Publier en Georgia - Débâts politiques et analyses - 06 Feb 2017 10:03 - 74

I had an idea to publish such articles to inform about the latest events from all around the world concerning our alliance yet there was not enough time to do that. I always enjoyed media module of this game so it is also fun for me. Starting next term we will be electing PR in HQ again so you will read such articles from either SC or PR depending on topics and availability.
I will begin with the foundation of new alliance, Délos. After their foundation, we have been reached by them and informed that they will stay neutral and they do not want any conflict with us. The first issue with them was about Uranium in Marche. While our member Albania has rental deal with Italy, Italy acted like Italy and tried to make an agreement with Croatia. They also invited France to meeting in order to bully Albania all together. After HQ is informed about the topic, another meeting was held and it has been told to Croatia that those regions are rented from Italy therefore are belong to Albania and If they have any problem with it, they are free to launch attack. Croatia said, they will wait for the end of agreement. After it expired, just because this new alliance approached us friendly, we agreed to let them have at least one Uranium. And then President of Croatia disrespected President of Albania and they faced a serious resistance in Marche. After he apologized for his behavior, Albania let them take the region and case is closed.
Despite their claims about being neutral, I was keep getting informations that France is trying to find a way to cooperate with Serbia. Their government knew that their people will not easily accept this so they wanted to look like walking in seperated paths but the goal was mutual. I dont like to use this word since it lost its meaning here but what French government was trying to do is finding a way to betray all of its oldest allies but make it look like otherwise. Then claimedly neutral this new alliance started operations in Vae Victis RWs. After 3rd time, I announced that we are officially in war with Délos and the action began.

You probably know the story after that. Although they have elected Supreme Commander, they are looking for -The One- who will unite everyone against us and they thought they can fall us apart by attacking Albania, one of the countries who have the least damage in alliance but have more guts than all opponents combined. After Délos won few battles against Albania, they celebrated it in a way that we did not even after we kept our opponents wiped for days if not weeks. Just as Serbia, who thought that we will leave USA alone and accept whatever they want (almost half of US cores), Délos also thought we will leave Albania alone. This is the answer they got.
I must admit, the concept of Free World sounds quite good. Just as, the alliance that is created to have fun. Considering the speakers/leaders of these concepts, one with memory can easily slap the history to their face. The Free World, would be good concept if it is not proposed by people who authorized 3v1 campaign against Ukraine back in first month of MDP. It would be good concept if it is not proposed by people who are supported by admins via manuel-CS changes, implementations that favor only one side and aim to destroy other side or even tanking by Admin itself. To be honest, It is rather funny, cricitising one side for bullying and then going into war 6v1.
Considering recent campaigns of our alliance, we successfully kicked both Bosnia and Serbia out of cores of United States. We helped Morocco to get liberated from Spain and hold their core region for days. We took the rare bonus from Serbia and keep it occupied. Since we have new term with new Presidents, we will take more offensive actions now. I must say, after 6 MPP change and new update about bonus distrubition, looking at the cooperation and organization between members despite these changes that are implemented to cause conflict in our alliance, I am proud to be citizen of this friendship. As last news, in order to develop our strength and have more fun, HQ will introduce a new project for Vae Victis members quite soon.
Supreme Commander of Vae Victis

no0bsailbotWarchiefnakituminayashiFregataEReJSvoozvoozMengrelianPanzer AceCaptain HarlocklmperiusSrLukmrcowPalmerGrizzly021islandwoodsieLe MooseLyell ThirdCommentaires (74)


all your base are belong to us

ne demiş ne demiş 

sub 598 sal gelsin partili cumhurbaşkanım

Neutrality is overrated. Its funny being the MoD of France and trying to keep that policy, in the end there is no wars and tanks are unhappy. At the end of the day, they re desperate for battle, and VV seems like nice meat. From both sides, people want war, so there will be war.

Yine bir şeyler oluyor ama ingilizce :/

``Italy acted like Italy`` xD

Dünya Türk olmuş; aala ingiliz dili ve edebiyatı

İnsan okuyacak bunu

excellent article. o7

Özet Türkçeolsun


ingiliz locasının vae victisi yöneten gölgelider olduğunun idrakine varın eyy millet 1!1!

HAIL VV! #KinyasIsComing


Italy signed agreement with croatia the 24th of January, one day after the NAP with Albania has ended...
Of course negotiation with croatia started before the end of NAP with Albania, but i respected the agreement until last minute...
So Please stop saying bullshits on italy as you do from several months.

Hail Delos

o7 buyuk

G pa lu

Hail Delos

Just excuses come and fight.

VV is representing The Free World, not the fake organisation under the Admins instructions. Freedom is a right of players to play the game, not some scenarios, created by Admins and a group of their favourite players. I don t know why France continue to gamble with the own reputation. So far, every ally of Serbia was demolished, also in the past, Serbia was a great rival of France. I believe citizens of France will be dissatisfied with the new political course of the Government, and they will have enough strength to change this. Btw, excellent article, vote + support.

Be empire isn t easy xD

i need tissue

G pa lu ... borring as fuck

Leave the game.

o7 free world

so much lie in one single article ...

Haahaahhahahhahahahah jpp. VV is the free world Delos is bullying
Good job Turkish Nazi

Common sense.

@HeavenHell Turkish Nazi Did u mean sultan?

Tovar, it is no surprise that you need tissue after you make 16k hit and had to drop the battle 

What a bunch of crap. Decisions made by France were always voted by referundum. So I don t see anything not to be accepted by the French people. VV is killing the game and the French know it since long. They finally made a third way not to be pro VV or anti VV, it was nothing about betrayal. But in this boring game that you created, you need new ennemy, and you declared war. Anyway, the free world won t fall for those lies.

Retarded shit, as always.

We don t betray our old friend. We save this game which was diying cause of VV.
Hail Delos o7

Vote this mdp propaganda or turks leave game!!!

Oh so it is a game after all... Just not eRev. The game being played is *who betrayed who first*.

It will be sad to see France begging help from Serbia to secure Paris, what an irony 

Cry me a river

om telolet om

France is repeating Germans mistakes. And game is not dying, only income of Admins are little less now. Their plot was successful, pushing France in catastrophic campaign will secure growing the incomes, coss French are proud people, and they will be ready to use their VISA to defend own country. Obviously, this is not a war for freedom, it is a war for more money in their pockets :-D

Here Here, way to go guys / gals. I don`t speak for USA but from USA and i thank you all for covering our arses. We got you.

Some of french players already our oldest friends and brother but i cant say anyting about another french citizens

Propaganda again 

Hail VV. Fail delos

yes.. its warrrrrrrr

Nice bunch of lies

V is for Victory!
Heil VV!

VV is for Vache Vegan

You did not disappoint. Full of sh** as always.

i thought Morocco was Neutral

【THE EXILED ONE】Address #1 😓 😓 is it because of my avatar ?😟

@kinyas ... if i would cry for droped dmg i would never play this game
...and about bullying .. I m not emperor and i don t want to rule or conquer anyone and i showed it lot of times which i can t say about you
... and oncemore i m not guy who will send SS like i sad to every player i talked i won t send SS of conversation
also i m not, and i m not guy who is bullying and i prove it lot of times... so you have your conscience and live with it, if it s hard write those words on paper and tape it in mirror and read it while looking in your eyes ... also don t forget that this is game
it makes no sense about rising your ego on unknown people

Tovar Yes If I could be a person who share ss all these comments would be deleted. About ego, considering your messages to Alb, I am not so sure. Remember that it is you who are looking for The One that will stand against me, I have no such claims. Also remember your tone and attitude two months ago and now. The more you gain power the more you change. But my lane is straight.

Hail VV

few truths, lots of propaganda and try of manipulation (at least for the ones that don t know), and many many bs at comments. The e-world is far from a serious global war yet. But it will come eventually

There is no such thing as friendship in any war game so keep repeating it on articles wont change its fact, there is only mutual goals which makes u ally with any other country. So drop this emotinal darama chapter. Second accusing administration on the static change such as 6 MPP laws makes you more low literate as it is a static change so it is same for everyone either take it as benift or loss the impact is same on everyone. Above all this you are only writting this article because u are the winning side at the moment i will surly love to see more of this emotional darama when you are on another side. I will surly like to refer Japan they were on top of the game once and they no where now. PEACE

pirinc kinyas.
you didnt kick bosnia, we were just in eUS for the holidays xD

I wouldnt expect anything else from unfair moderator who mocks with my citizens, insult whole country and abuse his power. @Stolen.

I m enjoying reading the propaganda created by both sides, is very fun to read.

@Levi !!! becarefull iluminati (aka moderators) are in your back
run away mate !

Delos is a strong alliance and they fight all together why does it annoy you so much also you underestimate your enemies but your enemies wont give up as you think
goodluck ! make up your mind , then get real ! Hail Delos !

@ Raspoutine, I know, they are for a long time, but although all of this propaganda actions about so called Georgian multi acc, they are unable to detect any in this case. Because, I don t have any :-D After all, I don t accept donations without return and I am trading on the legal markets and paying taxes, so they can not justifie ban. I must admit, if they introduce a new rule, EVERY ACTION AGAINST RUSSIA WILL BE RESULTED WITH THE BAN, I will be the first player punished because of this. Ceterum censeo Russia esse delendam!


Again you are accusing thing just because you didn t get results as you like it. As for the job of Moderator we will keep thing justify by right and wrong regardless of anyone like it or not. So lets get more emotional drama from you we are waiting 

I would like to see Moderator brave enough to ban some of Admins multi accounts :-D

Your article is removed and you are a moderator. Nothing else is needed to say.