Publier en France - Débâts politiques et analyses - 14 Aug 2017 12:55 - 22

Agui GnakouriJauffreycolintrepidecolintrepidecolintrepidecolintrepidecolintrepidecolintrepidecolintrepideLackoaNemethAbramelinAbramelinAbramelinCommentaires (22)

issou [insert flute music]

J ai pas voté surtout pour un article de faplos

This is art !

Good Luck

Thats joke hq. Funniest from mine. Heil ur vsc

French private screen..

Nice joke



Bordel epsi ahahahahah

I m a simple man, I see Jean Sexylon I vote :pose:


I hope this article is just a joke. BejitSama is vSC? OMG! He can t speak english, whats your plan to contact with him?
. I am sure about that Delos will be worst in August.

Congratz o7

Prank HQ for a Prank Alliance gr8 b8 m8

Almost the whole HQ is french

Bejita is the vSC?

Delos o7

30 ppl voted, lol

best HQ ever XD

With thrustless and 0 loyalty respect and insistence Bejita vSC its demonstrate how useless it is.