Publier en Hungary - Analyses financières - 22 Jan 2017 09:42 - 7
Greetings for all RL foreign players in eHungary!
My name is Jaca, I will be your administrator.
1. The loans:
Everyone can get golds for company upgrades, It doesn't matter that you asked it during an 'action' period or not. The method looks like this:
You write me a messeage and tell that which company will you want to upgrade and how much gold will you need to upgrade it. After that I will send you the money. If you will get loan (or already have) you have to pay back 10% of it in every 1st, 11th and 21st day of each month. It means that you can pay it back within 3 months. If you want to do the repayment earlier, you can also do this. Here's a table with the current loans and repayments: loans
Please send back the golds as soon as possible, because we can give you more from that money to the other foreigners.
2. The company upgrade tax return
Some of you told me that they didn't get back the golds after the company upgrades. So now I tell you the method of this:
-You make a print screen about the current daily tax revenue (Community/My Country/Economy)
-You make a print screen about the factory which you want to upgrade (Including with your name, you can cover your 'wallet' and the other companies)
-You upgrade the company and make a print screen with the upgraded company (the rules are the same like the 2nd point)
-You make a print screen about the current daily tax revenue again
-After all you send me these print screen-s and I will return you the 10% of the company upgrading costs within 24 hours.
If you need help how to make a print screen, send me a letter and I will help you.
If you already have a loan and upgrade your company, the ammount will be reducted from the loan (I also need Print Screens in that case).
Please don't forget that we cannot pay back 10% after a training ground upgrade, after a strategic building buying/upgrade and after a storage buying ((the countries will not get golds after those). If you'll buuild a new company, you will also can get back back the 10% of the building cost.
3. Party
The RL foreigners are already have a military unit which is called Hunnic Horde. Now we are planning to create a Party for them. Here they can get every information and help quickly, have a place to know each other much more and have a chance to send a member to our Congress (the last part is still under discuss). I will inform everyone when we are ready with that.
If you have any kind of questions, please ask me, I promise that I will try to answer for everything, and I will support and help you all until I will playing this game. I really wants to help you and build a good cooperation within our RL nations.
Sorry for my bad English, it's not perfect yet, but this game will help me to improve my English ;)
Here's some good modern Hungarian music for you: Bakterházszétdurrantós
My name is Jaca, I will be your administrator.
1. The loans:
Everyone can get golds for company upgrades, It doesn't matter that you asked it during an 'action' period or not. The method looks like this:
You write me a messeage and tell that which company will you want to upgrade and how much gold will you need to upgrade it. After that I will send you the money. If you will get loan (or already have) you have to pay back 10% of it in every 1st, 11th and 21st day of each month. It means that you can pay it back within 3 months. If you want to do the repayment earlier, you can also do this. Here's a table with the current loans and repayments: loans
Please send back the golds as soon as possible, because we can give you more from that money to the other foreigners.
2. The company upgrade tax return
Some of you told me that they didn't get back the golds after the company upgrades. So now I tell you the method of this:
-You make a print screen about the current daily tax revenue (Community/My Country/Economy)
-You make a print screen about the factory which you want to upgrade (Including with your name, you can cover your 'wallet' and the other companies)
-You upgrade the company and make a print screen with the upgraded company (the rules are the same like the 2nd point)
-You make a print screen about the current daily tax revenue again
-After all you send me these print screen-s and I will return you the 10% of the company upgrading costs within 24 hours.
If you need help how to make a print screen, send me a letter and I will help you.
If you already have a loan and upgrade your company, the ammount will be reducted from the loan (I also need Print Screens in that case).
Please don't forget that we cannot pay back 10% after a training ground upgrade, after a strategic building buying/upgrade and after a storage buying ((the countries will not get golds after those). If you'll buuild a new company, you will also can get back back the 10% of the building cost.
3. Party
The RL foreigners are already have a military unit which is called Hunnic Horde. Now we are planning to create a Party for them. Here they can get every information and help quickly, have a place to know each other much more and have a chance to send a member to our Congress (the last part is still under discuss). I will inform everyone when we are ready with that.
If you have any kind of questions, please ask me, I promise that I will try to answer for everything, and I will support and help you all until I will playing this game. I really wants to help you and build a good cooperation within our RL nations.
Sorry for my bad English, it's not perfect yet, but this game will help me to improve my English ;)
Here's some good modern Hungarian music for you: Bakterházszétdurrantós
RothbartVadgesztenyeSeryekNocturnoxConradCommentaires (7)

Restore Austria-Hungarian Empire and Georgia will rebuild Soviet Union.

Good job well done bro o7

Aveun I have bad news for you: If we will rebuild the Austrian-Hungarian Empire and make an alliance with Russia, the funny country which is called Georgia will became forgotten and will be the part of the Soviet s Empire.

Awesome, Good job!

Jaca, I have one historical lesson for you, Joseph Stalin(Jhugashvili) was Georgian (sadly) so we can claim on rebuilding Soviet Union. 

beteg ez a zene o7 o/ o/ o/ o/ o/ o/

if you rebuild that shit, some may reclaim their grandparents.