Publier en Venezuela - Analyse de combat - 29 Nov 2017 19:38 - 26
A few days ago I noticed something was off in a battle. After all the new updates, which included modified dmg formulas and multipliers, our land and naval dmg was modified. However, although I was expecting a decrees in dmg what caught my attention was that weather I had a booster active or not I was pretty much doing the same amount of dmg. The same thing happened with the extra NE % we are supposed to get which ended up only boosting up my dmg by like 1.5% instead of the so called 10%.
So I went ahead and dug into the formula updates a little closer and noticed the following.

Both formulas are dependent on the same factors: lvl, str, rank, wep (which is the multiplier attached to each quality), booster and natural enemy.
But what really makes them different is the order in which each affects what I will call our base dmg.
If you notice both formulas they are both exactly the same up to this point: ceil of lvlx5 +str * 1+rankx0.05 = Base dmg
OLD Formula
The old formula had all other factors affect the base dmg as well as themselves as well: Baae dmg x wep x booster x NE
So when you turned on a booster or had NE this not only affected the base dmg but also the wep you were using therefore giving you an overall increase of dmg as stated on said booster (30%, 50%) or by the NE (10%).
NEW Formula
The new formula however separates all other factors and have them ONLY affect your base dmg: Base dmg x wep + base dmg x booster + base dmg x NE
In this case any booster only affects the base dmg leaving out unaltered the majority from where our dmg comes from which is the wep multiplier.
The base dmg is is very small in comparison to our total dmg when we use top weps. Therefore, we now only see a increase in overall dmg when we use any kind of booster.
Here is an idea of how much a booster really affects our overall dmg while using q5 helis and bazookas for an average 18kstr, lvl 98, rank 66 citizen:
Q3 Booster
Portrayed boost percentage = 30%
Real boost on overall dmg using Q5 heli = 6% (3.97k x hit wo/B vs 4.21k x hit w/B)
Real boost on overall dmg using Q5 heli = 5% (4.77k x hit wo/B vs 5.01k x hit w/B)
Q5 Booster
Portrayed boost percentage = 50%
Real boost on overall dmg using Q5 heli = 10% (3.97k x hit wo/B vs 4.37k x hit w/B)
Real boost on overall dmg using Q5 heli = 8% (4.77k x hit wo/B vs 5.17k x hit w/B)
This brings us to 2 things:
1. Our boosters are not as valuable as we once though. To see a Q5 booster that increased our dmg so much and see it only affect our dmg barely enough as an old NE used too is depressing when you consider how hard and expensive it is to gain them.
2. The other booster that with this new update is within or grasp has to do with these new armor suits and multicolored stones and are basically the same as our regular old boosters in terms of both what they are supposed to increase our dmg and how much they are really affecting it as stated above.
And here is where I wanted to get. The Admin gave us all these new ways to increase our dmg while at the same time trying to have us spend all that gold that they foolishly gave us when they screwed up the game a few months ago. But the reality is that even though a lot of people have the gold to spend these highly coveted upgrades the truth of the matter is that they are not even selling us what we think they are.
Spending gold to gain max lvl gloves and helmets will only get you a miserable 8 to 10% dmg increase depending if you use RPG's or Q5 Heli.
If you really are keep to spend your gold on these upgrades or have stones laying around use them on your energy increase gadgets (chest and pants) or on your energy recovery speed increase (boots). Otherwise let the market take down the price of these gems and enjoy not letting adm get away with taking our "hard earn" money away from us ;)
Hope the read was worth your while and can take advantage of it.
So I went ahead and dug into the formula updates a little closer and noticed the following.

Both formulas are dependent on the same factors: lvl, str, rank, wep (which is the multiplier attached to each quality), booster and natural enemy.
But what really makes them different is the order in which each affects what I will call our base dmg.
If you notice both formulas they are both exactly the same up to this point: ceil of lvlx5 +str * 1+rankx0.05 = Base dmg
OLD Formula
The old formula had all other factors affect the base dmg as well as themselves as well: Baae dmg x wep x booster x NE
So when you turned on a booster or had NE this not only affected the base dmg but also the wep you were using therefore giving you an overall increase of dmg as stated on said booster (30%, 50%) or by the NE (10%).
NEW Formula
The new formula however separates all other factors and have them ONLY affect your base dmg: Base dmg x wep + base dmg x booster + base dmg x NE
In this case any booster only affects the base dmg leaving out unaltered the majority from where our dmg comes from which is the wep multiplier.
The base dmg is is very small in comparison to our total dmg when we use top weps. Therefore, we now only see a increase in overall dmg when we use any kind of booster.
Here is an idea of how much a booster really affects our overall dmg while using q5 helis and bazookas for an average 18kstr, lvl 98, rank 66 citizen:
Q3 Booster
Portrayed boost percentage = 30%
Real boost on overall dmg using Q5 heli = 6% (3.97k x hit wo/B vs 4.21k x hit w/B)
Real boost on overall dmg using Q5 heli = 5% (4.77k x hit wo/B vs 5.01k x hit w/B)
Q5 Booster
Portrayed boost percentage = 50%
Real boost on overall dmg using Q5 heli = 10% (3.97k x hit wo/B vs 4.37k x hit w/B)
Real boost on overall dmg using Q5 heli = 8% (4.77k x hit wo/B vs 5.17k x hit w/B)
This brings us to 2 things:
1. Our boosters are not as valuable as we once though. To see a Q5 booster that increased our dmg so much and see it only affect our dmg barely enough as an old NE used too is depressing when you consider how hard and expensive it is to gain them.
2. The other booster that with this new update is within or grasp has to do with these new armor suits and multicolored stones and are basically the same as our regular old boosters in terms of both what they are supposed to increase our dmg and how much they are really affecting it as stated above.
And here is where I wanted to get. The Admin gave us all these new ways to increase our dmg while at the same time trying to have us spend all that gold that they foolishly gave us when they screwed up the game a few months ago. But the reality is that even though a lot of people have the gold to spend these highly coveted upgrades the truth of the matter is that they are not even selling us what we think they are.
Spending gold to gain max lvl gloves and helmets will only get you a miserable 8 to 10% dmg increase depending if you use RPG's or Q5 Heli.
If you really are keep to spend your gold on these upgrades or have stones laying around use them on your energy increase gadgets (chest and pants) or on your energy recovery speed increase (boots). Otherwise let the market take down the price of these gems and enjoy not letting adm get away with taking our "hard earn" money away from us ;)
Hope the read was worth your while and can take advantage of it.
KinyasDunedainislandwoodsieOldGunFighterAlejandroFK_Lokomotiva_BiHPraedatorhomersimpsonNeko 94MukhraniGovernadorCapobrigante Carmine CroccoathensantifaDiplomaticotolgakskDranetCommentaires (26)

*citizen permanently banned

Rank in formula is military rank or navy rank. Boosters coount not as percentage increase of base damage but count as multiplier increase of base damage

YEAH that makes sense too but its not how they portray it though... and definitely not worth the peice

thats why i was hitting 4m instead of 5 yesterday against germoney
i thought something was bugged

In my case, berserk with q5 helis deals 3.35 mil. With q3 booster it used to be 4.35 mil, now it s 3.6 mil. Which means instead of 1 mil more per berserk I only receive fourth of it, 0.25 mil more per berserk. This means dealing, say, 30 berserks, instead of making 130.5 mil I ll be making 108 mil. Or in other words a q3 booster called -30%- instead of giving me additional 30 mil will only give me additional 7.5 mil. Laughable!

we make less dmg now while needing to deal more to get a medal.. whatever happened to updated medal count?


Didn`t this *community* rage against a roll back after that *medal bug* that flooded the game with gold? Everyone seemed happy with all their new companies, etc. Didn`t sekulla promise that all that gold would go away (for the dumb ones, this means turning game again more and more p2w)? Enjoy now 

Gold thrown away...

And surely more is yet to come.

Hahahaha Ancestral, you right 

Just a big smile to admin


Spanish version. Gracias.

dont buy this shit - simple as that

thank you!

Stones with less than 100% probability of improving the medieval gear is a big trolling...


welcome to erevollution

thank you

glad I didn t spend a single gold on those armor items.

It looks like boosters power sholdn t be mesured in %.