Publier en Iran - Débâts politiques et analyses - 23 Nov 2019 14:12 - 22

jehovahjehovahjehovahKhabib NurmagomedovKhabib NurmagomedovKhabib NurmagomedovKhabib NurmagomedovKhabib NurmagomedovKhabib NurmagomedovLA ILAHE ILLALLAHLA ILAHE ILLALLAHLA ILAHE ILLALLAHKhabib NurmagomedovKhabib NurmagomedovKhabib NurmagomedovKhabib NurmagomedovKhabib NurmagomedovKhabib NurmagomedovKhabib NurmagomedovKhabib NurmagomedovThe Last Lynx PardinusThe Last Lynx PardinusThe Last Lynx PardinusThe Last Lynx PardinusFerdi CarrefourKromionRed EagleislandwoodsieVitalicStormbringerFlyingCangarooNilsonBOSMANEvil Skullshafagi 385shafagi 385shafagi 385shafagi 385shafagi 385shafagi 385shafagi 385shafagi 385shafagi 385shafagi 385shafagi 385shafagi 385shafagi 385shafagi 385shafagi 385skyfallBrotherhoodEARTHQUAKEEARTHQUAKEHarleyQuinnHarleyQuinnHarleyQuinnHarleyQuinnHarleyQuinnHarleyQuinnHarleyQuinnHarleyQuinnHarleyQuinnHarleyQuinnHarleyQuinnHarleyQuinnHarleyQuinnHarleyQuinnHarleyQuinnHarleyQuinnHarleyQuinnHarleyQuinnHarleyQuinnHarleyQuinnHarleyQuinnHarleyQuinnHarleyQuinnHarleyQuinnHarleyQuinnRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInTheOldMan67shafagi 385shafagi 385shafagi 385shafagi 385shafagi 385shafagi 385shafagi 385shafagi 385PeakyJoker EvilFatihFatihFatihluanstosDnylmDnylmDnylmFaradeyFaradeyBarbod bayatBarbod bayat2ping2pingskyfallFORTUNAHalfLutalicaPoooZZnSKynet0013urningUSKUDARDoktor MikiHellscreamHellscreamHellscreamHellscreamHellscreamHellscreamHellscreamHellscreamHellscreamHellscreamHellscreamHellscreamHellscreamHellscreamHellscreamHrvatHrvatotari2001lequiddzinsinisMacedoniaGreeceDavis_MDondarrionRasturatorsoul_strippperDacianOpenoteLajbachTonySimionkaren yikaren yikaren yikaren yikaren yiunsalondeteBezdan24urban_boykeyser_sloDaudDaudDaudDaudDaudZeroBeepBeepIamAJeepHuang DiDe Oblandomartinaslansumo_zrju1986MikeVanDikeKobelarAZAZELDark Wolfpapa bearcobiCOMBEPiXiESSbibin maliSt0L3nMikucferidonkenar123feridonkenar123feridonkenar123impactonimpactonimpactonimpactonvahiiiid 68S4lM4nS4lM4nS4lM4nS4lM4nS4lM4nS4lM4nS4lM4nS4lM4nS4lM4nS4lM4nS4lM4nS4lM4nS4lM4nS4lM4nS4lM4nS4lM4nTirisFallTirisFallTirisFallTirisFallTirisFallTirisFallTirisFallTirisFallTirisFallTirisFallTirisFallTirisFallTirisFallTirisFallTirisFallCommentaires (22)

welcome back brother. our brotherhood endless o7

Welcome back o7

Welcome back , this just a game, I wish best in RL o7

You lost Inner Mongolia one day before you lost your internet connection, then we saw you have problems with internet and sent messages to your people that Croatia won t fight against you till you get back, don t lie..

@BornaX 11H before China rw in Inner Mongolia , Our internet was in trouble .Immediately afterwards I sent an SMS to 24 of my friends to see their status. And they said they had trouble accessing the Internet . If you think I m lying, I can send you a screenshot to see its date (When i sent SMS to them) . do you want it ? say yes to send you

I know you fought in that battle, I don t need screenshots

So, now you blame Croatia for taking Inner Mongolia even they did not know that you lost internet connection during the battle. Blame your allies for not helping you, because Serbs and Croats fought for you in your RWs so you do not lose more regions.

Welcome back brothers, I hope rHungary is going to assist you.

Glad you guys are back and hope everybody is ok

unfortunately nothing r will assist them bikkin, maybe if there is some interest the US will come to bring democracy to the undeveloped animals and then we will see a real war there again

Welcome back! And keep on good work! o7



Is not more easy wipe iran?. Them problem solve, equals cores to the winners

OUR LAND? Should we laugh or cry?

1) --- Inner Mongolia...
2) --- Kandahar...
3) --- Uttar Pradesh
4) --- Balochistan
5) --- Little Poland
Helps by enemies...
6) --- Kabul
7) --- Northern India
8) --- Punjab
9) --- Mazovia
10) --- Peninsular Malaysia
Thanks for your helps but you got the bonuses that were important for us
11) --- Peninsular Malaysia
12) --- Punjab
and congrats to USA and allies for this great battle...

welcome back o7

Welcome back bro o/