Publier en Georgia - Débâts politiques et analyses - 28 Dec 2016 14:43 - 71
tonight was epic battle Russia and his allies against Georgian Empire
at first i must congrats Russia , was really nice battle o7

but during this battle i sow some hungarians in battlefild for example : FreeDadado
firstlook he is only one player
but he is a capitan MU : Magyar Sasok Hun Eagles and Minister of Defense of Hungary .

you must see this N.A.P agreement too :

Hungary broke non aggression pact (N.A.P)
i waiting reaction of Vae Victis (V.V)
SonsOfAnarchyZE BUNDAsalamandra123Captain HarlockCommentaires (71)

ბ0ზ3ბ111111 არიან ბოზ3ბ1111

War is continue...

War is continue o7

War, war never changes, war is continue

I m sorry bro but #WAR IS CONTINUE 

mum mum this guy is bulling me 


War is continue

War is continue war must continue

winter is comming

1, Hungary has broken nothing rules.
2, I can t decide what is more true about Georgia: Fake/Multi empire or Crying empire 

Hungary, we have problems with you, but not at all #WAR IS CONTINUE 



war da amowydit ert dges tkven

@FreeDadado So... time to take Georgia?
. If is yes count with my :3

idióták vagytok mind
kezetek belelóg a bilibe.....

But this isn t a fight agains VV!, they only figth for they ally Russia!

@Shadow Fire they already tried it, but we know about result

Shirogane pls read N.A.P

Who Broke NAP he has not HONOR!!! That is all

War is continue o7

@Ggecifejudawe its easy to insult people by internet right? You worm

Yellow in Budapest!

Hungary has not been a reliable country. NOT MORE N.A.P.

Mafia nap

Shemogiaret zalashi

i waiting reaction of Vae Victis (V.V) hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
momy momy they take my looooolipop

Liars! Cry me a river!

If you think well, this RW was started before NAP agreement, so you can t oblige Hungary to respect your agreement for war already in process where they have probably already say they will help
. So no NAP broken ! Just word respected for an ally 

dagajvit ungrul sarecelze

+1 Carapicho 

@Carapicho That only applie if you are a VISA CP MOD player, if not, them is broken N.A.P, them war, war war :v

Np.War is continue o7

Dear georgians. I see hard to understand. Cannot agree you losed heh.
Now I explain to you whats happened, I help to you understand things.
1. Hungarians cannot make RW against VV countries. We did not, not hungarian started that RW.
2. Hungary cannot help in attacks against VV countries. That was a war in Kaliningrad what is original russian region, so there is no attacking.
3.Russia is our ally. We had mpp before they are wiped. I hope you know, when a country will be wiped, all mpp gone. But ally is not deleted.
Example Georgia is a VV country? If Georgia will be wiped, there is no VV country anymore?
So please... I hope now u are in light. I hope I helped a lot to you make it clear.
I know your angry now because you lost the battle, but please, keep playing fair dont forget this is just a game. If georgian government have a problem with us, follow the official way. Talk to me as PM or on discords (#0111 Baby Jesus)
But that was the last time when I posted on any childrish article like this what is just try to blame and harassing.
Regards to you.

War is continue!

Response of VV on Gregorian crying

I do not see any violation of The Nap. It is funny to see that point where HELPING IN ATTACK is misunderstood with HELPING IN FREEDOM WAR

where is ,Hungary cannot help in RW against VV, in the NAP ?

What you are expecting from Gurgians, they cant speak English proper, to understand something written in english is same as France leave MDP/VV. Not gonna happen

well, I expected an article about a new IRL meeting that might have been held somewhere in Gurgia 

HungarianS, plural :v

No NAP was broken, war is continue

LOL, guys this is seriusly? There is in the NAP like you said: Hun can only help deffending his allies, and what was that¿? Lmao guys.

War is continue o7

Pathetic noobs.

mogityant war is continue aiegreeeeeeee

Everyone is responsible for his own actions. Did anyone from Hungary try to apologise? If they and their so called friends are sure that this dilemma need to be resolved on the battlefield, let s do it! Hungary is listen advices of the wrong people, so this country will have similar fate. No more N.A.P. +1

Hungary is listen is similar syntax like war is continue I guess hahahaha

@levi, I think that Germany (especially PANZER MU) is to be blamed for Hungary shooting in that RW, especially Peaky Blinder and his multi Agoria (those crying babies from Germany) who are corrupted and lead Germany to deletion.

Clown Blinder

all world knows who doesn t have honor people who swore that they leave and they are still here and hungry didn t break any nap defending allies is valid in this agreement

CP cant forbid citizens to fight. Maybe they are Georgians who got CS of Hungary to provoke war?

Lord of Gerogia, all you have showed here is that you dont speak english. In that NAP that you quoted, especially this 2 things that you highlighted is not implying in any way that Hungary canot fight for their allies if they are defending them selfs. So sorry mate, Hungary didnt break any NAP there, its your english playing tricks on you o7

Hungary can help only defending his ally
Nothing more to say o7

Friends? What friends? Those who helps in a few battles, but when it comes to fight a crucial battles they turn their back and spend own damage in some other, unimportant battles? Grow up, it is not a game for little children ;-) nobody will take care here about crying little children. Hungary abandon their interest and goes to the battle for some fake Russian, Admins favourite... So, consequences are coming. And for an eternal cruying players here, if you left your country and ask another country to accept you, don t act as a representative of the old country. Doesn t matter if your multi accounts are members of the Government of your old country. Your main account is now a part of the your new country and try to behave like that. Even if you play such a games several years and have a special interest in them, as a worker, you still have a lot to learn.

davai davushvat ungrets

Why dont you guys do something? instead of trying that VV do the dirty work for you?

fail empire

Where was strong turkey with kinyass

Where was strong turkey with kinyass

lalalala :V, war btw visas ( the people who are in russia ) with hungary vs georgia :V. Time to wiped a false empire :V

Meeh georgia cries again. Poor kittys
even babyboom doesnt make you a normal. Remember the day you broke nap with iran then speak about honour

yes Pistol Pete

War is continue ahahahahhahahhahahhahahahjahahhaha VERY BEST ENGLAND MY FRIENDS

Casus Beli - very bad indeed.

sjobs monobashi dadidkacebuls tavisuflebis dzebnashi mkvdari merqvas