Publier en Slovenia - Divertissement - 16 Mar 2017 15:18 - 24

YamamotoNemetonPolarB34rNino19El ProfesorKundurKundurKundurRaptorXRaptorXG 4 M p3trOs V E Rvratarxrevenger81CroRixRothbartforgottenCommentaires (24)

Awesome o7

2nd and I agree with everything

Great o/






Idea is good but does not solve problem. People using automatic programs to open rw on the 1st ms possible will just create multis in enemy countries just to open RW on 1st ms that better suits them. Believe me, if they are lame enough for bots in rw, they´ll go around this too. 

@Ancestral I think you need level 25 to raise rw. So you need some time to get there. Plus admins can easily look who open rw and connect him whit Main. So they can cache thews guys who is doing this and perma them.

@nime: then... Why no perma bans on people using automatic programs to open rw? Timer is surgical in all of them. It´s so easy to check and ban.

@Ancestral Because you you can prove that. They can always say that they clicked at that time and won. The site can t see difference form real mouse vs bot. The only solution would be there I am not robot. Even if their is no bots i still hate that it depends on who click faster.

NOPE, dont agree

D_18 why you don t agree?

Kill the bot pls

skripte su unistile svaku igru tako ce i ovu,problem je sto od admina uvijek ima pametnijih ljudi,prvi problem je ecoskill,botovi rade kao i svako sa velikim lvl.Drugi work omoguciti tek nakon 25. ili 30. lvl rijesilo bi jedan dio problema


Haha admins dont want To implement any more new stuff. It s been like 4-/5 months since naval battles and no news

gg29: Naval was implemented on January that means 3 months now.

Give 50% boost to RW damage and the problem will be solved.

kill bots x2

Kill bots x1389