Publier en Georgia - Analyses financières - 11 Jul 2017 03:51 - 19
Probably, I am not a first one with this idea, but current situation on the markets and, generally in the game, are the reason why I want to open discussion about this topic.
Right now, it is possible to install exactly only one Hospital in every country with at least one free region. Instead of this I would like to propose introducing the possibility to install one Hospital of every cl, Q1-Q5.
This model will be similar to House model, so installed Hospitals could bring to the players max 50+100+150+200+250=750 extra energy, instead of currently max 250.
What benefits this will give to the players and the game? It is obvious that more energy is better for everyone. Also, it is obvious that more developed and rich countries will be in better position, but there is another consequence of this. Stressful situation for small and poor countries will produce need to start cooperate each with other, or with the greater countries. Adaptation is a key for the societies in this game, so they will be tested with this update.
For me, the most interesting consequence of this update is impact on the market. Hyperproduction and deflation is already killing raw industry, and such an update will help development of diversification of raw spenders. Increasing price of the house raw will automatically change situation in house production and distribution. Higher prices of products will benefit all the industry, increasing of income will positively influence on global politics and appearing new wars, what is an essence of the game.
Feel free to comment the idea and post your suggestions. Just to know, I have no intention to give a single answer on the troll comments, because this is a serious article.
Right now, it is possible to install exactly only one Hospital in every country with at least one free region. Instead of this I would like to propose introducing the possibility to install one Hospital of every cl, Q1-Q5.
This model will be similar to House model, so installed Hospitals could bring to the players max 50+100+150+200+250=750 extra energy, instead of currently max 250.
What benefits this will give to the players and the game? It is obvious that more energy is better for everyone. Also, it is obvious that more developed and rich countries will be in better position, but there is another consequence of this. Stressful situation for small and poor countries will produce need to start cooperate each with other, or with the greater countries. Adaptation is a key for the societies in this game, so they will be tested with this update.
For me, the most interesting consequence of this update is impact on the market. Hyperproduction and deflation is already killing raw industry, and such an update will help development of diversification of raw spenders. Increasing price of the house raw will automatically change situation in house production and distribution. Higher prices of products will benefit all the industry, increasing of income will positively influence on global politics and appearing new wars, what is an essence of the game.
Feel free to comment the idea and post your suggestions. Just to know, I have no intention to give a single answer on the troll comments, because this is a serious article.
Grizzly021EReJSDarken Rahlhyprhawk2010TopSecretTopSecretTopSecretrontowrontowrontowrontowDon Juan CorleoneCommentaires (19)


great idea as always but admins dont care

Also, make houses last 5 days for example. 

make similar whit defense system... 67%+ damage reduction is fun 

Dora +1


Great idea! V+ 


good idea o7


I think this idea is good but the 30days duration of the Hospital kill the market because you only need to produce 1 hospital or maybe 2 hospital per month because if you produce more than that you will be forced to keep it in your storage

Industry of Hospitals Q1-Q4 is pretty much dead already, because everyone wants to have Q5 hospital. This update can change the situation and make Q1-Q4 Hospitals desirable, maybe even for the first time in the game.
About House raw production... Agree with Dora and Kh4ron, except maybe the amount of damage reduction. There is no my proposal about it, just an idea to let Admins to calculate this number.
Finally, about La Guayana s comment... As the Hospital producer, I can tell you that without workers, it took a lot of time to produce Hospital, especially depending of the range of the object. I don t expect every country to have own national producer of Hospitals. There will be organised trade between countries, various deals, and from the economic standing point, this is what makes this game more interesting.

Since shisui presented that I am sure that its bad idea

Well, I just rad it that shisui is hospital producer, OFC he want changes on his behalf so he can sell hospitals, thats low even for shisui

Sorry, my hospitals will not be on the market, I have a plenty other products for trade. You are already showing unbelievable level of hate, so better ask for medical help, it becomes pathological.

Levi Druze, brate Srbine, nije ti losa ideja, imas vote za ovo o7

At most, will be desiderable the Q4 or Q3 Hospitals. The Q2 and Q1 will remain useless.
But overall, your idea is a good one.