
Publier en Republic of China (Taiwan) - Débâts politiques et analyses - 29 May 2017 01:45 - 58


It is quite hard to announce it for me since we were playing this game together for almost a year now but people of Taiwan has chosen to try a new adventure and decided to leave our alliance.

It has been an honor to fight side by side with you all this time and we wish you luck and fun in the future.

Thank you Taiwan! Goodbye!


AlitaTheKamKoInglourious BasterdsHollow ManPatrokloshaftvudSrLukRocNo1Santiago 45Rothbart

Commentaires (58)

Good luck Taiwan o7
Good luck Taiwan O7
:o thnks god that one country thinking for balance Laugh
Good luck Taiwan O7
Good luck my dear and close friends o/ nice decision on right time
There is a country named Taiwan :thinking: Never heard about it :o
After a long time to dominante the world it s only now that a country thinking for balance gj Taïwan o7
Don t get distracted from fact that Lithuania left VV before it was cool.
Good bye Taiwan
two days later, article of kinyas saying that taiwan betrayed the alliance by joining enemy side. Pro-tip, everyone else is enemy side
Hallo tawian o7
Goodbye Smile
good luck Taiwan o7 thanks for being nice ally and nice friend
Good luck kinyas
good luck Taiwan o7
A VV country who still have balls? I can t believe it
Street meat asian bitmedi di mi lan, devam ediyo diin 🤔🙄
Your welcome in the free world guys
Good luck Taiwan O7
I will always love Taiwan
Good luck o7
Next target : good bye Indonesia
good bye
Taiwan have balls
Brother o7
The first vv country that departs, before been dried out against a vv enemy. And vv to take advantage of both. Nevertheless it s too late imo, the game came up to a dead end and lots of good players abandoned a hopeless game. Good luck in any case at RoC
Ktab +1
How much time until VV call Taiwan a traitor?
Taiwan o7
ktab, the first VV country that departs was France, don t forget, we were the one with more balls here Laugh
BB Taiwan o7
Good step Taiwan, wish the best.
// free world //
Baia baia
Byebye 100% bonus
hasta la vista Taiwan
Exactly preato, and just before they made you drain in a useless war against fr future allies, cro, both drained with obvious results afterwards when iran attacked. Also cro drained out and could not help. You see my point? Greece happened same thing too, Lith, Para and much more.
Liaar liaaar.
good luck o7
still the same copied logo, huh...
Krynias you have a mirror against you and cry out, or?
Ohh, name calling. My favourite act from losers.
You want a looser you may find him at the same mirror you ve been shouting against. Also it s your words against facts. Guess who wins
gooddelete Smile
Good luck Taiwan o7
Good luck Taiwan o7
Good luck Taiwan