Publier en Germany - Débâts politiques et analyses - 03 Jan 2017 23:26 - 23
I will keep this short
players who have talked to me in discord and Germany know that I like to talk a lot but in game I dont see a need to do that cause it is useless
1.biskvit is a player beside being an admin and he can express his opinion as a player and shoot where he wants like any other normal player and he has done nothing more that
2 first and last time I have talked to Kynias who I can ume if not your leader at least representative of most of mdp he has said it is not players job to make change in game it is admins job I can prove that with screen shot but I think it is not appropriate to put screen shots of private or public talks of discord in game articles
3 I have never reacted to game changes made by admins just only for trolling my experience in many online browser games I have played more than 30 online game of any kind proved me that admins never change their decision about anything that's an unwritten rule their game their rules simple
4 lets ume all countries opposing mdp sign nap which only Germany Russia Greece and Croatia are remaining and live with one region so what will be point of playing game many of players of other countries are inactive aka 2 clicks or has left game or they are talking about leaving game but not in public threatening admins and other players and they are leaving silently
5 and it is right in all game there are winners and losers and now you have won the game so what is your plan for the future of the game continue this way and military module will die and we will all play sim city?? it is the way you like the game??
6 do you have the courage to change anything in game I guess not this is not a game for having fun for many of you it is a way to satisfy your ego put aside your ego and make a real change now mainataining an alliance for more than 9 months and only changing its name with the reason we are friends and we have seen your friendship towards Greece and Paraguay and Mexico kicking out Greece for the reason that just in some battle some players of Greece fought in Germany side and punishing whole nation for that is a lame excuse that only your side can buy it so why dont you kick out Georgia when their players changes cs and fought against mdp in Ukraine well because everyone knows mdp needs Georgia and you dont need Greece simple well kicking out your founder from your HQ is another story
players who have talked to me in discord and Germany know that I like to talk a lot but in game I dont see a need to do that cause it is useless
1.biskvit is a player beside being an admin and he can express his opinion as a player and shoot where he wants like any other normal player and he has done nothing more that
2 first and last time I have talked to Kynias who I can ume if not your leader at least representative of most of mdp he has said it is not players job to make change in game it is admins job I can prove that with screen shot but I think it is not appropriate to put screen shots of private or public talks of discord in game articles
3 I have never reacted to game changes made by admins just only for trolling my experience in many online browser games I have played more than 30 online game of any kind proved me that admins never change their decision about anything that's an unwritten rule their game their rules simple
4 lets ume all countries opposing mdp sign nap which only Germany Russia Greece and Croatia are remaining and live with one region so what will be point of playing game many of players of other countries are inactive aka 2 clicks or has left game or they are talking about leaving game but not in public threatening admins and other players and they are leaving silently
5 and it is right in all game there are winners and losers and now you have won the game so what is your plan for the future of the game continue this way and military module will die and we will all play sim city?? it is the way you like the game??
6 do you have the courage to change anything in game I guess not this is not a game for having fun for many of you it is a way to satisfy your ego put aside your ego and make a real change now mainataining an alliance for more than 9 months and only changing its name with the reason we are friends and we have seen your friendship towards Greece and Paraguay and Mexico kicking out Greece for the reason that just in some battle some players of Greece fought in Germany side and punishing whole nation for that is a lame excuse that only your side can buy it so why dont you kick out Georgia when their players changes cs and fought against mdp in Ukraine well because everyone knows mdp needs Georgia and you dont need Greece simple well kicking out your founder from your HQ is another story
B A T A S H AT O R E T T OPeakyAncestralTovarDanteCommentaires (23)

where is short ?

About #2 of your article, yes it is not job of players to keep balance or make game more appealing in several aspects. It is job of admins. Yet they can do that by implementing new ideas, not lobbying against countries, directly fighting against countries or letting so called bugs (ie 2 RW) help our opponents. About #6, it is pure propaganda so no need to answer that. I wish you could understand by now that such things do not work to create mess inside us, spend your energy into something else. Regards

As I said in the other article, full of errors accusing admin biskvit. Sekulla is main admin for example. However I suggest admins check the IP adress that attempted to hack me because after some investigation i noticed it belonged to Turk Telekom A.S.. And the attempt was on every service i run on that computer for almost an hour.
The server was not a normal server, it was running botnet with a lot of computers that can take down eRev even. So I would be more concerned about this guy i even gave you IP address to that is the botmaster in turkey running not only game-bots but have enough computers to crash the site.

@kynias I dont like propaganda and I dont mean to create mess inside of you problem is that you see anything as propaganda and someone trying to create a mess inside of you
I m just waiting everyday for 00:00 erev time these days

I understand your point and partly agree with you. But you must admit that this not the right way.

2nd time @Kynias please tell me which part of #6 was a lie?? propaganda is mostly based on lies if you prove me that any words of #6 is a lie I will sell all my properties donate them to your country of choice and will ask for ban of my account 

point is my brother that when citizen fight s against ally, that country is responsible for his action s which citizenship he have and Georgia did not fought against ally s and when someone changes a citizenship he receives order s from new country not previous one. let lake your example you are from iran right? you had iran citizenship but you went in germany and fight against iran s ally s such as turkey for example. does anyone make angry on iran that he fight s against ally s ? no because you have now other citizenship and you are not iranian any more. it s too simple bro you just need to use your brain when speaking georgia fight s against ally s

@Kaveh, congress of Greece refused to declare Germany as NE while they are member of MDP. After that, -not some player as you claimed-, their COUNTRY PRESIDENT with his army tanked hard for Germany. As you can see, there are actions against will of alliance both from congress and official country management. So it is clear that they made their choice and we wished them good luck. About Mexico and Paraguay, they are completely another story and you really should know Spanish and Porteguese well -I almost learned them thanks to these issues lol- to understand whole point. I still see Mexico as ally though, what happened in Paraguay was just unexperienced and troll management. I hope they will get back to track again, before it cross the line way too much. Lastly, we do not need your gold Kaveh thanks for your kidness. Donate them to Germany, they will need it.

@Giga I m still Iranian if they will really need my help I will help them with all my power but I ve been in germany since 9 months ago this community has helped me a lot to grow my honor doesnt allow me to leave them alone even if I m not a really big help also we have players from other countries who are helping Germany and they dont take orders from citizenship countries hiding behind citizenship change at best is being a coward who doesnt have enough corugae to help his friend fearing wrath of his other stronger friends and it is your problem you didnt want to sign a mmp and help them in open @Kynias please write an article and tell whole of us what right way is not as answer to me

@kynias you still punished a nation for actions of some players even if he is CP of that country and they were your old allies from the start at best you werent tolerant towards your friends about Mexico and Paraguay please enlighten me 

anyways I worked and trained will answer you later night o/

can holy man Kynias explain me how for 2nd time game did wrong for Germany. Fisrt time iranians open 2nd RW, I sent ticket to close their RW since I opened first, your mod CAKIMK received ticket and did nothing. Last night Germany DoW Iran, after 15 sec Iran Dow Germany and there is still their DoW. I really cant understand Turkey in that mother of crying article. 30 players from Germany can make VV cry. What will do if we gain another 30 players today. I suppose Turkey community will leave game.

Kinyas is right. These despicable Greeks did not even *hail macedonia* at feeds. Not only that, but they complained and reacted on continous mpps with skopia. Traitors.

and that is wrong caveh when your ally s from rumania and in portugal are fighting against us it should break our relationship
but unfortunately for you we all know why they do that
this country s just made a mistake to receive them

@Giga we all know why you went to Ukraine and helped them but you didnt have courage to do that openly that s the point also tp is better that tl anyways nothing will ruin your relations I dont doubt it until they need you I m just not naive enough to believe these stories of brotherhood and friendship

Kaveh bro you know that we are under attack by admins why u compain things like this

@tsilo battle hero is also mod and is shooting us :/ and when you got granite you felt you are under attack??? :/

Peaky Blinder, learn the game before starting to cry. Two countries can DW each others at the same time. If Germany DWed first, Germany will have initiative to attack. There is nothing wrong with that. About RW bug, we do not accuse you anyway, we accuse management.

well I m sorry I shouldn t have written #6 it ruined whole concept of article it seems :/ and now after all these comments I cant edit it

bla bla bla kinyass


@Kinyas, You dont see me crying, I just repeating same thing over and over again about RW, and you specifically said that Germany is helped by admins because of that 2 rw, I learn who is buying accounts and playing against rules ( Turkey) that is enough for me, for rest I have you to teach me , ohhh great Kinyas 

Troll management of Paraguay or Troll management of Kinyas land or TROLLS MUSTACHE management of Paraguay?.