Publier en Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) - Ordres de batailles - 12 Oct 2016 06:03 - 17

BrlokotMihaTwisterAnthraXTopSecretATEHTATOPOTAnthraXKikobeAndon KyosetoCommentaires (17)

v c

Ево ти глас и ништа више хахахаха...


its actually MDP that won war vs serbia.. btw macedonian truth is that MKD has nothing to do with ancient Macedon.

Hahah TopSecret please take out your срањa from this article. This is just for humor even though I ve proven you dozens times that you have no f*kin clue of history

orkan, i understand you it sux to have no history, at least you think it sux yours, so you stealing greek... sad but that is truth, you are just ashamed of your ancestors. . All you did is just keep insulting me when i mention this, instead of trying to prove that you are right.. but people do that when they know they are wrong.

ne e do you sleep well nego do u sleep tight/peacfully

spavaš li dobro orkane 

Not really true if we look well. No one is sleeping. Is mutual help, or isnt it?

what is this bre HAHA

BTW... where is Serbia? 


This one was not funny

on every article i read the same butthurts trying to insult mkd so they can feel better, but in reality they`ll never feel better cuz deep down they know how much they suck

I don t understand 

Is it just me or this is like kids show level humour? Very very young kinds level? Im not even trolling... :/ its just sad