Publier en Romania - Analyse de combat - 18 Mar 2017 18:09 - 11
Salutare AvengerS,
Desi aceasta unitate militara nu a fost creata decat la sfarsitul lui iunie 2016, la aproape 6 luni de cand acest joc a inceput, in timp am devenit una din unitatile de top, o unitate militara care e capabila sa faca diferenta in orice lupta si care inglobeaza jucatori de top din Romania. In acest moment suntem pe locul 5 global la damage dat in lupte.
Va multumesc tuturor celor care a-ti contribuit si va asigur ca impreuna putem urca pe culmi mult mai inalte.
Dupa cum probabil a-ti observat am devenit comandantul unitatii militare AvengerS acum cateva saptamani. Profit de aceasta ocazie sa va prezint mai jos conducerea Avengers. Puteti sa ne contactati oricand aveti intrebari sau nelamuriri despre anumite aspecte ale jocului.
Din pacate timpul limitat m-a impiedicat sa pun in practica anumite proiecte referitoare la aceasta unitate militara, dar vreau sa va anunt ca incepand din aceasta seara vom pune in aplicare un proiect care sa recompenseze saptamanal jucatorii cu cel mai mare damage dat din cadrul AvengerS.
Concret in fiecare duminica seara la ora 20:00 cu ajutorul site-ului erevtools vom premia primii 3 jucatori cu cel mai mare damage dat in ultima saptamana atat in luptele terestre cat si in luptele navale. Vor exista 3 categorii distincte de premiere dupa cum urmeaza:
Top Damage Naval - se adreseaza tuturor jucatorilor din AvengerS
Locul 1 - 250 nave Q5
Locul 2 - 150 nave Q5
Locul 3 - 100 nave Q5
Top Damage Land Junior - se adreseaza jucatorilor cu forta (strenght) mai mica de 6000
Locul 1 - 250 heli Q5
Locul 2 - 150 heli Q5
Locul 3 - 100 heli Q5
Top Damage Land - se adreseaza jucatorilor cu forta mai mare de 6000
Locul 1 - 250 heli Q5
Locul 2 - 150 heli Q5
Locul 3 - 100 heli Q5
Primele premii vor fi acordate pe 26 martie ora 20:00 si apoi periodic la fiecare 7 zile, duminica la ora 20:00.
Daca este cineva interesat sa devina sponsor permanent sau ocazional al acestui program poate sa ma contacteze prin mesaj privat. In acest moment exista 2 sponsori permanenti: ImparaT si sutanu.
Sper ca in viitor sa anuntam mai multe proiecte in care membrii AvengerS sa fie implicati.
Hail AvengerS ! Hail Romania !
Va multumesc,
sutanu Comandant AvengerS,
Hello AvengerS,
Although this military unit was not created until late June 2016, almost 6 months since this game began we became an elite military unit, a military unit capable of making the difference in any fight and who has as members some of the finest players from Romania. At this time we are on 5th place as damage in the world.
I want to thank to all of those who have contributed and ure you that together will reach higher.
As some of you have noticed I became the Commander of this military unit several weeks ago. I take advantage of this opportunity to show you below the leadership of Avengers. Feel free to contact any of us if you have questions about the game.
Unfortunately limited time had prevented me to implement some of my projects regarding this MU, but I want to announce that starting tonight we will put in practice a project that will recompensate the players with the highest damage given in a week.
Every Sunday at 20:00 (Romanian time) using the site erevtools we will give prizes to the players that have given the highest damage in the previous 7 days both in land or naval fights.
There will be 3 separate categories as follows:
Top Damage Naval - for all the players from AvengerS
1st place - 250 warships Q5
2nd place - 150 warships Q5
3rd place - 100 warships Q5
Top Damage Land Junior - for players with less than 6000 strenght
1st place - 250 heli Q5
2nd place - 150 heli Q5
3rd place - 100 heli Q5
Top Damage Land - for players with strenght bigger than 6000
1st place - 250 heli Q5
2nd place - 150 heli Q5
3rd place - 100 heli Q5
First prizes will be given on 26th March at 20:00 (Romanian time), and after that every 7 days: Sunday at 20:00.
If there are any persons interested to sponsor this program permanently or ocasionally feel free to send me a private message. At this moment there are 2 permanent sponsors: ImparaT si sutanu.
I hope that in future we will announce other exciting programs for the members of AvengerS.
Hail AvengerS ! Hail Romania !
Thank you,
sutanu Commander AvengerS,
Desi aceasta unitate militara nu a fost creata decat la sfarsitul lui iunie 2016, la aproape 6 luni de cand acest joc a inceput, in timp am devenit una din unitatile de top, o unitate militara care e capabila sa faca diferenta in orice lupta si care inglobeaza jucatori de top din Romania. In acest moment suntem pe locul 5 global la damage dat in lupte.
Va multumesc tuturor celor care a-ti contribuit si va asigur ca impreuna putem urca pe culmi mult mai inalte.

Dupa cum probabil a-ti observat am devenit comandantul unitatii militare AvengerS acum cateva saptamani. Profit de aceasta ocazie sa va prezint mai jos conducerea Avengers. Puteti sa ne contactati oricand aveti intrebari sau nelamuriri despre anumite aspecte ale jocului.

Din pacate timpul limitat m-a impiedicat sa pun in practica anumite proiecte referitoare la aceasta unitate militara, dar vreau sa va anunt ca incepand din aceasta seara vom pune in aplicare un proiect care sa recompenseze saptamanal jucatorii cu cel mai mare damage dat din cadrul AvengerS.
Concret in fiecare duminica seara la ora 20:00 cu ajutorul site-ului erevtools vom premia primii 3 jucatori cu cel mai mare damage dat in ultima saptamana atat in luptele terestre cat si in luptele navale. Vor exista 3 categorii distincte de premiere dupa cum urmeaza:
Top Damage Naval - se adreseaza tuturor jucatorilor din AvengerS
Locul 1 - 250 nave Q5
Locul 2 - 150 nave Q5
Locul 3 - 100 nave Q5
Top Damage Land Junior - se adreseaza jucatorilor cu forta (strenght) mai mica de 6000
Locul 1 - 250 heli Q5
Locul 2 - 150 heli Q5
Locul 3 - 100 heli Q5
Top Damage Land - se adreseaza jucatorilor cu forta mai mare de 6000
Locul 1 - 250 heli Q5
Locul 2 - 150 heli Q5
Locul 3 - 100 heli Q5
Primele premii vor fi acordate pe 26 martie ora 20:00 si apoi periodic la fiecare 7 zile, duminica la ora 20:00.
Daca este cineva interesat sa devina sponsor permanent sau ocazional al acestui program poate sa ma contacteze prin mesaj privat. In acest moment exista 2 sponsori permanenti: ImparaT si sutanu.
Sper ca in viitor sa anuntam mai multe proiecte in care membrii AvengerS sa fie implicati.
Hail AvengerS ! Hail Romania !
Va multumesc,
sutanu Comandant AvengerS,
Hello AvengerS,
Although this military unit was not created until late June 2016, almost 6 months since this game began we became an elite military unit, a military unit capable of making the difference in any fight and who has as members some of the finest players from Romania. At this time we are on 5th place as damage in the world.
I want to thank to all of those who have contributed and ure you that together will reach higher.

As some of you have noticed I became the Commander of this military unit several weeks ago. I take advantage of this opportunity to show you below the leadership of Avengers. Feel free to contact any of us if you have questions about the game.

Unfortunately limited time had prevented me to implement some of my projects regarding this MU, but I want to announce that starting tonight we will put in practice a project that will recompensate the players with the highest damage given in a week.
Every Sunday at 20:00 (Romanian time) using the site erevtools we will give prizes to the players that have given the highest damage in the previous 7 days both in land or naval fights.
There will be 3 separate categories as follows:
Top Damage Naval - for all the players from AvengerS
1st place - 250 warships Q5
2nd place - 150 warships Q5
3rd place - 100 warships Q5
Top Damage Land Junior - for players with less than 6000 strenght
1st place - 250 heli Q5
2nd place - 150 heli Q5
3rd place - 100 heli Q5
Top Damage Land - for players with strenght bigger than 6000
1st place - 250 heli Q5
2nd place - 150 heli Q5
3rd place - 100 heli Q5
First prizes will be given on 26th March at 20:00 (Romanian time), and after that every 7 days: Sunday at 20:00.
If there are any persons interested to sponsor this program permanently or ocasionally feel free to send me a private message. At this moment there are 2 permanent sponsors: ImparaT si sutanu.
I hope that in future we will announce other exciting programs for the members of AvengerS.
Hail AvengerS ! Hail Romania !
Thank you,
sutanu Commander AvengerS,
homersimpsonPuskiPuskiBattleHeroAcid JazzGeorgeeemacheleCommentaires (11)


Succes !

se poate si top 3. succes




Mult suuces in continuare.
Va urez sa ajungeti in Top 3 Global!
Orice reusita/crestere a unui UM romanesc, e o crestere a puterii militare a Romaniei.
