Publier en Iran - Divertissement - 25 Feb 2017 12:27 - 45
MrBl3ndnecromancerPERSIA DaNgeRMostaanhaftvudMad MahyarSCAMlionelejinakituminayashifaez1377Tony SopranoNomerciNomerciNomerciNomerciNomerciNomerciNomerciNomerciNomerciRebazartarezzizoAce EconomistEvil SkullRomyPanzer AcenimuiSlade WilsonEmptyHeroesOftheStormLast EndsorkhpostNaderImm0rtalahwazzNima1260PouriyaKHATEHTATOPOTno0bsailbotno0bsailbotno0bsailbotfarbod261lmperiusCommentaires (45)


Hail VV! Hail Iran!


ha ha nice XD

Bonjour my Iranian brothers o7

The Iranian flag was raised in Paris

بهترین ترولی که تابحال دیدم

Next trophy should be Turkey if you are that strong =)

It is very easy to sit and wait for months accumulating energy and then boast of great warriors.


Hail IRAN o7

Hail Brothers

@jaime7854 it you think so then: 1- why did you enter the war at all 2- why dont you do the same. France fought well though, hail Iran and VV o7

I still find it hard to believe to destroy France in one breath. Respect!

Someone has to do it

Hail Iran Hail VV O7


why RoVi? is this a surprise? Or because you happened to have stockholm syndrome, history will be re-written?

Ah ah ah ah

You have Paris but you don t have France 

Quote OrignalQC - Next trophy should be Turkey if you are that strong =) - +1

Why are you missed one trophy? Named Mazovia?

is Mazovia a Country?

Ukraine is with us ..hail iran..hail UKRAINE.hail france HAIL VV ...hail ALL COUNTRYS.TNX...///...O7

Yeah Mazovia is not name of country but OP posted link to war in Paris so trophies probably are from wining battle in capital. Mazovia is capital of ePolpy


khobe persective ro rayat kardi :

hail IRAN O7

خدا قوت

Next : Turkey?

Iran and Turkey are Bro for Ever.

This is my picture

I confirm. eVokasi has the copyrights of making Germany a trophy.


Lame copy/paste of eVokasi´s drawing. This article should be deleted.

Why is Serbia here? This article should be deleted

How be pround to kill a game x)

Very nice....hail iran

Iran, get out of Georgia s trophy room

Bosnia? Why? Explain

همه کشور ها رو زدی ها همه اعتراض کردن 

خوب اعتراض کنن، زدیمشون دیگه، متحدا ر هم ورداشتم، پس کسائیکه موندن و اعتراض میکنن، مهم نیستن

It was before i came here