Publier en Serbia - Débâts politiques et analyses - 25 Jan 2017 12:19 - 36

nakituminayashiKinyasAncestralAncestralnimePalmerMiLeNaAaAaVucicu PederuVucicu PederuVucicu PederuB A T A S H AB A T A S H AB A T A S H AKrstaVBKrstaVBGimaillzgulKrstaVBAjkeNAjkeNeVokasiNegyxoCommentaires (36)

nejac detektid

He has a weird name lmao

thank you for your time, and if you liked it pleas sub,vote and shout 

hehe, srpska posla, zelene beretke vazali izgleda ai

Fino, svaka čast o/

Pravoslavlje o/

Janicari FTW!!!!!!!1

Nice one.

bravo na ovome svaka cast

Good interview. Looks like Batasha has respect for Ace... Looks like the contrary does not apply that much, heh? Anyway, to Navareni Zecov: this one was a good one. The thing that I think most interviews lack is the theme and the momentum. Most of them are general, boring and without purpose. You made a good choice for interview. Keep it up!

Nice, nice..Blame Japan o/

Thank you guys, all of you 

awesome article keep on the good work

Good thing US manages money well enough to use it when needed. + Think Ace listened pretty well. I was about to bite someone s head off when there mention about Serbia wanting our regions. P.S. Would like to see some more like this. I usually skip interview articles.

srbski tenak o/

добар о7

Very good article o7

Gogili sagni se malo o/

Ace rly man? Can u even answer like normal person? Wtf with those few answers at the end? U should always respect other and at RL..those answers talk a lot about u..


P.s. Nice article man! I give u 5 stars :-D o/

v. nice interview o7

Who cares @posqrr.

Sta cenite kod sagovornika? Ima lepu profilnu fotografiju hahaha 


I said something for #8 but Navareni wasn t able to edit it


Great interview, was fun to read, keep these comming, subscribed o7

The comparison type of interview was interesting and fun to read
Thank you for publishing good article.




Great interview, thanks

eVokasi najedi se kobasica 

@Batasha i u ovom clanku si pokazao kolko nemas pojma sta se desava oko tebe al dobro jednog dana ce ( nadam se ) Srbija shvatiti kolki si ti budak za ovu igricu i kolko si je kroz istoriju ove igrice ukanalio da se posledice i dan danas osecaju. A samo cu reci da ti udaras punom snagom za Dansku koja je inace Turska koji se isto bore protiv svoje zemlje sto njima ne kazes nesto?
DD I jos jedna stvar Beretke ne prodaju dmg mi samo pomazemo prijateljima al dobro ti i ne znas sta znaci imati prijatelja za koga bi sve dao
Mortarion je rekao.

Great read. Thank you.