Publier en Serbia - Divertissement - 02 Feb 2017 13:18 - 7
Sorry for spam, This is my second article with exactly the same point as the previous one. Old one is deleted, and there was problem with our leagues!
After that, I have tried to find a solution with Super Moderators and I have great news for you lads !
In front of their Team, Super Moderator Tropico told me that our leagues will be approved if those payments, and prizes stay same as they are now !
So people. we have about 10 players playing this already , so if You watch Football or NBA , feel free to read this text and PM me if you find one of the leagues interesting !
Join us !
Also please share this with your friends ! Tipster leagues will start at this Friday!
First of all we will start with Tipster league.
2 tipster leagues at my discord server.
First tipster league is Football tipster league and here you can read rules about it:
-I ll put 5-10 matches at Friday for Saturday,and 5-10 more at Saturday for Sunday ! ( Weekend )
-I ll put 5-10 matches at Monday for Tuesday and Wednesday ( Champions League ) and 5-10 more ( Europa league )
-In order to be part of this league, you will have to send me 0.5 gold weekly. Or you can send 2 golds for whole month.
-What can you get as prize for 2 golds per month?
- 5 gold prize for Tipster of the week. CL and LE excluded from this !
-5 gold + q3 house for Tipster of the month! CL and LE included here! 5000 energy + q2 house for the Second ! And 2000
energy and q1 house for Third!
How to take part in the league ?
-2 gold payment per month as I said.
-Send me PM, or come to my discord server:
-I ll add you role at my server and you will be able to play this league with all other tipsters.
-After I post games in my chat you need to send me in game message with your bets. ( I ll make SS so you will be able to see
how others played after the first game starts)
-Messages sent only before First game that day will be counted!
-You need to place bets at every match I post there !
How it looks like you can see in this example here !

So if you are interested please contact me andcome to server to have fun with us !
Next league is NBA players tipster leagueand here you can read more about it.
-I ll put 5-6 player everyday ( or at least almost every day) with margins for that night
-In order to take part in this league you will have to send me 0.5 gold weekly or 2 gold per month !
-What can you get as a prize for 2 golds per month?
-5 gold prize for Tipster of the week !
-5 gold +q1 house for Tipster of the month .2000 energy for Second! And 1000 energy for the Third !
-2 gold payment per month as I said.
-Send me PM, or come to my discord server:
-I ll add you role at my server and you will be able to play this league with all other tipsters.
-After I post games in my chat you need to send me in game message with your bets. ( I ll make SS so you will be able to see
how others played after the first game starts)
-Messages sent only before First game that daywill be counted!
-You need to place bets at every match I postthere !
How it looks like you can see in this example here : Steph Curry points 26.5 + for over or - for under !
So if you are interested please contact me andcome to server to have fun with us ! You can take part in both leagues as
well , same rules !
8 ball pool league!
This league will be free to all !
We will play at Miniclip site so You need toregister there!
-Everyone will play each other player.
-Player with the most wins will be the winner of the week, and at the and of the Month We will announce Winner of the month!
-Prizes will be gold and is but we will see about that !
-Send me PM, or come to our discord in order to participate !
Thank you for reading, hope we will have funtogether ! We are waiting for you !
Owner of the Chocolate Factory,
Willy Wonka
Pre svega, pocecemo sa tipster ligom.
2 tipster lige na mom serveru.
Prva tipster liga je Fudbalska tipster liga i ovde mozete procitiati pravila za nju:
- Postavicu 5-10 meceva u Petak za Subotu i jos 5-10 u Subotu za Nedelju ! ( Vikend )
-Postavicu 5-10 meceva u Ponedeljak za utorak isredu ( Liga Sampiona ) i jos 5-10 ( Liga Evrope )
-Da bi ucestvovali potrebno je da mi posaljete 0.5 golda nedeljno, ili odjednom 2 golda za ceo mesec.
-Sta mozete da dobijete kao nagradu za ta 2 golda mesecno ?
-5 golda nagrada za Tipstera nedelje. Ovde se neracunaju LS i LE .
- 5 golda + q3 kucu za Tipstera meseca! LS i LE su uracunati ovde! 5000 energije + q2 kuca za drugog! I 2000 energije i
q1 kuca za treceg.
-Kako da ucestvujete ?
-2 golda mesecno kao sto sam rekao
-Posaljite mi PM ili dodjite na moj discord server
-Dodacu vam rolu na mom severu i bicete u mogucnosti da igrate ligu sa ostalim tipsterima
-Nakon sto postavim utakmice potrebno je da moposaljete poruku u igri sa vasim tipovima. ( Napravicu SSove da bi svi videli
sta je ko odigra nakon sto utakmice pocnu. )
- Poruke poslate samo pre meceva se racunaju.
-Morate da tipujete svaki mec koji sam postavio.
Kako to izgleda mozete videti na sledecem primeru !

Tako da ukoliko ste zainteresovani mozete mekontaktirati i doci na server da se zabavljate sa nama !
Sledeca liga je tipster liga sa NBAigracima i ovde mozete procitati vise o njoj:
-Postavicu 5-6 igraca svakog dana ( ili makar skoro svaki dan ) sa granicama
za to vece.
- Ukoliko zelite da ucestvujete potrebno je da mi posaljete 0.5 golda nedeljno
ili 2 golda mesecno!
- Sta mozete da dobijete kao nagradu za ulozena 2 golda ?
- 5 golda nagrada za tipstera nedelje !
- 5 golda + q1 kuca za Tipstera meseca, 2000 energije za drugoplasiranog i 1000
energije za treceg!
-2 golda mesecno kao sto sam rekao
-Posaljite mi PM ili dodjite na moj discord
-Dodacu vam rolu na mom severu i bicete u mogucnosti da igrate ligu sa ostalim
-Nakon sto postavim utakmice potrebno je da mo posaljete poruku u igri sa vasim
tipovima. ( Napravicu SSove da bi svi videli sta je ko odigra nakon sto
utakmice pocnu. )
- Poruke poslate samo pre meceva se racunaju.
-Morate da tipujete svaki mec koji sam postavio.
Kako to izgleda mozete videti na sledecem primeru ! Kari poeni 26.5 preko + ili
ispod granice - !
Mozete ucestovati u obe lige istovremeno ukoliko zelite, ista su pravila !
8ball pool liga!
Ova liga ce biti besplatna za sve !
Igracemo na Miniclip sajtu, tako da bi valjaloda se registrujete tamo !
- Svako ce igrati sa svakim.
- Igrac sa najvise pobeda bice pobednik nedelje,i na kraju Meseca cemo proglasiti Pobednika meseca
- Nagrade ce biti u vidu golda i helija, ali tocemo jos videti !
- Posaljite mi PM , ili dodjite na discord da biucestvovali.
Hvala na citanju, nadam se da cemo se druzizi !Mi vas cekamo !
Vlasnik Fabrike Cokolade,
Vili Vonka.

Sorry for spam, This is my second article with exactly the same point as the previous one. Old one is deleted, and there was problem with our leagues!
After that, I have tried to find a solution with Super Moderators and I have great news for you lads !
In front of their Team, Super Moderator Tropico told me that our leagues will be approved if those payments, and prizes stay same as they are now !
So people. we have about 10 players playing this already , so if You watch Football or NBA , feel free to read this text and PM me if you find one of the leagues interesting !
Join us !
Also please share this with your friends ! Tipster leagues will start at this Friday!
First of all we will start with Tipster league.
2 tipster leagues at my discord server.
First tipster league is Football tipster league and here you can read rules about it:
-I ll put 5-10 matches at Friday for Saturday,and 5-10 more at Saturday for Sunday ! ( Weekend )
-I ll put 5-10 matches at Monday for Tuesday and Wednesday ( Champions League ) and 5-10 more ( Europa league )
-In order to be part of this league, you will have to send me 0.5 gold weekly. Or you can send 2 golds for whole month.
-What can you get as prize for 2 golds per month?
- 5 gold prize for Tipster of the week. CL and LE excluded from this !
-5 gold + q3 house for Tipster of the month! CL and LE included here! 5000 energy + q2 house for the Second ! And 2000
energy and q1 house for Third!
How to take part in the league ?
-2 gold payment per month as I said.
-Send me PM, or come to my discord server:
-I ll add you role at my server and you will be able to play this league with all other tipsters.
-After I post games in my chat you need to send me in game message with your bets. ( I ll make SS so you will be able to see
how others played after the first game starts)
-Messages sent only before First game that day will be counted!
-You need to place bets at every match I post there !
How it looks like you can see in this example here !

So if you are interested please contact me andcome to server to have fun with us !
Next league is NBA players tipster leagueand here you can read more about it.
-I ll put 5-6 player everyday ( or at least almost every day) with margins for that night
-In order to take part in this league you will have to send me 0.5 gold weekly or 2 gold per month !
-What can you get as a prize for 2 golds per month?
-5 gold prize for Tipster of the week !
-5 gold +q1 house for Tipster of the month .2000 energy for Second! And 1000 energy for the Third !
-2 gold payment per month as I said.
-Send me PM, or come to my discord server:
-I ll add you role at my server and you will be able to play this league with all other tipsters.
-After I post games in my chat you need to send me in game message with your bets. ( I ll make SS so you will be able to see
how others played after the first game starts)
-Messages sent only before First game that daywill be counted!
-You need to place bets at every match I postthere !
How it looks like you can see in this example here : Steph Curry points 26.5 + for over or - for under !
So if you are interested please contact me andcome to server to have fun with us ! You can take part in both leagues as
well , same rules !
8 ball pool league!
This league will be free to all !
We will play at Miniclip site so You need toregister there!
-Everyone will play each other player.
-Player with the most wins will be the winner of the week, and at the and of the Month We will announce Winner of the month!
-Prizes will be gold and is but we will see about that !
-Send me PM, or come to our discord in order to participate !
Thank you for reading, hope we will have funtogether ! We are waiting for you !
Owner of the Chocolate Factory,
Willy Wonka

Pre svega, pocecemo sa tipster ligom.
2 tipster lige na mom serveru.
Prva tipster liga je Fudbalska tipster liga i ovde mozete procitiati pravila za nju:
- Postavicu 5-10 meceva u Petak za Subotu i jos 5-10 u Subotu za Nedelju ! ( Vikend )
-Postavicu 5-10 meceva u Ponedeljak za utorak isredu ( Liga Sampiona ) i jos 5-10 ( Liga Evrope )
-Da bi ucestvovali potrebno je da mi posaljete 0.5 golda nedeljno, ili odjednom 2 golda za ceo mesec.
-Sta mozete da dobijete kao nagradu za ta 2 golda mesecno ?
-5 golda nagrada za Tipstera nedelje. Ovde se neracunaju LS i LE .
- 5 golda + q3 kucu za Tipstera meseca! LS i LE su uracunati ovde! 5000 energije + q2 kuca za drugog! I 2000 energije i
q1 kuca za treceg.
-Kako da ucestvujete ?
-2 golda mesecno kao sto sam rekao
-Posaljite mi PM ili dodjite na moj discord server
-Dodacu vam rolu na mom severu i bicete u mogucnosti da igrate ligu sa ostalim tipsterima
-Nakon sto postavim utakmice potrebno je da moposaljete poruku u igri sa vasim tipovima. ( Napravicu SSove da bi svi videli
sta je ko odigra nakon sto utakmice pocnu. )
- Poruke poslate samo pre meceva se racunaju.
-Morate da tipujete svaki mec koji sam postavio.
Kako to izgleda mozete videti na sledecem primeru !

Tako da ukoliko ste zainteresovani mozete mekontaktirati i doci na server da se zabavljate sa nama !
Sledeca liga je tipster liga sa NBAigracima i ovde mozete procitati vise o njoj:
-Postavicu 5-6 igraca svakog dana ( ili makar skoro svaki dan ) sa granicama
za to vece.
- Ukoliko zelite da ucestvujete potrebno je da mi posaljete 0.5 golda nedeljno
ili 2 golda mesecno!
- Sta mozete da dobijete kao nagradu za ulozena 2 golda ?
- 5 golda nagrada za tipstera nedelje !
- 5 golda + q1 kuca za Tipstera meseca, 2000 energije za drugoplasiranog i 1000
energije za treceg!
-2 golda mesecno kao sto sam rekao
-Posaljite mi PM ili dodjite na moj discord
-Dodacu vam rolu na mom severu i bicete u mogucnosti da igrate ligu sa ostalim
-Nakon sto postavim utakmice potrebno je da mo posaljete poruku u igri sa vasim
tipovima. ( Napravicu SSove da bi svi videli sta je ko odigra nakon sto
utakmice pocnu. )
- Poruke poslate samo pre meceva se racunaju.
-Morate da tipujete svaki mec koji sam postavio.
Kako to izgleda mozete videti na sledecem primeru ! Kari poeni 26.5 preko + ili
ispod granice - !
Mozete ucestovati u obe lige istovremeno ukoliko zelite, ista su pravila !
8ball pool liga!
Ova liga ce biti besplatna za sve !
Igracemo na Miniclip sajtu, tako da bi valjaloda se registrujete tamo !
- Svako ce igrati sa svakim.
- Igrac sa najvise pobeda bice pobednik nedelje,i na kraju Meseca cemo proglasiti Pobednika meseca
- Nagrade ce biti u vidu golda i helija, ali tocemo jos videti !
- Posaljite mi PM , ili dodjite na discord da biucestvovali.
Hvala na citanju, nadam se da cemo se druzizi !Mi vas cekamo !
Vlasnik Fabrike Cokolade,
Vili Vonka.
Thomas GreenCommentaires (7)


American Football or Soccer?

You call it Soccer 

daj nba igrece da razvalim !!!
