Publier en Poland - Divertissement - 13 Apr 2020 23:46 - 6
eFootballution is both a player-made Event and an experiment. Players create their avatars, which will be competing in a bit wacky, 5v5 version of Football/Soccer. The thing is - these avatars stats depend on players eRevollution skills as well as the skill focus players chose during signup.
How to join as a Player?
Becoming a player is simple. All you have to do is fill the Player Signup form. That's it - just fill up the form and play eRevollution normally. :D
How to join as a Manager/Coach?
Managers - people in charge of the entire Teams - to start their journey, have to contact the Organizer directly. Because from Managers there will have a bit bigger tasks - maintaining their team, setting the strategy, maybe even arranging some sparings with other teams... For that the acitivity is the key.
We have first good information. The last day's Showcase has been successfully recorded and is available HERE on Twitch! We are working on increasing the quality for a moment.
This time, "multies" were put on a good position, allowing the players to get a little bit more close and personal. Again, four makeshift teams with randomly chosen competitors faced eachother on a field. Let's just say, that the referees were a bit more lenient and this time we have only 2 players thrown out with a red card.
First match was mostly a show of one player. Portuguese striker Pony of Darkness probably decided to speedrun the whole event, getting a Hat-trick in the first half, and then increasing that score to FIVE goals.
The second match was more close to eachother. Both teams first exchnged goals (Aphian's successful Penalty Kick was countered by Magoichi, then Sutanu's goal was countered by Aphian). A moments before the final whistle, Magoichi managed to bring the Third goal to his team, but the opponents managed to get a Penalty Kick in last moment. Unfortunately, PG was distracted by a flare thrown by angry fans and missed the opportunity.
Next Showcase
Next Showcase is chaeduled on Thursday, Day 1558 at 9:00 GameTime (16:00 UTC). Because there is no official team yet and only potential coaches doing their analysis, I guess that teams will be again randomized, still keeping the "4 players plus GK-multi" rule. Unfortunately, Mithra and Koreys will be pausing due to getting a red card. Because we now have some reserves, we may implement this rule.
Remember that you may join the event at any moment. Who knows - maybe that will be your way to shine? :)
K o BAphianGoguadzeGoguadzePony of DarknessWeandilWeandilWeandilWeandilWeandilWeandilWeandilWeandilWeandilWeandilWeandilWeandilWeandilBaninyePazePazePazmiqelCumulonimbsBMorgado10miqelmiqelmiqelmiqelCommentaires (6)

We definitely need more players. Do you know some ambitious ones to join the frey? 

Nice played. GG Pony 

What hahaha I am the reincarnation of Cristiano Ronaldo xD

I agree. I was shocked at your performance, Pony. Hope that (along with quality increase) will brin gevn more players. Especially, because we found a sponsor!


Nice games!