Publier en Russia - Analyse de combat - 01 Feb 2017 13:24 - 65
Hi everybody,
This is not a joke, or a countryball !

This is my point of view on how “Free World”, that’s how i will call country out of Vae Victis “VV”, could win this World War.
I will write it as a manual, and let countries decide if they wanna join or not. Here you won’t find battle plan nor country participating, but just think that’s the first step !
Summary :
A quick presentation of VV
What’s wrong with you “Free World” ?
The ultimate search to find The “One” !
How to win a World War for dummies !
End Word and next step.
A quick presentation of VV
Vae Victis is an alliance with 12 countries lead by one person. It’s useless to speak about other people, which are in, and could be important for them, everybody out that you could ask : “what’s VV for you ? ” would answer : Kinyas’ alliance.

What’s wrong with you “Free World” ?
There are 76 countries in game, without VV and pro VV (Lithuania, Latvia, Portugal), it means that Free World is composed by 61 countries.
What’s wrong with you ? How can 15 be better than 61 ?
Ok 15 is better for communication, organisation and protection. But 61 can be strong, 61 don’t need to be so well organize, if they use m attack ! 61 could be a cancer for 15.
I hope Free World will wake up soon and see its potential.

The ultimate search to find The “One” !
Like VV who has his hero in the person of Kinyas, the “Free World” must also find its hero ! He does not necessarily have to be handsome, tall, strong and intelligent like Hercules, not even mischievous, Machiavellian or manipulative like Loki.
He must primarily bring people together behind its cause. It must be someone who knows how to find words to ease internal conflicts. Someone able to reasoning enough to understand the ins and outs of each situation. He must be able to listening, but also know how to impose his point of view when the situation demands it.
We need to oppose someone to Kinyas, someone who is well known world widely and respected then he will begin to tremble !

How to win a World War for dummies !
No ! There is no lesson, no magic potion, no incantation, nor anything that can help us to win this war easily.
The keys, and we must insist on these words, are determination, communication, mutual help, self-denial and sacrifice !
Determination is what we will need to return to the burden again and again even after several defeats.
Communication will be the most important element between our different nations, we are huge, we could even say legion, but if we do not talk, if we do not establish communication channels different from those already used in order to optimize our exchanges, we will not be able to create anything, neither hope one day the victory.
Mutual help will be the heart of our battles. Only we do not make the weight against these armies drawn for months to struggle together on the same front. Even the update of the 6 MPP maximum did not undermine this alliance ... We will have to be supportive and spend without counting to get them to fall.
Self-denial is a complicated value to accept for our citizens and an entire country. As a general rule, it is a question of putting aside his patriotism and his citizenship at the service of a greater cause. This value goes along with the last value below.
Sacrifice, a term that few people understand and that even fewer people are willing to accept. It is nevertheless the only possible outcome to this World War. Without sacrifice, there won’t be any way to see VV falling. The question is not really who will sacrifice what ? But rather which country will be ready to abandon all for the good of the cause ?

Word of end and next step.
He is far now the time when we could change the course of a battle with some tanks at the end of battle. But even farther the one where a rapid call on the feed of our countries could raise the troops. We have been in hibernation for way too long now !
World, it's time to get together !
World, it's time to meet again !
World, it's time to do justice !
World, wake up and join us !
We need all of you to make our dreams come true, just do it !

This is not a joke, or a countryball !

This is my point of view on how “Free World”, that’s how i will call country out of Vae Victis “VV”, could win this World War.
I will write it as a manual, and let countries decide if they wanna join or not. Here you won’t find battle plan nor country participating, but just think that’s the first step !
Summary :
A quick presentation of VV
What’s wrong with you “Free World” ?
The ultimate search to find The “One” !
How to win a World War for dummies !
End Word and next step.
A quick presentation of VV
Vae Victis is an alliance with 12 countries lead by one person. It’s useless to speak about other people, which are in, and could be important for them, everybody out that you could ask : “what’s VV for you ? ” would answer : Kinyas’ alliance.

There are 76 countries in game, without VV and pro VV (Lithuania, Latvia, Portugal), it means that Free World is composed by 61 countries.
What’s wrong with you ? How can 15 be better than 61 ?
Ok 15 is better for communication, organisation and protection. But 61 can be strong, 61 don’t need to be so well organize, if they use m attack ! 61 could be a cancer for 15.
I hope Free World will wake up soon and see its potential.

The ultimate search to find The “One” !
Like VV who has his hero in the person of Kinyas, the “Free World” must also find its hero ! He does not necessarily have to be handsome, tall, strong and intelligent like Hercules, not even mischievous, Machiavellian or manipulative like Loki.
He must primarily bring people together behind its cause. It must be someone who knows how to find words to ease internal conflicts. Someone able to reasoning enough to understand the ins and outs of each situation. He must be able to listening, but also know how to impose his point of view when the situation demands it.
We need to oppose someone to Kinyas, someone who is well known world widely and respected then he will begin to tremble !

No ! There is no lesson, no magic potion, no incantation, nor anything that can help us to win this war easily.
The keys, and we must insist on these words, are determination, communication, mutual help, self-denial and sacrifice !
Determination is what we will need to return to the burden again and again even after several defeats.
Communication will be the most important element between our different nations, we are huge, we could even say legion, but if we do not talk, if we do not establish communication channels different from those already used in order to optimize our exchanges, we will not be able to create anything, neither hope one day the victory.
Mutual help will be the heart of our battles. Only we do not make the weight against these armies drawn for months to struggle together on the same front. Even the update of the 6 MPP maximum did not undermine this alliance ... We will have to be supportive and spend without counting to get them to fall.
Self-denial is a complicated value to accept for our citizens and an entire country. As a general rule, it is a question of putting aside his patriotism and his citizenship at the service of a greater cause. This value goes along with the last value below.
Sacrifice, a term that few people understand and that even fewer people are willing to accept. It is nevertheless the only possible outcome to this World War. Without sacrifice, there won’t be any way to see VV falling. The question is not really who will sacrifice what ? But rather which country will be ready to abandon all for the good of the cause ?

Word of end and next step.
He is far now the time when we could change the course of a battle with some tanks at the end of battle. But even farther the one where a rapid call on the feed of our countries could raise the troops. We have been in hibernation for way too long now !
World, it's time to get together !
World, it's time to meet again !
World, it's time to do justice !
World, wake up and join us !
We need all of you to make our dreams come true, just do it !

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I am your hero I will gather the rest and conquer VV with all of you 61 

nice article o7

True anti vv side stronger than vv but vv s organization extremely awesome

why i love whole articles which prepared by the cara-ktab-kinsc :p

Waiting for part 2...

Where have all the good men gone
And where are all the gods?
Where s the streetwise Hercules to fight the rising odds?
Isn t there a white knight upon a fiery steed?

Totaly agreed , world war is a key for win, that what i talk about for a long time.
You cant win vs VV if 5-6 countrys have wars, but if you make more then 15 countrys to join war with a lot of sacrifice, good strategy RWs, good timing of attack, then you can do something.
In past when Serbia had 5 wars i was called to be part of military commander team of alliance and i said then that we all need to join war like it or not... they didnt listen and ofc we lose ez.. but ok
I hope ppl see now how is this working, only world war can save the game and anti vv countrys...
Person who can lead this is for me Inarius or Kinsc, i know they are smart guyz and also they are too much active this days cuz of Denmark wars.
You have ktab also, cara you too, TovarDante and few others, but as you said there need to be 1 person who will lead all others , few ppl who will be there to help and thats it...
GL all o/

Your hero is ktab... He is waiting so long for such an opportunity. It is ironic to read speech about freedom written by Admins puppet. Ceterum censeo Russia esse delendam!

Agamemnon, Carapicho, Inarius, Kinsc, TovarDante, djurdjo... thats my opinion

Maybe we need leaders with a s 

World, wake up and join us..to attack albania because 5vs1 its not enough ...LOL

well written. Good luck with that :-)

instructions for dummies as you wrote bro, but as i said in my article, the free world is fragmented, trapped into hostilities, obstinacy and pigheadedness between each other, and that s an obstacle into their cooperation. VV has the priviledge to manage more than 50% of world damage controlling few countries. The rest must achieve this setting aside everything that seperates them, in a far larger number of countries. Conclusion: before killing VV, free world must kill own-ego

LoooooooL ktab, you already believe that you are a leader? Although you didn t kill your own egoism? Ofc, with you failure is guaranteed :-) Let be honest, your hero can be only Biskvit, this will be a best symbol of your organisation. And, small correction... free world is on the other side :-D

blah blah blah.. 5g http://image.prntscr.com/image/68788453161e43718a2ebd9a84a943f0.png

No Kirtaylar no vote

Good luck

i am your hero
for 20 Golds perday
its very cheap and limited offer.
hurry get one.

Levi can you please stop trying to gain some publicity through attacking on Ktab, you are repeating yourself and noone is giving damn about what you think. I really replaying you just to get you angry and mad. Peace bro and take some pill, it will be better for you.

For only 100g per month i will teach you how to make and lead awesome alliance which will oppose VV.Shiro has spoken.

Let s rock guys ! Good luck o7


Winning for dummy. 1) swipe visa, 2) get admin on your side, 3) adding new ridiculous rules until you can win

I think that all of you are amazing...ly pathetics

Anti-VV coalition have enough damage to deal with it, problem is that you are divided, you are not fighting together, that s why VV seems OP, but in fact game had a lot stronger alliances before.


good article,,,just do it,,,
it will make the game more interesting,,, o/

VISA is God

Winning for dummy. 1) swipe visa, 2) get admin on your side, 3) adding new ridiculous rules until you can win²

61 countries..half of them are dead or have less than 20 people playing

Peaky, why don t you give another reward to ktab from Treasure? Shooting for Serbia is not so popular this days? Or,there is no gold in Germans Treasure? Well, both of you, announced that you are specialists for the game, and ruining Germany show us how good you are. I was expecting you to shut up and hide after this failure, but you have no shame. France is now your target, and you are trying to destroy another country in the game. Now you have Cara as a helper, he can not forgive France because they not respect him enough to let him be an eternal ruler. I believe that leadership of France is much smarter, so this propaganda war will be another failure.

stone by stone, vv will fall

When we ll arrive at the point that everyone believe that keeping its bonus productions is less important than defeating VV then we ll have a chance. Until then, we ll just have to wait VV countries to be bored

my price for leading is 15 gold per day. please pm me

LOL @ Kinyas ALLIANCE ... hahaha that was pretty funny sorry i know it is a serious article but i found that funny
... Well alliances are made for some good reason and to gain benefits however nothing stays forever VV is good alliance either run by one person or an organization. It is obvious that at some point VV countries will get bore from it and start finding new ways to get more interesting wars rather then sticking with self started RW like IRAN 


We want B A T A S H A for MC of Delos !!!

Jimmy c mon back! We need You here!!!


It s cold in Russia now?



V o7

Enjoy kinyasvollution.com

Kinyas can help you as consultant. But the cost is high

WW is interesting ^_^




Crimea is Ukraine, not Russia :c

@Levi, blue or red pill ? Its not important if Germany have gold or not, what is important that I have bunch of heli and ship factories. Also explain to your Friend hungry kevin that you gave us logs and toldus how Amateratsu and Taiwan players were scamming and bosting their accounts. Shall I continue or you are mad enough Shisui?

@Peaky, i have read it too, i still have them 

VV is NOT one person alliance you can t see it but many people working hard for this alliance and by the way when your time comes Kinyas won t be alone we all will be there ..

@Lightsworn : sure i know that one person can t do everything, but that s how we can see VV outside of VV
@All : Thanks for your endorse, vote, sub and comment ! Next article will come soon 

Anti kinyasizm 

this is one of very few good articles : no crying no accusations only facts ; what i cant say for comments hahahahah congrat Cara

Easy for Carapicho to talk when he is enjoying a long NAP with VV ... LOL

Your calculations are wrong, because VV has almost 50% of the world damage and it consists of only 12-15 countries. It is much more easier to coordinate 12-15 big countries than coordinating 61. And yes, VV has about 50% of world damage but they have huge majority in the number of active players, so their damage is sustainable, while the damage of free world are based on huge tanking of a few player (ofc there is some exeptions, Serbia, Croatia, France, etc.)
And it is useless to have almost 50% of the world damage if the free world doesnt have enough active player at the last minutes of the battles.

To beat VV you dont need to find the ONE, You will need all the gods you can provide and the question is, could they do it?

hey you want to fight against EREV Gods?
be careful don t brake NAP with us ;-)

Good lucks carapicho ! dreams don t kill!