Interimo News

Publier en Switzerland - Débâts politiques et analyses - 29 Jan 2018 13:52 - 7

Hello everyone o/

Today i will try to present my candidature for CP of eSwitzerland this month, and also try to promote our country .

Well, first to say only other candidate ( at the moment ) is  Polemos, who helped me when i came to eSwitzerland and i appreciate him a lot.

Lets start !
I am current Prime Minister, congress member of eSwitzerland  and PP of  People's Action Party. I can easily say that i am one of the most active Swiss citizens. Also i have a lot of experience, being in Congress and governments both in eSwitzerland and in eSerbia.I think that i know what this country needs and i think i know how to get that.

What i will try to do if i get elected ?
-First and the most important,  we need more active citizens, i will try to make few articles in most lated countries and continue to promote our country on a global chat. We need more people in order to fill our product market and try to make our MM better, but it can not be done in few days.Also this would help us in military part , too.
-We joined Atlas few days ago, and i would keep that situation and try to improve our relations with all countries members.
Also, our relations with France are important, we currently rent our region to them. TW with them helped us a lot, giving us active battles for TP daily.
One Austrian region that we occupy should stay in our possession and if there is a chance to steal one more from them ( if they liberate it or something ) that should be done. Other than that we are very peaceful country :)
-Weekly supply. I don't know how much we can afford, but we can make something for sure. Its helpful when your country gives you some amount of helis/food every week.That will encourage and motivate our guys even more to fight for eSwitzerland and our allies and it will raise our activity.

That are 3 main things that i plan for the next month. If you have any question for me on topics that i didn't mention , please don't hesitate and message me.

Also i plan to make my military unit that will fight for eSwitzerland and Atlas, please say if you are interested in joining.

That is all, vote for InterimoSRB

Also, if you want to be part of developing eSwitzerland and help us to make great international community and work together on making eSwitzerland better, contact me or send cs request immediately.

We are looking for new citizens ! Apply for cs 

Thanks for your attention,


Kame SennincOSHiPolemos

Commentaires (7)

I want to be a resident of Switzerland in real world Smile)
Good luck o7
Good luck
Good luck Interimo If I become CP of USA Ill bomb u Laugh