Publier en Croatia - Débâts politiques et analyses - 06 Nov 2017 03:14 - 28
I wanted to congratulate Croatia's new president CroTurkey,

but poor croatian congressmen had an coup attack against him..
As personal, I respect Election results, and see CroTurkey , as President of Croatia for November...
You are not alone Dear President CroTurkey o7
Hail CroTurkey :)

but poor croatian congressmen had an coup attack against him..

As personal, I respect Election results, and see CroTurkey , as President of Croatia for November...
You are not alone Dear President CroTurkey o7

Hail CroTurkey :)
KroBacaRulers of Steppes 007Baba VossXenonZenCommentaires (28)

All Hail Democracy 

democracy is for the weak hail dictatorship 

Who Cares? Lel

Who Cares? Lel

Seçimle gelen seçimle gider 

Samo si ga vi uzmite xD

hahaha vodite šupka sebi....

A falila mu cp medalja ... jbg turci mu ipak nisu dali da bas bude njihov cp xD a izgleda da je imao vojsku botova kao i sa druge strane i zdrug ... zalosno :/

Thank you guys, our fight vs servians puppies will not end like these, Hail Romy !!!! Kosovo is Albania !!

O-o a sto im lizes paksu strava... valjda si musliman jbt xD ... a da si hater srba to odavno znam... bot alert!

Long life to asseco.
Hail Nemesis-Atlas o/
No vote for you

One day, democracy will surely win!

v Romy is smart.. 😆

Sta kaze ovaj. Nista ne razumem.


rip cro

election won with multies but congress will make desicion.

BEAST you can use multies for congress same as voters for CP elections ..so your opinion is invalid


Romy shut up... When they impeached the cabinet I was in, it was called *congress checking the president*, but now they do the same, it is dictatorship? People of Croatia want war, so they impeached the CP. Deal with it.

Makarov is licking turkish ass here too?

Hail Dictatorship
Hail Croatia

This is our answer: Black Sea Coast of Turkey je osvojeno od Croatia u ratu protiv Turkey 32 seconds ago

if croturkey win the election with multies why asseco is banned?!

Aynı tepkiyi Melih başgan için de bekliyorum abi senden 

yapmayin böyle seyler xd

In much countries peoples abilities are lack to have democracy
In that condition i prefere dictators who can be lovable by peoples,
if democracy would be like Tayyip s eTurkey! o7

And this dictator who is lovable by the people must have prestigious in the international arena