Publier en United Kingdom - Débâts politiques et analyses - 26 Sep 2017 00:24 - 17

Well I hope this article serves to administrators understand that we will not accept these changes in any way.
What's my idea ... everybody stop playing completely for 24 hours, see what they think.
Let's all go on a strike.
For those who want to join, leave a comment of this kind...
I gonna put the first ...1... the second put ...2... and continue like that
but the people who publish have to join the strike, and it has to be total stop ...
Not work for this day, go to batle and no collecting energy sell our buying anything... is a total stop for 24h.
I gonna stop in the day 626 00:01 server hour all my activity...
all the people that is gonna stop must stop at the same time...
Lets show this guys that he are talking for real.
And not do anything, and stay crying in the comments, and after don't do nothing.
Strike starts at day 626 00:01 server hour.
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Send me all your gold and go play tetris o7

Let s all go on a strike.


Don t forget to email admin and open a support ticket to let them know why you re striking. o7

4 at least one day im off from working thanks god 








