Publier en Serbia - Débâts politiques et analyses - 23 Dec 2019 21:26 - 19
All of us witnessed some recent events from the last great war in the eRev: USA against Pax Serbiana (Serbia and others). The result is obvious, victory of Serbia and collapse of US.
What now?
Negotiation between leadership of Serbia and the POTUS already started. Our community get some offers, including possibility to have back some our provinces, possibility to reestablish the e-country with some own territories and opportunity to live and work in free homeland (precisely, minor part of it).
Is this generous?
It would be a generous offer if we didn't got some insulting demands, like messing with some our internal affairs... orders to expel some citizens of US (like it is possible 😁),... etc.
Should we accept?
My position, as an independent trader, it's simple: I am ready to bargain, and searching for a good deal. This one obviously is not.
Majority of the players joined during the last past months already left the US. Those who stayed we should respect, not humiliate.
We are brothers in arms, regardless of the outcome in the war.
It's obvious that the eRev now is under the dictatorship of the Serbian players because of the number and power of their accounts and certainly because of the approval of players from other communities.
Did we had a right to challenge it?
Indeed, USA accepted numerous applications for the citizenship from various countries (I also joined myself) and started the war for the liberation. This way our country became one of the most powerful countries in the game (comparing the fire power in the batlles). Our allies supported us and they deserved our gratitude for this.
What was wrong with this?
Absolutely nothing, except we loose the war.
And finally, what now?
You can win the war, you can take our territories, you can make as stop working in our industry leaving us without any province.
But you can not forbid US to be proud and stay what we are - THE CITIZENS OF THE USA 🇺🇸
My answer and my recommendation as the PM is next: if you approach us with some peace offer, let's make it better.
If Serbia in RL history could stay without independence several centuries and rebuild again when got the opportunity, why US could not wait few months for the better deal or opportunity to liberate own country?
We are ready to continue guerrilla war if you can't make some better offer.
What now?
Negotiation between leadership of Serbia and the POTUS already started. Our community get some offers, including possibility to have back some our provinces, possibility to reestablish the e-country with some own territories and opportunity to live and work in free homeland (precisely, minor part of it).
Is this generous?
It would be a generous offer if we didn't got some insulting demands, like messing with some our internal affairs... orders to expel some citizens of US (like it is possible 😁),... etc.
Should we accept?
My position, as an independent trader, it's simple: I am ready to bargain, and searching for a good deal. This one obviously is not.
Majority of the players joined during the last past months already left the US. Those who stayed we should respect, not humiliate.
We are brothers in arms, regardless of the outcome in the war.
It's obvious that the eRev now is under the dictatorship of the Serbian players because of the number and power of their accounts and certainly because of the approval of players from other communities.
Did we had a right to challenge it?
Indeed, USA accepted numerous applications for the citizenship from various countries (I also joined myself) and started the war for the liberation. This way our country became one of the most powerful countries in the game (comparing the fire power in the batlles). Our allies supported us and they deserved our gratitude for this.
What was wrong with this?
Absolutely nothing, except we loose the war.
And finally, what now?
You can win the war, you can take our territories, you can make as stop working in our industry leaving us without any province.
But you can not forbid US to be proud and stay what we are - THE CITIZENS OF THE USA 🇺🇸
My answer and my recommendation as the PM is next: if you approach us with some peace offer, let's make it better.
If Serbia in RL history could stay without independence several centuries and rebuild again when got the opportunity, why US could not wait few months for the better deal or opportunity to liberate own country?
We are ready to continue guerrilla war if you can't make some better offer.
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Join Japan, Join NOW !!!

kme, kme

Zahvalite se Pikiju i turcima za sve ovo i sad snosite posledice
Imali ste sve, sada ste niko i nista
Razmisli malo ko vas je ostavio kad je bilo najteze i posle opet mi krivi

Philippines will defend USA 

huang , nemoj da se ponavljaš kao neka baba, vidim da sam veoma bitan faktor u vašim životima, mislim te male grupice vaše

Once upon the There was a time when Peaky and I started arguing because of the relation with Serbia in the game.
Could I get better satisfaction? Seeing Peaky in my shoes today 😂?
Well, it really doesn t matter...
We are not crying, we are not complaining. We are bargain at the moment, and what the other side sees? Peaky Blinder.
Pushing US to continue the war is exactly what Peaky wants, making you, Serbian leaders bad guys...
About Turks... Every group of foreign players is welcomed in USA, in fact, this is the way how US became powerful in RL - accepting people in their search for a new life, new opportunity.
Accusing US to be what we are is ridiculous.
Think again, is there space, for some quality negotiations or not, it is up to you.
What you are going to do now with US and any other country in the game, it will be affected on you in future months and even years in this game.
So choose wisely, and except consequences of that chose, or not... And again except consequences for second choice, either.

You came to USA recenlty, but you speak like you are born USA citizen. Only problem of the USA are you guys, Serb-haters. You and Peaky Blinder mostly. We are calling you JANJICARI. I will remind you and others from this game that USA had I think 25 regions, had gold for rent, hospital and security. Me personal guaranted them that no one will attack them. For the country that have 5-6 players this is more than fair trade. But what happened? Answer is Peaky Blinder! He managed to convice them to break the deal they had and to attack us. But ofc, they lost that war and many territories after that. Than happened Turks and you Shisui and again you managed to convice them to fight, and now they are deleted. DO NOT BLAME SERBIA!!! Blame those Serb-haters and Turks. Now you are trying to fuck them again. Good, you can do it. If they are stupid, they will listen you again.

Ja se secam vremena kada sam bio predsednik Kanade, a kada je Amerika imala sve bonuse, bez kolonija, zato sto je takva bila igrica... plus po dva od nekih.. Tada sam im ponudio da im se plati a da nam daju preostale bonuse , naravno oni nisu prihvatili, smatrajuci da ne moraju, vise iz ponosa nekog nego iz potrebe.. I smatrajuci da ce ih njihov savez stitit .. Tako su oni lepo izgubili celu istocnu obalu i 4 iz centralne Amerike

@the_passenger, nothing is so simple as you presented. You could be closer to the truth if you wrote that I am Peaky hater, not the Serbia hater. But I am not, I am simply a player.
This is a game. In the game we can meet other people/players. In real life I am meeting Serbian people all the time. So, it s quite enough for me.
Here, in the e-world, as a players we have opportunities to play something else. Difference between two of us is that I don t feel obligation to represent Serbia on every step, as you.
I admit, I am representing only myself.
When I come from eUkraine, the Turkish players already were here. The war already started. I just joined ongoing events.
Now, the war is almost over. I am not provoking hatred towards you or Serbia. What I am doing is helping in negotiatins USA not to step down from dignity and the pride.
I do not see why you are complaining, there is a peace offer, take it or leave it.
Let us make a deal or continue with war, the choice is yours.

Shuisui why dont you put it simple than, answer to all to see with few words , who broke deal that USA had with serbia or simple who did more to break it if you claim both sides... Let all of us (who dont follow politics ) know who is more responsible for this that you are complaining about.

@TopSecret, I admit, I don t have informations about events before I joined. I can presume, if no one from USA claims opposite... it was US in the end. Ofc, I could be wrong about that.
If this satisfy you, you got my answer, but... Let s stop crying on top of the spilled milk.
I meet your offers on the various markets, so I can presume that the both of us are traders. So... Let s start talking like them. Have you an offer or not? Do you want negotiate or humiliate? As a matter of fact I can stand in this position until the next Christmas and continue the war, if you prefer that.

yo no soy serbio

Shisui, thanks for honest answer. o7

passanger is lying, they stopped paying rents ( if you can call that a rent at all, amount was miserable) and, no I was not behind USA attacking serbia, even that group from serbia is talking that all the way, but yeah i organized that OH, when serbians lost their bonuses and their main city which was in USA, and after that for couple months Germany was shooting for USA. Shisui ask islandwoodsie, he know everything.

what came first??? Chicken or the Egg?

Yikes, it took me 9/10,s of my life to finally figure out to not say what i want to say, buy say what you think they want to hear. That being said, i have NOTHING to say :-)

After all, I don t need to ask anything about this. What s in the past, let s stay in the past.
Further days gonna show us what we are going to do in the future.
My interest in this is to prepare some new migrations into the USA, helping in organizing the new power in the game... and make this game interesting for play instead of boring cat/mouse playing, what we have at the moment.
After all, I am sure that players in Serbia badly wants some dissent opponent.
On the other side, many players in small (in the game) countries are expecting to get (finally) a serious role... so let s play

Long text long comments😶😐🤐
long LONG long😎😁😑
