Publier en Denmark - Débâts politiques et analyses - 17 Feb 2020 10:16 - 15
Good news from the Danish government to fellow Hungarian veterans!
Denmark, always producing and cooperating with the workers, decided to be with you in these difficult days of you Hungarian producers.
Starting today; There is no need to make a living problem with less production in the lands of bonusless, inefficient and barren Hungary.
Now you will be able to multiply your production in the fertile and beautiful lands of Denmark.
And without paying any taxes.
Yes, you have not heard wrong.
As the Danish government, you will receive a 100% tax refund on your productions on our fertile land. .
You are a Hungarian worker, did your production decrease? Do not worry. Denmark is with you. Produce in our fertile soil, get tax refund :)
Denmark, always producing and cooperating with the workers, decided to be with you in these difficult days of you Hungarian producers.
Starting today; There is no need to make a living problem with less production in the lands of bonusless, inefficient and barren Hungary.
Now you will be able to multiply your production in the fertile and beautiful lands of Denmark.
And without paying any taxes.
Yes, you have not heard wrong.
As the Danish government, you will receive a 100% tax refund on your productions on our fertile land. .
You are a Hungarian worker, did your production decrease? Do not worry. Denmark is with you. Produce in our fertile soil, get tax refund :)
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You are a Hungarian worker, did your production decrease? Do not worry. Denmark is with you. Produce in our fertile soil, get tax refund 

We welcome our Hun brothers.

v c

Something is rotten in the state of Denmark... probably the many unwashed turbans give that foul odour.

Ooo racism in the highest quality from Bikkin. Thank you dude

Arabic version?

@Kocaelispor41 Only For ERHungarian??. What About The Small Businessmen From Other Countrys??.

You forgot the English version

Time passes and these Danes get more degraded 😟

Something is rotten in the state of Denmark... probably the many unwashed turbans give that foul odour. Hahahaha x2

I almost thought that Danish players are funny, but this article is like a wet fart. You wanted it to sound loud, so you pushed it so hard you sh*t your pants. 😁

As we see some Hun friedns being full of hate

Huns are just sore losers... or just losers.

Yeah, we are full of hate
Losers are more happier when they see trouble of their enemy/anyone, then they earn something in life. Guess what which countries play this stlye