Publier en Iran - Analyse de combat - 22 Feb 2017 12:14 - 26

Congratz France Good Fight... i'm sure that you're so regret cos of this wars:) but so late :)
Hail Vae Victis
Hail Iran,Great Job
btw... Albania is bigger then Servia ;)

PS: Admins, your job is not only banning players, removing articles.... you MUST update servers too, you've fail tonight...
YavuzTRJ o k e rTHEGUYWhiteDevilMrBl3ndPanzer AcesorkhpostCommentaires (26)

poor delos



cry baby cry

Hail Albania Hail Kosovo !!! cry cry failserbia and long live Sultan the best eCroatia player


GG VV hail délos, eRev need new servers and more humble persons.

Hail Kosova 

Where is France crying? Not even in your dreams


Hail Kosova

500 Internal Server Error


So humble, so much respect for Vae Victis ... or not
GG Iran anyway can t deny the fact that it was an epic battle o7

Hail Kosova

albania double amount of kills than serbia and only 100M difference lol
you are weaker than serbia

Hail Kosova

@Radman, may be you re right... but we always fight for our allies
i meant, where is Servia? you confirm my words too 

wp o/
hail all

Everytime mdp wins romy just HAS to publish an article about crying. How old are you man?

Hail Vae Victis
Hail Iran

Srbija je kosovo

Admin :|