Publier en Hungary - Premiers pas sur eRevollution - 08 Dec 2017 10:43 - 14
Greetings for all new eHungarian citizens!
In this article I want to introduce you the possibilities in our country.
In Hungary we have 100% bonuses from food and naval products. The others can be produced in Brazil, you can get tax refund from there with the help of this link.
10% return after company upgrades
In Hungary we give back 100% of the company tax after upgrades (10% of the total costs).
You can get it back after:
-new company building
-new material company building
-company upgrade
You cannot back it after:
-storage buying
-training ground upgrade
-strategic buildings
If you want to get this back:
-You'll have to make a print screen about the current daily tax revenue (Community/My Country/Economy)
-Then you can upgrade/build companies
-After that you'll have to make a print screen about the current daily tax revenue again
-Finally you need to fill this form. After that I'll send you the golds.
In Hungary we have a party for the RL foreigners, it called Barátság Párt (Friendship Party). You can join here. One (or maximum 2) members can run for congress in every month from your community. But you can never run for Party or for Country presidency.
You also have the right to create one military unit for the local Georgian community.
We also have an active channel at discord, you can ask access from our president, LackoaNemeth. Here and in our country wall you will found information about our military plans and movements.
Good luck in Hungary!
In this article I want to introduce you the possibilities in our country.

In Hungary we have 100% bonuses from food and naval products. The others can be produced in Brazil, you can get tax refund from there with the help of this link.
10% return after company upgrades
In Hungary we give back 100% of the company tax after upgrades (10% of the total costs).
You can get it back after:
-new company building
-new material company building
-company upgrade
You cannot back it after:
-storage buying
-training ground upgrade
-strategic buildings
If you want to get this back:
-You'll have to make a print screen about the current daily tax revenue (Community/My Country/Economy)
-Then you can upgrade/build companies
-After that you'll have to make a print screen about the current daily tax revenue again
-Finally you need to fill this form. After that I'll send you the golds.
In Hungary we have a party for the RL foreigners, it called Barátság Párt (Friendship Party). You can join here. One (or maximum 2) members can run for congress in every month from your community. But you can never run for Party or for Country presidency.
You also have the right to create one military unit for the local Georgian community.
We also have an active channel at discord, you can ask access from our president, LackoaNemeth. Here and in our country wall you will found information about our military plans and movements.
Good luck in Hungary!
HuMaViPajszeresPew PewFirtosVadgesztenyeQurcikaCommentaires (14)


Ez ügyben nálam még nem felhőtlen az öröm.Meglátjuk mit tesznek le az asztalra a friss állampolgárok.....

tnx o7

hail o7



Tnx you all we will fight for hungary o7

no nudes no vote :c

Welcome to NAPgary xD

Hungary, the worst ally you can have o7

LOL, the statistics say something different 

Hahahaha :d

Hungary with open borders? Hungary yes