Publier en United States of America - Débâts politiques et analyses - 27 Feb 2020 05:05 - 9
One week before presidential elections I decided to present what we have done (all together) in eUSA last month.
That day, when I became CP, was not so funny at all. eUSA had 0 gold in the Treasure and not a single liberated region. Our country was erased and many players already left the country.
Right now, eUSA is the country with 8 regions and approximately 700 gold in Treasure. I am glad to say that several players decided to join US, and we got some new players also.
At the moment we have active wars against Hungary and Germany. I must admit, those wars are not against enemies, they are product of diplomatic relations and cooperation between our countries.
Our country has several issues and we all know that solving them wouldn't be easy. For me, the biggest trouble here is the lack of active players, and consequently poor economical performance and pive position in the game. Most of our regions are under occupation and we are not getting a single cent as a rent.
As the good news I would like to present successful monetary reform in US. Results come earlier than I expected - now we have although small, but stable tax income with tendency to grow. Further development of industrial production and trade must be our priority in future months in order to support this positive tendencies.
Another enormous issue is our position in foreign affairs. Our country has own place in the struggle between major alliances. My predictions are that we are not ready to support such political course because of the current state of our military potentials.
Claiming development of the country as the top priority, we are coming to position to re-evaluate our further engagement in foreign affairs.
Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to all citizens of eUSA in the first place. You are the reason why our country survived so far and started to grow one more time.
I would like also to show my gratitude to our allies, especially to Hungary because of the understanding, support in our battles and unselfish politic. Without you, none of this would be possible.
I am not going to forget, my gratitude belongs also to Portugal and Serbia, our opponents (not the enemies). Portugal was not so interested to defend occupied regions in USA (except in few battles). On the other side, Serbia was persistent in our mutual RW battles and didn't allow us to get any region easy (usually, Serbia was the one who win the battles). Nevertheless, they didn't declare war to US (so far), and didn't try to take our regions of us (again). I am hoping that we could reset our relations, and start negotiations without constant repeating about what was happening in the past.
Uchiha Shisui
That day, when I became CP, was not so funny at all. eUSA had 0 gold in the Treasure and not a single liberated region. Our country was erased and many players already left the country.
Right now, eUSA is the country with 8 regions and approximately 700 gold in Treasure. I am glad to say that several players decided to join US, and we got some new players also.
At the moment we have active wars against Hungary and Germany. I must admit, those wars are not against enemies, they are product of diplomatic relations and cooperation between our countries.
Our country has several issues and we all know that solving them wouldn't be easy. For me, the biggest trouble here is the lack of active players, and consequently poor economical performance and pive position in the game. Most of our regions are under occupation and we are not getting a single cent as a rent.
As the good news I would like to present successful monetary reform in US. Results come earlier than I expected - now we have although small, but stable tax income with tendency to grow. Further development of industrial production and trade must be our priority in future months in order to support this positive tendencies.
Another enormous issue is our position in foreign affairs. Our country has own place in the struggle between major alliances. My predictions are that we are not ready to support such political course because of the current state of our military potentials.
Claiming development of the country as the top priority, we are coming to position to re-evaluate our further engagement in foreign affairs.
Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to all citizens of eUSA in the first place. You are the reason why our country survived so far and started to grow one more time.
I would like also to show my gratitude to our allies, especially to Hungary because of the understanding, support in our battles and unselfish politic. Without you, none of this would be possible.
I am not going to forget, my gratitude belongs also to Portugal and Serbia, our opponents (not the enemies). Portugal was not so interested to defend occupied regions in USA (except in few battles). On the other side, Serbia was persistent in our mutual RW battles and didn't allow us to get any region easy (usually, Serbia was the one who win the battles). Nevertheless, they didn't declare war to US (so far), and didn't try to take our regions of us (again). I am hoping that we could reset our relations, and start negotiations without constant repeating about what was happening in the past.
Uchiha Shisui
Gabrielz HornBlackfuryBlackfuryislandwoodsieBuckwheat McCoyKame SenninFallenAngelKenshiroK o BDondarrionThomas CrownAragornFlyingCangarooFlyingCangarooFlyingCangarooAenkinelN3lesteRroberthpzroberthpzFrancesco LentiniFrancesco LentiniFrancesco LentiniFrancesco LentiniFrancesco LentiniFrancesco LentiniFrancesco LentiniFrancesco LentiniFrancesco LentiniFrancesco LentiniKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninMcDowellsmrnnastaseJean EpsilonMarteLusoMarteLusoMarteLusoMarteLusoMarteLusoIvokryIvokryIvokryIvokryIvokryTokugawaTokugawaTokugawaTokugawaTokugawaRothbartAlextitizanotitizanotitizanotitizanotitizanoKingorionKingorionKingorionImperatorKing of the DarkKing of the Darkdragica1ZeptaZeptaZeptaZeptaZeptaZeptaZeptaZeptaZeptaZeptatitzianoCedaDaciannikirukorchabonOpenoteOpenoteProduktkyerbyVincentCommentaires (9)

Great update!

Hmm.. I follow the developments..

@B A R O N, join US and be a part of it

@Shisui Uchiha How Dare You Ask For compensation For Lands That Is Not Currently Yours?. That Were Taken Legally And Peacefully By Legitimate Means.
Apart From That Get 700 Golds Only In Dividends When You Barely Have 2 Weeks In Powers.
Although For 2K In Gold I Could Help You

Voted good luck

Well our only wars in last 12 months were when islandwoodsie declared it on us (2 or 3 times) for same reason you re mentioning now (close relations with Germans).
And every such war ended with us having 5-10 more USA regions then before.

@Cooi, I understand what are you talking about. I can t forbid anyone to have some relations with other people. What I am suggesting, let s face future and abandon the past. We can behave emotionally or rational. I don t think that we have such a big issue, that can not be solved. Serbia has interest to complete own bonuses on the American soil. USA have interest to restore own regions as much as it is possible. I am aware that we can t have all our regions because of the lack of players. Also, I am sure that Serbia doesn t need to duplicate own resources in America 5 or 6 times. So...we can have some serious conversation as the adults, or continue to argue as a children.