Publier en Turkey - Débâts politiques et analyses - 03 Jan 2019 09:50 - 27
Not long ago, previous President of Turkey (now known as B A R O N) stole thousands of golds from our treasury. I explained in details in this article (Turkish) but let me just give you figures here. Basically, he took 11.822 gold during his presidency and spent 9.792 gold in just two weeks. It can be understood if you are having a tough campaign but he did that without spending almost a penny for citizens. He did a free supply for himself (he did that by anger he says) and god knows what else that he did not admit.
We of course contacted Moderators about this issue and the response was quite surprising. -They do not involve in how President spend money-
This is not just unfair but also a lie. 1.5 years ago, we had another scammer president, KapganHan. He stole less than this and Admins stamped him as a scammer. So we wonder, how come two exact action gets different responses?
We ask Admin -if any left- to reconsider their decision about this case. If you purchase goods from citizen and do not send even 10 gold, you get scammer mark. How come a person who steals 10K gold gets away with it?
President of eTurkey
Not long ago, previous President of Turkey (now known as B A R O N) stole thousands of golds from our treasury. I explained in details in this article (Turkish) but let me just give you figures here. Basically, he took 11.822 gold during his presidency and spent 9.792 gold in just two weeks. It can be understood if you are having a tough campaign but he did that without spending almost a penny for citizens. He did a free supply for himself (he did that by anger he says) and god knows what else that he did not admit.
We of course contacted Moderators about this issue and the response was quite surprising. -They do not involve in how President spend money-
This is not just unfair but also a lie. 1.5 years ago, we had another scammer president, KapganHan. He stole less than this and Admins stamped him as a scammer. So we wonder, how come two exact action gets different responses?
We ask Admin -if any left- to reconsider their decision about this case. If you purchase goods from citizen and do not send even 10 gold, you get scammer mark. How come a person who steals 10K gold gets away with it?
President of eTurkey
kostrosipinasipinasipinaHuang DiSpockKingorionAlitaDerbederDerbederPratinoPratinoPratinoThe Last Lynx PardinusDondarrionDondarrionhomersimpsonGigaCommentaires (27)

Kino gene hangi boş işlerle uğraşıon

You definitely have had tough campaigns against your allies, especially Brazil and Germany, before formally selling out to Rumania, Serbia et al for weeks, already since the end of October. What is the pretended surprise for?

@Bikkin, if our -allies- stood up for us when UBG basically kicked Turkey out of alliance, this wouldnt happen. I am not sure you are in right place to blame about that topic.

@Kinyas if you had not unilaterally declared a kind of virtual New Osman Empire, self-servingly distributing the already redistributed resources for yourself only as you had seen fit, I am absolutely sure you would not have been repelled by our Brazilian and German brethren.

Bethren? Hahahaha. It was hell of a laugh.

Turkey have full bonus with Baron as I remember 😁

Türklerin genlerinde var hırsızlık ne yaparsan her zaman çalan ve kendini akıllı sayan birileri olacak

@Kinyas this was rather a poor riposte, if you meant it so.
Btw, Turkish leadership (I do not want to point my finger) today even tolerates that the Vlachi openly and regularly keep degrading and insulting our common brothers the Mongols left and right. They never raise a word. You never do.

@Bikkin, I havent seen a word about what you are talking about. Whoever said that can suck glorious parts of Khan.

I am the most happy player in this game. It s honor for me to fight against Serbia and Turkey together. I remember that day when Serbia knell in front of Turkey, now I stay alone with Peaky to fight against that disgusting 🙄

1- Turkey treasure has never had as many golds. DON T LIE !
2- When I struggle for my country, you just watch like a f**king p**sy
3- You ve never been as successful as me.
4- You and your supports are crying now for your wrong policies.

They were formerly admins do their jobs...For example
We used to trust admin ... it was a nice days ...

Party President nominate Country President, Citizen elect them, and all law approve by congressman. No MOD or Admin should interfere in country internal matter, so the answer was correct. If now and then anyone can post a ticket or submit the article like this then whats the meaning of posting laws in country administration and need 60% vote in favor to approve it.

@St0l3n, then I want someone to explain to me why this President got scammer tag.

When i was cp, i took notes of everything... The best tool to improve Gov is taking notes...

utanmaz, arlanmaz, şerefsiz baron

madem hırsız değilsin isim değişmeler ortadan kaybolmalar senin başkanlığında 15 q5 actim 1k gold sadece benden ülke kasasına girdi be adam

Ben birşey dicem yine kimseyi suçlamıyorum kinyası da tayfasını da oldum olası sevmem. Fatihi ben bugüne kadar destekledim ama gözlerimin kör olduğunu düşünüyorum şuan. Yine de kesin çaldı diye birşey demem, haddim değildir. Ama hareketleri kuşkulu geliyor ve açıklama yok. Allah en iyisini bilir. Siz de biliniz ki eğer bu şahıs en ufak birşey çalmışsa ben bundan beriyim. Asla desteklemiyorum. Çalmadıysa zaten sorun yok

@Kinyas yes unfortunately we don t have Org s Country, nor logs to visualize all the transactions CPs do.
Same case happened on Chile, a guy stole 2 state q5 helis companies, and admins said exactly the same.

the best way to be CP is 1 for people 5 for me
and they like me 

@Kinyas very well, I accept your invitation and am going to post the copy of their insults right under your articles, ok?

@Kinyas, sorry for your loss!

But... Kinyas ! It s a dead game ! 2 years ago, there was a strongest community and more players on this game !
Today, if you ban 2 players in a country like France, the country loses 50% of his citizens.
I can write an article full of insults and stealing 20k gold to any gov in this game, my account doesn t risk anything because I m an active player and if admins contact me, I just have to show my credit card~

Bilerek ingilizce yazmıyorum yorumumu, Türkiye nin iç işlerine de karışmak istemem ama,5 ayrı donate yasasında görebildiğim kadarıyla toplamda 350k cc ve 5k gold u adama donate yasasıyla gönderirken aklınız nerdeydi? Madem tokatlanacağınıza dair şüpheleriniz var neden bu 5 ayrı donate yasasında en azından 1 tane bile olsa hayır oyu yok? Arkadaş hırsız mıdır değil midir bilemem, o paralar nerede kullanıldı onu da bilemem ancak taksit taksit adama para gönderiyorsunuz, sonra diyorsunuz ki bu adam bizi tokatladı. Lan madem tokatlanacağınıza dair şüpheniz var niye sürekli ödeme yapıyosunuz? Eaah yani, tokatlanmaya kaşınmışsınız o zaman ne diyim.. Geçmiş olsun

The issue with the president is that he is an elected body the citizens in this game trusted him to lead the country with blank check lets say, real life doesn t work here admins are not here to police everyone only the ones that brake the rules that allows them to profit from the game as in any game its the same even in there is a huge issue with president stolen money in many countries in some cases the same presidents where scammed by friends in other they just wanted the gold and who can blame them right ? there is nothing that you can do about it thats the game, if your countries gets wiped out of gold buy new gold thats the moto