Publier en United States of America - Premiers pas sur eRevollution - 16 Oct 2020 15:13 - 18
This is an article about the truth. How admin pushing great customers away like fokkerdr1 and others.
The guy, named the_penger, continuously defame (hungarian) people, especially me, on international chat, and even in articles.
Here are his "precious":
The first one is really "great" (especially for admins), because he calls dozens of real hungarians as multi, such as fokkerdr1, who left this game for other one (sometimes he logs in, but rarely fight with us even if I ping him many times...our allies know what does that mean if I am on fire with pings :D ), and he is a great customer there. Or one other guy, who is an oenologist at one of the finest hungarian winery (and he likes beer :D ). And I can continue this list.
One of the reasons all of these players left the game (and spending their money at other games like this), because admins don't permanently ban defamers like the_penger. And I can continue this list, too.
His newest masterpiece/clic/evergreen:
"Be van fejezve a nagy mű, igen.
A gép forog, az alkotó pihen."
I just can describe his technique this way:
Why? That's why:
He calls me racist, the friend of this guy calls me racist:
What did he said? Let me explain to you:
There is a hungarian historical monument in Királyhalom (old name: Bácsszőlős, in serbian: Bački Vinogradi/ Бачки Виногради), and it reminds us of a tragic WWII happening, when many ten-thousand of hungarian and german (schwab) civilians were macred (by serbians). You can read the names of the hungarian and german victims on it. And that serbian guy told that, there is not enough name on it. Some weeks later, he just confirmed that he thinks his latest post seriously, and he even thinks that, that happening wasn’t even tragical.
But I know, I am racist :) ...and I should have been banned in a game where people like Nilson and penger play.
I wanna apologize every slavic people around the world (firstly in this game), who took that on herself/himself.
I have never ever insulted anyone because of their race/nationality, gender or religion.
So from now I will be more specific, I will use the "some specific southern-slavic" phrase before I tell anything about guys like the_penger.
One last thing about phrases:
That guy, named the_penger. using phrases in his article what I also used in my very detailed paypal dispute, which only admins and me should know about at right this time. How penger could do that? Admins sharing private infos/conversations or what happened?
Let that sink in, you guys and ladies, who still play this game.
The guy, named the_penger, continuously defame (hungarian) people, especially me, on international chat, and even in articles.
Here are his "precious":
The first one is really "great" (especially for admins), because he calls dozens of real hungarians as multi, such as fokkerdr1, who left this game for other one (sometimes he logs in, but rarely fight with us even if I ping him many times...our allies know what does that mean if I am on fire with pings :D ), and he is a great customer there. Or one other guy, who is an oenologist at one of the finest hungarian winery (and he likes beer :D ). And I can continue this list.
One of the reasons all of these players left the game (and spending their money at other games like this), because admins don't permanently ban defamers like the_penger. And I can continue this list, too.
His newest masterpiece/clic/evergreen:
"Be van fejezve a nagy mű, igen.
A gép forog, az alkotó pihen."
I just can describe his technique this way:

He calls me racist, the friend of this guy calls me racist:
What did he said? Let me explain to you:
There is a hungarian historical monument in Királyhalom (old name: Bácsszőlős, in serbian: Bački Vinogradi/ Бачки Виногради), and it reminds us of a tragic WWII happening, when many ten-thousand of hungarian and german (schwab) civilians were macred (by serbians). You can read the names of the hungarian and german victims on it. And that serbian guy told that, there is not enough name on it. Some weeks later, he just confirmed that he thinks his latest post seriously, and he even thinks that, that happening wasn’t even tragical.
But I know, I am racist :) ...and I should have been banned in a game where people like Nilson and penger play.
I wanna apologize every slavic people around the world (firstly in this game), who took that on herself/himself.
I have never ever insulted anyone because of their race/nationality, gender or religion.
So from now I will be more specific, I will use the "some specific southern-slavic" phrase before I tell anything about guys like the_penger.
One last thing about phrases:
That guy, named the_penger. using phrases in his article what I also used in my very detailed paypal dispute, which only admins and me should know about at right this time. How penger could do that? Admins sharing private infos/conversations or what happened?
Let that sink in, you guys and ladies, who still play this game.
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what I wrote is wrong, I have nothing against the Hungarians but i wanted you to see what it s like when you don t insult one person but the whole nation... You will never se insulting coment from me again....

Waiting for more incoming wriggling larvae from the worst of Yugoslavia...
Guys, indeed... I met many lowlifes on the Net but you in this very game easily rule supreme.
Only one question remains: what will all these creatures do when Talan is no longer here?

passenger is complex person. He accuses us of cheating but anyone who reads my old articles knows who s cheating/cheater. I ask HİM million time SHOW US YOUR REFEREL LİST bu he didnt
cuz he took tons of gold from his multi friend. i showed all croatian,serbian,slovenian multis with admin case i showed their accounts AND EVERYONE SAW.

I don t think that involving RL events from the history here is a good idea. On the other side, it prove herself as a good fuel for the money making machine, what this game actually is. Despite this, it could be also an opportunity for resolving some ethnic issues or stereotypes. Although there are tons of disagreements and misunderstandings between south slavic and hungarian people for almost the millennium, I still don t think that the reason for that is the nature of the people, but their leaderships and sometimes culture.

Secondly, Királyhalom (Bački Vinogradi) is a beautiful place and I spent some of my time there. People (mostly Hungarians) in this village are wonderful and I could not find any reason to complain because of their behaviour.
Tragedy that happens in this village in the end of the WW2 is something what is not (well) known in present Serbia. Another tragedy happens near the Bleiburg, also known as križni put. Another act of the revenge made by the winners of WW2.
Stil, I don t think that differences between nationality are the main reason. Many tens of thousands victims communist slaughtered all over Serbia during 1944. right after the so called, liberation (some people could say invasion of Soviet Red Army and force of Yugoslavian partizans). Victims was Serbs. Also in Bleiburg, and during the križni put, majority of the victims was Croatian members of military forces, civilian, but also Serbs, members of četnici and ljotićevci and civilians.

To conclude...all of this tragedies are just a part of the long chain of revenges. In January 1942. Hungarian forces slaughtered civilians in Ujvideki - Novi Sad (Hebrew, Serbs, ... even some Hungarians who tried to protect own friends from other nations). In Croatia there was concentration camps for some of non Croatian people. After WW2 there was massive ethnic cleansing of German people almost all over the Easter Europe...
But, forraldom 1956 (Hungarian revolution) is an interesting fact. After defeat in this struggle against Soviet forces, many Hungarian refugees find the shelter in Yugoslavia... only 12 years after tragedy in Királyhalom...

It s not about to come up with history, it s about how kind of person Nilson and passenger. And yeah, very ugly things happen during wars like WWII. But the difference between Novi Sad and Bački Vinogradi, Novi Sad happened because of a hungarian lieutenant-general, named Feketehalmy-Czeydner Ferenc, and his followers, who denied orders and principles. (And Bački Vinogradi was let by the forming/establishing serbian government - Tito and his partizans - , and it was more organized) But did you see here hungarians telling that, that lieutenant-general should have killed more serbian? No! Because you have right, things like these ones shouldn t be involved into a game, that s why Nilson should have been banned right that day, when he posted that. Anyway, after happenings of Novi Sad, the hungarian general, named Szombathelyi Ferenc, started an investigation against this hungarian lieutenant-general and his followers. During WWII, Hungary was the ONLY country who started investigation against their own military people, because they did any acts against Geneva Conventions and humanity.

Ask admin to ban your proxy cp accounts. then we can talk

You mean Blue Bird and DavidOff, dear two-faced cheater? You do not even hide them. Same algorithm for endorsing from your accounts. First 25 cc then 5 cc, 8 times in a row. The possibility for this is zero.

Harry Bosch = cheating bozgor 

So endorsing articles against the rules? You couldn t even be more pathetic.

I could agree with you about prosecution of war criminals everywhere and everyone. History should be not used in the game, especially not in that way, like some players did. I don t think that this is a reflection of anyone s culture, lack of manners of some people is not correct to imply to whole nation, or group of nations. To speak about history, people should be aware of each perspective of problem, not only analyzing from angle of own nation. On the other hand, I am not sure that you have complete insight in what happened with Kingdom of Jugoslavia, during the WW2. Besides attack and occupation of Germany, Italy, and their allies, treacherous standing of allies, rebellion of western part of Jugoslavia, there was also a civil war in most of the country. Recognizing Tito and his communist as a serbian government would be a great surprise for people of Serbia this days.
My point is, coming up with national point of view about communist at the end of WW2 is just a dead end. Their approach was international, not national.

As you said yes, everyone s culture is reflected in this game. they have always been under yoke throughout their history. You can see the reflection of this even in this game. They are a bad nation. They see everyone but themselves as an enemy. actually nobody cares about them. I want you to know that they are a very loyal nation as slaves: D who am I talking about? Of course from slaves

Shisui Uchiha: we are not talking about RL history here. We are talking about a player who glorified RL genocide - and got away with it scot-free.

I am on the picture
But with a hater.
I am offended now. 

Bikkin... could it be greater irony to be a member of nation - object of genocide and to glorify genocide in the same time. Modu...I think, you can better than this. There are no bad nations. Member of the same nation refused to get paid for own most influential patent and to become a rich industrialist. Because of that, he provided an extreme development of whole world in last century, opportunity to have cheap electricity is also a reason why we can have games like this.

Mr Bogdán! A jó kurva szorostalpu anyad a bozgor. Apád is inkább maradt volna a kecske picsajanal. Ha már anyadnal nem tolta egy lukkal odébb. Tolvaj, történelem nélküli senkiházi.