Publier en Bosnia and Herzegovina - Divertissement - 20 Jun 2020 09:33 - 5
Me , when I am going to eat Cevapi
More Vucko's videos:
Vucko drinking coffee:
Vucko playing hockey:
Vucko and bird:
Who is Vucko?
Vučko is the Olympic mascot of the 1984 Winter Olympics in Sarajevo , created by the Slovenian painter Jože Trobec. The mascot is a wolf, an animal typically found in the forests of the Dinaric Alps region. Vučko was at the time the hero of a cartoon created by Nedeljko Dragic , published in several Yugoslavian newspapers. The wolf is a prominent figure in Yugoslavian fables: he embodies courage and strength and symbolises winter. Through his smiling, frightened or serious facial expressions, Vučko gave the wolf a rather friendly appearance and even helped to change the usually ferocious image of this animal.
More Vucko's videos:
Vucko drinking coffee:
Vucko playing hockey:
Vucko and bird:
Vučko is the Olympic mascot of the 1984 Winter Olympics in Sarajevo , created by the Slovenian painter Jože Trobec. The mascot is a wolf, an animal typically found in the forests of the Dinaric Alps region. Vučko was at the time the hero of a cartoon created by Nedeljko Dragic , published in several Yugoslavian newspapers. The wolf is a prominent figure in Yugoslavian fables: he embodies courage and strength and symbolises winter. Through his smiling, frightened or serious facial expressions, Vučko gave the wolf a rather friendly appearance and even helped to change the usually ferocious image of this animal.
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Hail Yugoslavia