Publier en Germany - Divertissement - 31 May 2017 01:30 - 29
Simple protest against the constant whining of erev players!
#YesToGoldPack !!!
Vote and say #YesToNewUPDATE if you agree its a good UPDATE!
Why say YES to this UPDATE? Because this will happen:
1. Gold pack is availlable in gold, so everyone can actually buy it
2. The advantage it's giving are probably worth 199g
3. You are not a whining baby
#YesToGoldPack !!!
Vote and say #YesToNewUPDATE if you agree its a good UPDATE!
Why say YES to this UPDATE? Because this will happen:
1. Gold pack is availlable in gold, so everyone can actually buy it
2. The advantage it's giving are probably worth 199g
3. You are not a whining baby
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first yes

Hell YES!!!!!!!! o7 o7 o7 o7


Hell YES!!!!!!!! o7 o7 o7 o7



Hail VISA! o7


sect of VISAs -_-

kriminalci na kraju će vas 10 ostat igrat


now erev mason lodge is revelaed but why there is some puppets? :V

Les claviers des devs en or x)


Its not problem about gold, problem is because free stamp or maybe some other daily missinon will be available only for gold pack buyers

Yeah but the pack will probably earn you more than 200 gold, so you can always buy it again.

Full visa issou

It is a little bit strange that YOU are writing about #YESABOUT... when you don t put money on this GAME, so, or you are the owner of the game OR you are a MULTI writing under the name of someone else.
Anyway, I don t agree with you, of course that this game must be profitable for owners, BUT, I guess that they are not watching (like most of the people around the world) that they are making the game just for vip/visa people making it more expensive and most of the players don t want to pay, in parallel you can see too much people with 40 accounts earning Golds for free destroying more and more the game mechanics, of course aligned with (unfortunatelly) the owners of the game, rules can be built for every single person, you can have 5 companies of each as maximum, 1 account (if you allow 3 accounts, today there is a lot of VPN free software that will allow you to navigate from millions of areas around the world), and prices according to the demands, if you make this game having these 3 concepts you will make a better game for all of us.

Yes I m a free player, and yet I like this update. But this article is mostly because the crying in annoying me. We don t even know yet if the gold pack is going to cost anything, but people are already talking of quitting the game.
Secondly, I join you about multi accounts. They should be all banned, but I think admins are doing a good job about it lately.

Or maybe he managed to win the bizness game without having to buygold, multi, or doing some CHC stuff 


#YesToGoldPack !!!

@Esus67, your answer sounds like someone else, someone who I am talking on Discord Right NOW, be careful, I hope you are not a MULTI of someone else, isn t it?
Game must improve every day, I totally agree about that, the question is not that, is HOW game must be improved, what will be the highest impact and most important if the people want to pay for that, if they won t, strategic market is not running.



YES for TGQ5 !

I don t have the pleasure to know you Apocalipsys, but I guess that s what a multi would say :/


no to updates,price for this pack is big.