. It only takes one such experience in any online game to ruin your generous nature for good.
Now that I've beaten that horse to death, here is what I think a possible solution to this could be: A 'bank' of sorts, to which players could invest (give) money to, and players could loan (take) money from. Such a transaction would yield a % return, based on the repay time that the borrower would specify, similar to the banks in real life. The players who invest in the bank would have a risk free return on their gold, and the players that need the gold would have a reliable source for when they need it.

In order to prevent theft, players that can borrow would have to be over a certain level, or strength (already invested in the game) would be allowed to borrow, are not allowed to transfer the gold they borrow from the bank to another player, and if they do not have the gold to pay off the loan upon closure, all gold income would be automatically sent to the bank.

Complicated yes, but if such an institution were run by the government, they could set interest rates to help moderate or stimulate the economy, and make a profit themselves by either supplying the gold, or skimming a slim % off the top, up to their discretion.
Well! I hope that even if you disagree with what I have written, you can at least understand where I am coming from, and have something to think over!
I hope to hear from you all fine people in the comment section below, whether you disagree or agree!
This is my first article in what I hope will become a long and fruitful career in journalism, and it saddens me to say that what made me start to write, was an established player begging for gold.
Yes, I know, pointing fingers won't fix anything with a particular user, except perhaps to embarr him/her into not doing it again, but I feel strongly enough that by staying silent on the issue, I am helping to propagate it's existence. Maybe, just maybe, if I write this article, and highlight how this behavior is NOT acceptable in eRevollution, or any online game for that matter, it will help prevent it from happening again. Herein are my arguments:
Yesterday (September 17th, 2016) I was contacted by Orion Pax, and here is a screenshot of the conversation:

Perhaps if he had been a new player, fresh into the world and didn't really know proper online-gaming etiquette, this would have been if not acceptable, at least understandable. Instead, as shown in the next screenshot (and you can look it up yourself), he is a very experienced player.

Now I realize that I'm coming off rather harsh against Mr (or Ms) Orion Pax, but I feel that a point needs to be made. Begging for gold is NOT acceptable, by ANYBODY, regardless of how experienced or inexperienced you are in the game. Even if in this case my gold would have been returned as agreed, there are bound to be seedier people on the fantastic world of the internet.
No, I'm not saying Orion Pax is one of them, but the only way to really find out is to be stung by one. It only takes one such experience in any online game to ruin your generous nature for good.
Now that I've beaten that horse to death, here is what I think a possible solution to this could be: A 'bank' of sorts, to which players could invest (give) money to, and players could loan (take) money from. Such a transaction would yield a % return, based on the repay time that the borrower would specify, similar to the banks in real life. The players who invest in the bank would have a risk free return on their gold, and the players that need the gold would have a reliable source for when they need it.

In order to prevent theft, players that can borrow would have to be over a certain level, or strength (already invested in the game) would be allowed to borrow, are not allowed to transfer the gold they borrow from the bank to another player, and if they do not have the gold to pay off the loan upon closure, all gold income would be automatically sent to the bank.

Complicated yes, but if such an institution were run by the government, they could set interest rates to help moderate or stimulate the economy, and make a profit themselves by either supplying the gold, or skimming a slim % off the top, up to their discretion.
Well! I hope that even if you disagree with what I have written, you can at least understand where I am coming from, and have something to think over!
I hope to hear from you all fine people in the comment section below, whether you disagree or agree!
ItsColourWilfieEl ComegenteCommentaires (5)

o7 Orion Pax=Vaitape , has stole over 500g from Canada

A bank would be a good addition to a game like this, yet it would still be handled through a player s account, right? I ve seen banks, a stock exchange, and other investment schemes start up on other similar games but fall apart because the key manager (a single player) mishandled the funds.
A bank is still a great idea, so long as it is managed by someone very reliable. Of course, if the game administrators can help enforce any banking regulations set up by the government, then the idea would be even better.

Hello, I am new to game, please do you have gold for spare? vote for me

I m also accepting donations of gold