Publier en Hungary - Divertissement - 25 Oct 2016 14:21 - 93
Dear Citizens of eRevollution,
Mutual Defense Pact (MDP) alliance have come to an understanding regarding the current war that brought our countries to the battlefield. We hereby like to announce the details of agreement.
1- Hungary will not take any belligerent actions towards any member of Mutual Defense Pact (MDP) alliance, Austria and Slovakia such as Declaring war against the mentioned countries/alliances with the exception of the cases predicted in this document. Other countries mentioned likewise will not attack Hungary.
2- Mutual Defense Alliance, here represented by Turkey and Romania will release all Hungarian core regions.
3- Hungary cannot declare war on Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) and viceversa.
4- Hungary cannot fight against Romania in any Resistance War.
5- Hungary agrees in good faith to not fight through MPP and to not attack regions or support resistance wars against Turkey, except in the cases predicted in this document.
6- The agreement will be valid until day 319.
President of Hungary
President of Romania
President of Republic of Macedonia (FYROM).
President of Turkey
Supreme Commander of MDP
(will be signed in the comment section)
Kind Regards

Mutual Defense Pact (MDP) alliance have come to an understanding regarding the current war that brought our countries to the battlefield. We hereby like to announce the details of agreement.
1- Hungary will not take any belligerent actions towards any member of Mutual Defense Pact (MDP) alliance, Austria and Slovakia such as Declaring war against the mentioned countries/alliances with the exception of the cases predicted in this document. Other countries mentioned likewise will not attack Hungary.
2- Mutual Defense Alliance, here represented by Turkey and Romania will release all Hungarian core regions.
3- Hungary cannot declare war on Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) and viceversa.
4- Hungary cannot fight against Romania in any Resistance War.
5- Hungary agrees in good faith to not fight through MPP and to not attack regions or support resistance wars against Turkey, except in the cases predicted in this document.
6- The agreement will be valid until day 319.
President of Hungary
President of Romania
President of Republic of Macedonia (FYROM).
President of Turkey
Supreme Commander of MDP
(will be signed in the comment section)
Kind Regards

RothbartBattleHeroSandzakemrex421serdengectiGrey WindlmperiusNyx UlricSCAMno0bsailbotAlejandro MadridTheRedActorvibelxrdtakparCommentaires (93)


Signed, President of Hungary

Signed, President of Turkey

Signed, President of Romania


Signed by Supreme Commander of MDP

Oops, spilled some gulash on the document

Yup i expected that
gg wp Hungary... enjoy in dead game


and we just started to have fun 


No comment

lack of strategy made this situation. weak plan from germany

2nd time in a row, NAPgary running away from a fight that has just started. Country stripped of all dignity.

wise decision

Come on Hungary, fight at least a little bit more before you give up...

Most blames comes from countries which gave support close to zero to Huns. Every country have it s supreme right to decide alone for itself. Blames over that right bringed Bulgaria out of UNITY (one of main reasons for it, including by Huns), and many others too. Don t amake same mistake with Huns now. Independence is most important value for every country in the world. Even in a game!

Shut up traitor

Signed, President of Republic of Macedonia

Serbia will say now that Hungary are NAP NAP NAP 

i want to fight little bit more bro!

Other countries mentioned likewise will not attack Hungary.
Guess Austria should sign Aswell.
Signed o7

Jus7LeTHaL when i was in HQ of INVICTUS i made few great plans for alliance but Hungary didnt want to join. We was ready to strike hard and remove Turkey from Europe. They said: ,, my ppl dont want to start war, what if we lose? We had ready few strongest MU from Invictus to fight in RWs and all countrys to set prio on Hungary with that we need 2 days but nooo Hungary didnt want. And now after discont we have war? I dont know how ppl think that is smart move, i mean Turkey and all MDP countrys get a lot of gold from discont and now you want to attack them
This is really st*p*d move and i hope this alliance will be dead soon, cuz i cant watch this anymore

Lame -.- everyone should just sign NAP with MDP so this game ends sooner o/

Why not Signature of Presidents of Austria and Slovakia ? (:

well... its just a game after all 

Hungarian Lussies

grobovi vam oprostiti neće...


If you cared about Hungary like this before the NAP, I think things could be different.

KrstaVB dont make me publish screenshots from unity hq when serbs didnt give a fuck about Hungary being deleted for two months, they defended their italian bonuses instead. We dont want to be deleted in a dead alliance, cuz it happened once. So maybe there are some clowns who cal us NAPgary but we cant take em serious while we see them talking abt dignity in this game and changing nick and citizenship faster than eminem rapping.
Serbia has no honor, MDP is very right about this. Hungary should DoW Serbia, MPP Macedonia, and create an own alliance.

In the current war situation, when MDP owes the 70% of world population, at least 65% of the total damage and every country on the exInvictus side should face 2-3-4 fronts, we can only achieve something, if we are working as a real alliance. It is hard, but every country should sacrifice its own interrest for one other country s victory. Hungary did it two months ago. We were deleted for almost 2 weeks. After this, we fought hard every day for our allies. And now, when we started war again, what should we see? Almost every country in our alliance hit only in their own battles and we get in practice zero help. We dont ask for help in the last 2 months, but we help every day where the alliance needed. Now, we dont get nothing. I think, our leaders has made a good choise, when we wont sacrifice ourselves again for other countries, who wont help us when we need it.
Despite of this all, personally I will fight every day against MDP and other associates, because this unbalanced situation on the battlefields will kill the game soon.

hahahah cant attack slovakia

The clowns you are mentioning never abandoned its friends and allies, let alone two times 

FYROM sign?

And you are talking to who and abt what ?


Croatia will never forgive you hungarians for signing this shameful nap AGAIN, shame on you pussies and cowards
that is not nap it is surrender pffffffffff so you become servants of turkey shame on you 

szelemerke plz dont talk some s*u*id things. First in TRS when Turkey was first time deleted we wanted to destroey TRS and make balance with some new alliances. First Ukraine left TRS. Serbia wanted new alliance with Cro and we talked with Turkey and Greece then but that fail. Then we had new wars and Japan fight vs Ukraine. I remember that in alliance was said Sweden is going on Ukraine also we will have support from lithuania, Hungary go attack Ukraine cuz you dont have war and with that we will have EZ wins and you will get also resurses, new strategy positions...
Ofc Hungary didnt attack, Japan fail and left alliance. Then again like you have slow brain speed... you attack Ukraine when nobody asked you to attack and then make NAP and blame allinace... man its not our problem cuz you dont want to accept alliance plans and do something on your own way. Now you do the same...
You talk about Italy, i dont know who are you and are you active player but in past i told everyone: ,, Dont alow France to take Apulia ( Italiy) from Serbia that will now destroy only Serbia that will destroy ALLIANCE !!! Nobody listen and ofc that destroeyed us
Next when Turkey start war vs Ukraine ( when they come back in alliance) we said lets Serbia pass to Romania near Hungary and Ukraine border, your country said you will backtrap us
We wanted that border to save you and join in war vs Turkey but ofc nobody know that because ,, BLINDE PPL !!! Like nobody knew that Turkey want revenge on Hungary and Croatia
No honor ofc cuz we broke NAPs? hehe funny we broke 1 vs France on begin also France broke we us on begin and now this NAP witch was singed by Djurdjo myb is ok but we made impich and didnt accpet it, i saw log from Kinyas and reVokasi and there is no SINGED NAP, he didnt understud reVokasi...
Go play farmawille now with MDP o7
I am also happy cuz Szef is not here to see Hungary like this, he saved himself

Totally agree with Hungary. Serbia made this alliance to dead from the firstday. Kicking mkd and dow us. No other new countries in the alliance and thinking only about themselfs. 

name of this newspaper describes current situation perfectly

KrstaVB... Please don t... This is simple... We attacked turkey. You said: we have 2 milliard damage in firat war... You damaged cirka 10 millionen.. We lost first war... So maybe! Just maybe! if we earlier attacked turkey you damaged more... But the example is this, you hit 10 million.

Whiners: we, Invictus had made a plan to remove kebab from Europe. All of you also accepted this as primary goal. That is why we had attacked Turkey although we knew well a Vlachi attack would soon arrive upon us too. Indeed it did. What did not was the so-many-times-promised help from allies. So instead of sticking to the plan you had accepted you failed us miserably. Honestly, did you think you would just buy time while us being erased by MDP again? This summer we had been erased for weeks. Not again. My advice to any of you who would still seek an alliance with anyone: 1. If you make a plan stick to it. 2. If you do not then do not be surprised when your ally steps out of the situation you created for them. 3. Never EVER start blaming your ally for your failure to provide help.

o7 this statistics described current situation perfectly. Turkeys :damage %59. Allies damage : %49. Hungary damage: %87 Allies damage : %13.



yes Exxtravaganza, Turkey muppets are fighting for Turkey so what? They are muppets, they dont have bonuses, they lose bonuses because of turkey

7. hungary will not eat any cake during the NAP :p

haha, nap with mongols



Kinyas is thinking that he is important person



Bikkin i personally made few plans of removing Turkey from Europe and only your country didnt accept any plan
,, 1. If you make a plan stick to it. GG WP and plan for removing Turkey after discount is really baaad plan

@Krsta revokasi signed nap both discord and ingame. And he delete his sign from article when you decide to broke nap, but still we have screenshots. No country will trust ever to Serbia even if we disband MDP, nothing will change you will get deleted again and again with this attitude.

I saw SS from discore where in one way myb its look like he singed but he didnt... and dont know if you are looking for NAP we broke it cuz we didnt make MPP with Italy and that is before reVokasi singed NAP... thats NAPs are not for Serbia so my opinion is we didnt break any NAP... That is just the only way to say Serbia broke NAP keep them deleted forever MDP ( MAP) ...

@Krsta What do you expect as proof more? Do you want us to share revokasi s photo while swearing by pressing his hand to Bible 

In first picture from discore show us FULL picture not just this part because after that yes he say something more and he didnt singed NAP. In article how the f*** set singed with
? Bro plz.... also you all saw how Serbia get up and say NO when Djurdjo singed NAP and we start impich cuz that NAP so, bad argumments, personaly, for me.

Signed, secretary of acohol, distillery and related of Russia

fail Hungary

Signed, Russian minister of kgb and salt import from France

If you contining to thinking mdp members puppets of eTurkey. You lose everytime 

Hungary waged war against Turkey, Romania and Iran for 2-3 months, and was deleted FOUR times. We, along with our 700 population, fought against two world powers and Romania from MDP, at the same time, while you was defending apulia cuz it gives you BONUS. End of story, feel the Macedonian feet in your mouth, szarbia! abt the nap: revokasi deleted his comment saying -signed- only accidentally, eh ? who are you kidding, fail serbian ? Kosova is Albania, Vojvodina is Hungary, the rest is Croatia. HAIL Ustase! And dont forget to defend apulia well while your allies are deleted, fail servian Hajra Turan o7 

Shameful pact Hungary. You don t even prepared DS for this war, why you now crying about help of allies. What did you expect that they will defend you on both fronts with countries what have everything secured?You surrender after not event week of fight o/

I dont give a f*** about Apulia, we didnt need that resurs at all, in that time Bulgaria and FYROM had wars vs Greece and Turkey and they keep winning and i said: ,, Guyz if France take Apulia then will join in war vs FYROM and we will all fail Everybody just say LOL dont be funny Krsta... And thats it, Apulia lost, France start DW on FYROM and that same FYROM go to them and Greece to ask for NAP. Bulgaria lost 5 Q5 DS and thats it... Proble is that nobody watch map and take care on strategy regions and cuz of that UNITY fail...
If you think you can provocate me with Kosovo is Albania , Vojvodina Hungary or Croatia you cant i also dont give a f*** about that
And belive me you cant know more then me cuz i am too much active and i am active from begin of this game and i know everything!!!
Enjoy the game, gl in future o7

HUN s go in mdp and be free forever

Κick from MPD Discord Server? --- NO SUB, NO VOTE!

@Giovinco69 get your facts straight big-mouth-no-brain. We kept laying Defense Systems until we ran out of them waiting for allies help in vain. This summer fought for weeks and got deleted many times for weeks for believing our so-called allies lies about imminent help that we never received from anyone but Croatia. Now you promised unconditional help again against Turkey and guess what? This time not even Croatian help arrived. I do not blame them, however, as they are not among the strongest of ours and got multiple fronts. I blame our big guns instead, Germany and Serbia who kept minding their own business only while we were prepared again to be slayed. You promised help - gave nothing, lied straight faced into our Presidents face for a full week - and now expect us to keep fighting? For you?? What the hell did you expect anyway from a country of a couple of hundred characters? Fighting on our own against the most powerful country of r-world aided by a midweight member of the enemy alliance forever? Please choose to be either arrogant or ignorant but stop being ultimate douchebags.

its fun to read comment page.. 

Bikkin it was you that you had no wars for weeks and should be stocking not Cro, Ger, Srb that was fighting all the time. It was you that you did not participate battles cause you had NAP... Long text to say nothing.

Kinyas good job o/

@Bikkin how you expected big help from Serbia when we are practically deleted for month now and if we lose this one region that we hold all MPPs are dead and even this little dmg that we have for allies would disappear. On the other hand you were also keeping your golds for discounts wile Serbia was deleted all that time and we now have bankrupt country with no resources and no taxes and you were still expecting some great help from us which was simply unattainable. And also Hungary was giving help to alias (not that great as i think you could but still good help) but you didnt have your own wars to fight, you were secured and i believe after those discounts in very good shape financially and very well equipped with arms. That been said i hope that we would not become enemies and could again be allies. As for szelemerke i am concerned he is not hungarian he belongs to nation called idiots and sad thing is every country have some of those so called people. Good luck in future.

@ktab exactly, we were fighting for our allies for two months. Do not lie! Our former NAP did not forbid us to fight through MPP so we did. And when the time has come to repay it, what we got? Nothing! Even though the plan, - alliance plan not just Hungarys plan - was to remove kebab with all our alliances might, thus giving Hungary 1:1 against the Vlachi, thus relieving Serbia and Croatia in their own wars. Instead, they being already much more powerful than us, in addition they received much more help from their own allies, obliterating us all. In less than a week we came close to erasure again. And we ran our of our hard-earned own supplies in a week. I myself spent most of my supplies in the very first battle - in vain, expecting allies help that never arrived. Our former CP spent 10k Q5 helis in that battle - again for vain, because nobody fought for our side.
I personally did not and do not wish to become cannon fodder for Germany; being in an alliance with you - or with those Serbians who promised 2 billion damage in our first two battles and then gave less than 200 million! I alone hit much more than that!
@rad88 I do not blame you personally, and not most of your fellow r-Serbians. You are nice guys and mostly are good allies, too. I blame your leaders instead, especially phantom986 and his ilk for giving us the bait of help and then decieving us immediately. Nor do I blame Croatia being MUCH weaker than you who were facing many fronts. Most of my blame goes to Germany, rightfully. Now when the fronts have arrived upon them they play offended. Keep going Germany, this way you ll lose all of your allies, even those whom you still have.
Anyway, you are right in your final conclusion: we definitely should not say goodbye kicking each other in the balls. So I am finished with this topic about our NAP.