Publier en Turkey - Débâts politiques et analyses - 11 Nov 2016 08:39 - 98
Yesterday you have witnessed the reaction of Turkish community, regarding a player who have no respect towards any value.
We ofcourse are mad at what he did but what brought issue to this point is attitude of management of this game.
Right after those articles and shouts, we reported those contents properly. First one of them is deleted but no one took an action against that player. He insulted whole nation all day long and all moderators-admins just watched the event. Later, I personally sent an email to admins and explained the sensitivity of situation. They chosed to ignore us, instead of interfering and finding a proper solution. I am sure that, If that player would have banned right after first action for few hours, everything and everyone would calm down but no, they chosed to ignore it.
They did not only ignore it, but they also made fun with our community. The so-called game moderator, ST0L3N replied tickets of our citizens by making fun and saying -he regrets of those action so what else to do?- I can tell you what else to do. The person who is sorry of what he did would not repeat it tens of times. After his first article removed, he kept insulting us in every possible way; articles, shouts and even with his avatar. If one is not capable of fulfilling the duty due to no matter what reason, he should just leave it. This is proper thing to do.
So, around 13 erev time we have discussed about what to do about incapability of management and decided to show our reaction in every possible way. We have demanded proper action towards that player but instead of -at least- trying to understand why are we mad, they kept ignoring. Later, people just gave up and at that point we did not care about what is going to happen so published articles with beautiful drawning that explain the situation very well. It caused many of our players -me included- banned and still, instead of trying to aproach us, they threaten us with banhammer, like we care.
We understand that admin team may show more tolerant to their citizens. We have witnessed that even game moderators are insulting our country in Discord. However, we should remind you that Turkish players consist quite important percentage of this community and we are also important contributor of this game. Or should I say we used to? I see that our citizens, my friends are already publishing articles to leave the game. The aim of this article is not threatening, not even close. I am just explaining the situation and what is going to happen. So, to the management of this game; If you are happy with the way this game is heading to, enjoy it with those toxic players, without us.
I would also like to personally apologize from Serbians and Croatians for what happened in their Discord servers last night. We have been informed that Croatian player, Mojo and few more along with him are insulting our representives in those channels so we had to give him a lesson. I am sure you can understand it, considering the situation.
Kind Regards,
Yesterday you have witnessed the reaction of Turkish community, regarding a player who have no respect towards any value.
We ofcourse are mad at what he did but what brought issue to this point is attitude of management of this game.
Right after those articles and shouts, we reported those contents properly. First one of them is deleted but no one took an action against that player. He insulted whole nation all day long and all moderators-admins just watched the event. Later, I personally sent an email to admins and explained the sensitivity of situation. They chosed to ignore us, instead of interfering and finding a proper solution. I am sure that, If that player would have banned right after first action for few hours, everything and everyone would calm down but no, they chosed to ignore it.
They did not only ignore it, but they also made fun with our community. The so-called game moderator, ST0L3N replied tickets of our citizens by making fun and saying -he regrets of those action so what else to do?- I can tell you what else to do. The person who is sorry of what he did would not repeat it tens of times. After his first article removed, he kept insulting us in every possible way; articles, shouts and even with his avatar. If one is not capable of fulfilling the duty due to no matter what reason, he should just leave it. This is proper thing to do.
So, around 13 erev time we have discussed about what to do about incapability of management and decided to show our reaction in every possible way. We have demanded proper action towards that player but instead of -at least- trying to understand why are we mad, they kept ignoring. Later, people just gave up and at that point we did not care about what is going to happen so published articles with beautiful drawning that explain the situation very well. It caused many of our players -me included- banned and still, instead of trying to aproach us, they threaten us with banhammer, like we care.
We understand that admin team may show more tolerant to their citizens. We have witnessed that even game moderators are insulting our country in Discord. However, we should remind you that Turkish players consist quite important percentage of this community and we are also important contributor of this game. Or should I say we used to? I see that our citizens, my friends are already publishing articles to leave the game. The aim of this article is not threatening, not even close. I am just explaining the situation and what is going to happen. So, to the management of this game; If you are happy with the way this game is heading to, enjoy it with those toxic players, without us.
I would also like to personally apologize from Serbians and Croatians for what happened in their Discord servers last night. We have been informed that Croatian player, Mojo and few more along with him are insulting our representives in those channels so we had to give him a lesson. I am sure you can understand it, considering the situation.
Kind Regards,
BattleHeroKinyasin Patates CipsiPermanently bannedSilent ScreamAurielGovernadorLotrerNocturnoxDoomtouchableGeorge BestOruzmekDepegenserdengectiSantiago 45TRmanIzualMeTaRoRBarbarosno0bsailbotsipinaosmanlitokadiCimenBatuzepharjanATEHTATOPOTBaby JesussevenJoanidArbustmavidoritosCommentaires (98)




None cares, drama queens.


Your pipl leaving the game,
dont srač tu mač



its a pitty. now crytians and serbs are very happy for turkish leaving the game. this way they are winning in battles. Too bad, too bad. Dont care about the battles, do not destroy the community

thanks for the lesson 





if you leave the game then send me gold pls





too long couldnt read ZzZzZ



it was fun while it lasted

#RemoveRulesPage in game because admins don t need this

you are silly guys really, do you think that anyone cares about you and your complex? really come on, you think that erev is your game, but i ll say it loud ITS NOT YOUR GAME, and you are gonna listen that mods and admins like we others do. If you don t want that leave the game it s simple. You are talking about some insults about someone, and like all know, they just said the truth and you acted cowardly and started reporting and crying via overall wall. My opinion is that your nation thinks that all of you are mighty and that you can do whatever you want. Your guys also insulted us but we didn t started crying like you. SPLIT RL AND GAME PLEASE! Or just leave it! 

Swears personally can be punished as tempa ban but if a person dare to insult whole country it should have been permanent ban. Ok everyone would forgive him if he already made once but as everyone saw he doesnt stop doing same things.
This article is not about politics, not about any ingame activity. This is explanation about insulting Whole turks no matter whereever they are.
Other players, For one time stop trolling and think about yourself. No matter what you re thinking about your country. No matter where you live. If no one feels shame about what demiurge did. You have not personality on your own.


This all could have passed without the spam and threats. Not to mention giving credits to trolls, by not ignoring them and going to their level you just fuel more and more fire.
Glad to see this settled down and that you apologized in the names of few who were out of control.

No one insult you like your insults. If we can make analysis about tempban most of is in your side 


Dün ortalık karışmış bugün olayı detaylı olmasa da biraz anlıyorum tüm vatandaşlardan dün aranızda olamamaktan ötürü özrü bir borç bilirim o7




Keep RL of this game


Actually Exxtravaganza, there were some Tr guys last night insulting Serbs with some RL things from our past, but i supose it was ok...
You cant ask for justice and respect from other members of community if you gonna act same like those who you fought against.


action and reaction 


Or maybe hypocrisy?

Sorry but i have a question about discord .... is discord connected to the game ? I mean , if someone insults me in discord can the admins of the game ban him ? Or the insult must be in game in order admins can take care of him ?

@El Tarlo, this game has a forum and nothing else. If someone insults in Discord, IRC etc. admins can t do anything.

that is one powerful troll to make all you Turks quit, he is my new troll GOD


If you are happy with the way this game is heading to, enjoy it with those toxic players, without us. - we are, we all are, just go away and you wont be missed. If not, stop crying cause nobody cares about your cries.


If it is not illegal to troll all day long I think I will do the same thing.
I will troll Jesus on christmas.
I will troll any national or religional figure in an important national/religional day.
I see, this is the community admidiots and modrons want and I will help them have it. Because they simply give us no other way.


@Nyx Ulric then dont mind when i make a cartoon of Mohammad lol

So now u care about rl kinyas?
I sup turkish community in that cause...but u were ok when i was mad with bulgarian cp Remember?


There was lots of insults from turkish players as well, yet not one of you mention that ether.. maybe that is reason why some of guys have trolled you after turkish players started insulting others?? I have 3 worlds for you , you might not know about that as they are against low in turkey : FREEDOM OF SPEACH!! Enjoy game and let admins to do job

Please turks leave game theres already 6k of your bots here so give us others chance to play game normally without botting and this kind of crying.
Ps. When turks tease serbs with kosovo its fine right?

So for example if i report synhro for having 59 multies and already made 3492gold the moderators answer will be - he regrets of those action so what else to do? Well how about a ban?




This is not crying our game mates. This is called raising voice, standing against the unfair management.. You would feel what we feel if someone insulted your personal/national values. Otherwise just talking and saying dont cry is really easy. Please some empathy...

Actually, this is an interesting case. Players should start to think about Union of players in the game. This game doesn t belong only to admins - owners. This game also belong to every player here. It is about the time, to get some rights for players community. At least, players community should have right to choose at least one moderator, and have a representative in the council of owners, with right to give VETO on some decisions. This will be an enormous contribution to the game also, because admins will show that they respect players. At the other side, players will be more interested for the game, because their voice will become important.

Levi +1

Turks are the true crybabies. They can provoke in groups and not give a damn about it, yet, when somebody provokes them they re all losing it. Demiurge hardly even insulted you, he provoked and made fun out of you he is good in it, no doubt.
Take the insults just as every other community on this game. Serbs were getting provoked about getting bombed in 1999, Operation STORM by Croats ( in which there are lotta Serbian casualties ), being a Pasaluk... and what not. Macedonians getting provoked about FYROM, who gives a damn? If you would simply ignore Demiurge s provoking hardly someone would know that such thing happened, but you did the opposite. All of you outraged, made Demiurge famous, got yourself all banned and now you appear with such crying articles...... smh

When admins banned ukrainian, croatian or any other gamers, turkish only laughed. Its your reward, leave the game, come on.

drama queens

Anybody gone jet?


@osmanlitokadi and please tell me did you laugh when turks insulted whole serbian nations talking some nonsense? Why you didnt commented then, please stop it or requesting ban? Because you can do it and when someone do it to you you cry, please i am so pissed of because of this! Turks can insult anyone, but none can insult them and when someone insult them its racist speech or smth like that. You are not fair guys so stop crying or leave game!!!!!



Demiurge se la come atravesada y con mayo

+10 y agg tmr

Cry me a rive, baby!

@hander please give me even one example that Turks insulted and laughed for national symbols and values? This is very important for us, even yours. What you mean is just in the game issues. Not about real life issues. Whole turkish community always keep silent even your kebab joke. This is also an insult to a nation about real life. Your re just talking about nonsence here without getting aware of which insult is about out the game issues. None of the turks talked about real life issues of like how emperor powers ficked serbians down from holy yugoslavia to serbia and montenegro. I wish you differentiate out the game related insults and in the game related jokes.

Stop crying and seeking for attention, we know you wont leave the game.

Maybe someone insult kemal etc.
So what? I mean i know it is important person to you but because someone believe something different, you asked the admins to ban him?
Look i don t support the other guys who said what he said. I didn t read it to be honest. However it s his opinion, if he doesn t troll. Freedom of speech and stuff like that. It wasn t something official so what s the problem?
@osmanlitokadi Don t be so sure..noone? How do you know? How even know if something is insulting for someone else? 

@NoJob then please give us examples with clues, then we warn him/her, do smt abou it... Possibility is in everywhere. Dont talk about the other possibilities without offering example

Think twice master altair croatia has 1.1 k 1 str players
it means 1.1k multi or bot

You can write whatever you want and paint picture like you want it however fact will remain a fact. This is a game and if you or anyone actually think that me or any moderator owe you anything you are dam wrong. I did what any MOD should have done and i stand what i said (which you are painting all wrong). My all reply contain the proper wording which is this -- So cut this crap and start acting like a mature.

Lol, special snowflakes. You would like your safe space where nobody can insult you in any way, shape or form, don t you?
You probably never heard of the concept known as FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Try searching it online.
PS: I have no idea who insulted you nor how, and I absolutely don t care since it s irrelevant.

This is a game. If you can t understand that simple fact then maybe you re better off logging out and staying away from all of them.

No boobs - no vote!

Game will be better without you

This game is already dead, so... small animals leave the sinking ship first I guess... 

Hello, I m new and I m hoping we can be friends.

we should ask mr. Trump what to do and how to handle turks