Publier en Iran - Divertissement - 21 Dec 2018 13:38 - 41

ببخشید اگه تو این مدتی که تو بازی بودم با رفتارم کسی رو ناراحت کردم ؛ امیدوارم تو زندگی موفق باشید .

Sorry for bad English / Have a good time o7
Green EyesBunnyLiuTsiggerzaloo28the_passenger2ping2ping2ping2ping2ping2ping2ping2ping2ping2ping2ping2ping2ping2pingkhoramahwazzPersian kingPeakysotodehI oneI oneI oneLajbachKame SenninRagnar34Noelle6ix9ine6ix9ine6ix9ine6ix9ine6ix9ineCommentaires (41)

Good luck my bro, see you in some other place. Germans love you o/

o7 bro. GL

ulan zizi de bırakıyo be oyunu
cya dude ...

Take care of yourself mate o7

من بو برده بودم یه خبرایی بینتون هست. پس واسه همین یه روز تو رو بن کرد و به من دلیلشو نمیگفت 😂😂😂
هرجا هستی شاد باشی

Have a great real life!

I will find you when I come İran
Good luck in real life Selamın aleykum birader o7

All the best in RL!

salem bashi aziz /// good luck my frined .//.07


Good bye all friend you are in my heart

o7 wish you all best

Good bye, o7

Good night all : D



À bientôt mob ami

movafagh bashi sultan o7

موفق باشی داداش
good luck life

.موفق باشی داداش من . منم رفتم یا نهایت 2 کلیکه میشم و بقیه بمونن و آهسته و پیوسته ایران رو نگه دارن 

داداش هر کجا که هستی موفق باشی

Good bye all

o7 My old friend!

Salam alaikum. Good luck in real buddy

Gl in the RL. o7

Au revoir mon zizi 😢

GL in RL o7



What the fuck she is married woman with kids. A typical iranian guy pffs

lol @gigi... @zizi you did not tell us why you are leaving? was it because you are fedup with the game? no time? did your love spurn you?

see u on other games o7

Good bye o/

@77GIGI77 I did not want to marry with moderator :/
. I mean someone else .... Do not make a mistake

Lol gigi
he actually wanted to marry my sister, not me, I am almost twice his age
//// zizi, good luck bro, all the best in life, it was an honor o7

Oh lol