Publier en Hungary - Débâts politiques et analyses - 25 Feb 2018 17:26 - 44
Only a few steps:
1. Wait until the opponents show some organization and have a chance to win a battle.
2. Ask moderators to find someting illegal at their leaders, tanks etc.
3. Ban those citizens in the right time.
4. Won the battle with this help.
5. With the last 3 steps reach that many players leave this game, and made the target country weaker with that.
These are the points which happened when eIndonesia is near to won a resistance war, when eJapan is near to won against eCanada, and now, when eGermany is near to conquer Tyrol.
If someone didn't know it: Germany organized an action at Tyrol, they libertated this region from France and after that they wanted to conquer it. But a moderator banned their CP 10 minutes before the battle is over, so the DoW cannot be proposed.
Four questions:
-Those players started their illegal activities at the same day as they are near their country's success?
-If not, the ban cannot wait until the battle is finished?
-If they using multies for a longer period, can we think that moderators did their job right?
-Is it right to celebrate and mock the other country while you know that you won against cheaters with cheats?
Well, I also wrote a similar article after we conquered Slavonia, but this was written for fun, because this was the first reaction that I read on chat after we won :D (Maybe the current is my first English article without fun content). The 2 earlier article was written about the Cheatians, and not about the Croatians. But that incident was a thaw one. Both are wrong, but Godmother didn't destroyed any community with that.
It's a glory to won battles with a good strategy, good organization, and It's a shame to won it with a banhammer. Just think it out: How german players could feel know? They planned this action, prepared for this, and now this means nothing, because a moderator cannot wait 10 minutes with the judging.
So, what would be the solution?
From Admin's side:
-Inmediately kick the mods who are beastly meddle into these battles with a wrong time ban.
-Try to found moderators whom only watch and not play this game.
-Make thaw punisment to these players (who owns maybe the most active characters in the game)
From TNO's side:
There are multies in every countries. To catch them in this time is a shame. If our alliance now reconquer Tyrol, it will be a shame for TNO, and also for France. So, I think that this is the minimum to let Germany to get this region, and after that try to take it back in a battle, without ban, without any dishonest activity. And next time do not call mods to win battles, or if they did this without a calling, stop fighting in the current battle and accept the defeat.
1. Wait until the opponents show some organization and have a chance to win a battle.
2. Ask moderators to find someting illegal at their leaders, tanks etc.
3. Ban those citizens in the right time.
4. Won the battle with this help.
5. With the last 3 steps reach that many players leave this game, and made the target country weaker with that.
These are the points which happened when eIndonesia is near to won a resistance war, when eJapan is near to won against eCanada, and now, when eGermany is near to conquer Tyrol.
If someone didn't know it: Germany organized an action at Tyrol, they libertated this region from France and after that they wanted to conquer it. But a moderator banned their CP 10 minutes before the battle is over, so the DoW cannot be proposed.
Four questions:
-Those players started their illegal activities at the same day as they are near their country's success?
-If not, the ban cannot wait until the battle is finished?
-If they using multies for a longer period, can we think that moderators did their job right?
-Is it right to celebrate and mock the other country while you know that you won against cheaters with cheats?
Well, I also wrote a similar article after we conquered Slavonia, but this was written for fun, because this was the first reaction that I read on chat after we won :D (Maybe the current is my first English article without fun content). The 2 earlier article was written about the Cheatians, and not about the Croatians. But that incident was a thaw one. Both are wrong, but Godmother didn't destroyed any community with that.
It's a glory to won battles with a good strategy, good organization, and It's a shame to won it with a banhammer. Just think it out: How german players could feel know? They planned this action, prepared for this, and now this means nothing, because a moderator cannot wait 10 minutes with the judging.
So, what would be the solution?
From Admin's side:
-Inmediately kick the mods who are beastly meddle into these battles with a wrong time ban.
-Try to found moderators whom only watch and not play this game.
-Make thaw punisment to these players (who owns maybe the most active characters in the game)
From TNO's side:
There are multies in every countries. To catch them in this time is a shame. If our alliance now reconquer Tyrol, it will be a shame for TNO, and also for France. So, I think that this is the minimum to let Germany to get this region, and after that try to take it back in a battle, without ban, without any dishonest activity. And next time do not call mods to win battles, or if they did this without a calling, stop fighting in the current battle and accept the defeat.
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Please do not spread false information. Moderators cannot move a single finger without asking for permission.

FYNh with all respect this is true. How always the same day or even 20-30 minutes before some special event

Forget about that other game. Owned by the very guys who took this one over after Bisqvit had left. An even greedier bunch.

Okay, I believe this, FYNh. Then please answer to my second question.

FYNh Its not hard to make such conclusions. I know that moderator 2 cant do perm ban alone, need permission from moderator 1. And we all know that moderators 1 are Tovar and noobsailbot. My view is also the same as view of most guys from Nemesis/Atlas, and trust me, many want to quit game after such happenings.

That war ended at mindight, and the ban happened 10 minutes earlier...
I also accept if you are all busy at whole Sunday. Then maybe we need more moderators, or less who only managing this game, and not playing.

Also there is an answer from one of involved persons into this.
From DrethGar : http://prntscr.com/ijqgbw

Moderators cant be involve in game as players! We all know who has permision to ban people. Big respect for Jaca! o7

FYNh: The most important questions are: Did this ban given in the best time? This action will be a damage to this game and to the german community? If the answers are no and yes, someone didn t made his job right.

Voted.. o7

Jaca you are of the few guys with integrity I have seen in this game. While not being on the perceived wrong side of this you still go out and say it like it is. Respect to you dude. Unfortunately there arent many like you on the other side so I hope you dont do it for them but for the game overall. o7

Don t worry, I don t want to change side
I think that everyone wants a game without abuses and at least with a little respect against each other, alliances doesn t matter in this case.

vV Good article

I dont think the important part of this article and convo is the details of this one incident. Although very compelling in its own right. but the most important part is that this keeps happening! I see it jaca thank you for catching all this.

Tnx o7

There should be a restriction that MOD should not be involve in country or alliance politics neither he/she should be a part of any country and alliance position to prevent this kind of situation.

I havent seen better article ever thanks jaca for showing everyone widely how nwo wins battles with what rules.

Good article

It is sad as the same allegation was placed on one of Iran X-MOD Yashar multiple times and now it is on another Iran MOD


i think that in this game there will stay only TNO players

disguisting mods and admins!


Its almost cute you giving this much attention to this dead game, while ignoring the real problem. The metastasizing one.

100% real no fake

Agreed. Good article Jaca.

@Skynet00 LOL seems more cute when someone response who pretend realistic 

Too much power in players hands

Jaca being objective????? wtf o.O

Good job Jaca. No one admin banned !??

FYNh. This game has the wors and most corrupt moderators I ever seen. Its not a question thats the truth.

Votado. Dêm ban nos verdadeiros batoteiros e ban nos mods que estão a estragar o Jogo!

Signed emperor japan . Leader atlas and mv nemesis/atlas

erev mod team is a joke, id spit on their face if i could

Some mods are the same players who wrote articles mocking the other countries... Voted, sometimes I think that both sides here tend to be more childish than their equivalent is er*p (but I still prefer to play this because there is no divs and erev has a better mobile interface)

Mod tolol

@jaca this as you said was big enoigh blow for germany community i personally have retired from any position in this game and ill consider if i even keep clicking after this fiasco.Moderators should not be political figures.All moderators should be netrual ppl not in any alliance or country.

Mods should use accounts:
Username: Moderator
Level: from level 1(low power) to level 10(admin power)
Citizenship: NEUTRAL
Location: Free to travel
Politics: NO
Military: NO
Work and trade: YES
Storage: 10k no upgrade possible
Media: YES
That s all for them, make them neutral.

From all the games i have already played, all mods in this one are corrupted, NO EXCEPTION!

Once upon a time admin wanted to save serbia from deletion, he changed rw rule from 1 per day to 2 per day while we are removing serbia, we wrote articles and you just wrote CRY. After that serbia got strong and started to collect bonuses and admin suddenly changed rw rule again from 2 to 1 rw per day. Again we wrote article about it and u just wrote CRY.
Now i have to say something about that situation: CRY 

@lmperius , yeah, but you forgot that Turkey mod did same thing to Germany 1 year ago,

@imperius what a lie ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahh

Only 74 votes... People hidding and looking other side. True information.