Publier en France - Débâts politiques et analyses - 06 Dec 2020 06:46 - 23
December 6, 2020, France has chosen its new President. Despite his strong decisions, a more than competent opponent but a bit absent, Carapicho (again me) is elected at the head of the country for a second term.
I'm not going to tell you a story, the victory is not mine. All the members of La Cosca were present in front of the polling stations to take care of welcoming the voters.

Thanks to all of my party for their support! Now is the time to focus on explaining the goals for December.
On this feast day, for Saint Nicolas, I offer you the 100/80/80/80 as a bonus. Enjoy it as French friends, it doesn't mean that we will keep it very long!

This month, France will be working to organize the Musketeers alliance !

We currently have 2 countries that have made known their willingness to join the alliance.
Discussions will begin in order to organize their integration in the coming days if a consensus is found on the ongoing wars and other MPPs that each country has or will wish to keep after joining the alliance.

All Country Presidents who want information about or join the alliance can make themselves known through the comments or directly by private message to the alliance leader.
Regarding our foreign policy, like the alliance, France will become a neutral country. As long as we have the current MPPs it is difficult to occupy such a position, but be aware that once these MPPs are completed our neutral status will begin and it is not certain that we will re-sign all the MPPs that we currently have.
Building on the proposals of previous governments, we will try to reactivate the projects in this article. If you are interested in one or the other, send me a PM and I will make sure to retrieve the information about it for you to benefit !
We are entering a month full of novelties and changes. My mailbox is open to everyone ! Do not hesitate to contact me !

It's time to create a third force in the game, dare to leave the warmth of your comfort to go on an adventure with us !

I'm not going to tell you a story, the victory is not mine. All the members of La Cosca were present in front of the polling stations to take care of welcoming the voters.
On this feast day, for Saint Nicolas, I offer you the 100/80/80/80 as a bonus. Enjoy it as French friends, it doesn't mean that we will keep it very long!
This month, France will be working to organize the Musketeers alliance !
Discussions will begin in order to organize their integration in the coming days if a consensus is found on the ongoing wars and other MPPs that each country has or will wish to keep after joining the alliance.
Regarding our foreign policy, like the alliance, France will become a neutral country. As long as we have the current MPPs it is difficult to occupy such a position, but be aware that once these MPPs are completed our neutral status will begin and it is not certain that we will re-sign all the MPPs that we currently have.
Building on the proposals of previous governments, we will try to reactivate the projects in this article. If you are interested in one or the other, send me a PM and I will make sure to retrieve the information about it for you to benefit !
We are entering a month full of novelties and changes. My mailbox is open to everyone ! Do not hesitate to contact me !
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Hail Musketeers ! o7

Hail Musketeers ! o7

Hail Musketeers ! o7

Hail Musketeers ! o7

Being neutral, but still attacked Canada


Being neutral doesn t mean sticking around.
Currently, the only alliance that communicates on its activity is Musketeers. Canada is not part of any in-game alliance. If that were to change, then we would do what is necessary to correct it.

Canada is a part of France.

Third force is a always ends 2vs1

Carapicho, you are so wrong. Canada is part the same alliance as Serbia. You shoulf know it.

I double check alliance in game. Sorry but Canada is not in any alliance.... And there is 0 article from an active alliance since i m président. So tell me how i can know something that is not notice anywhere ? And where is this alliance leader or sofa with whom i can speak ?

You are not looking right. No one is creating alliances like before, here in the game. Look to the MPPs of Canada and you will see that Canada is part of the alliance.

Canada is not part of your alliance : .
There is alliance page in game, so if you don t use it, you should write article and communicate more about it.
And to be honest, there is an alliance page, even if this module is not really attractive. If everybody leaves it, how would you admin be interested in keep it update... So i m using this module, and i will continue to consider Canada without alliance until they join one ! Play the game in the game ! Or create an other one if you want play in an other way !

Ok, then your NAP deals are not valid anymore. We will not let you to harm any of our alliance members.

NAP deals are wrote on article and publish in public, so all can see them !
Again if you want to show you are on alliance, wrote some article so everybody can know this. I can t know which alliance exist if nobody publish about it !

I have told you maaaaan... No one bothers with articles here anymore. Waste of time.

So use the Alliance module to formalize your partnership. Without it, we will continue our trip to Canada !

Haha ok
Then, we will continue our trip to France xD

Pissinger got pissed of

Hey passenger, stop taking yourself for a god, you re just a looser.

Iggy Pop is just noob empty talker like always. France made NAP with Slo, Den, Tur and Geo. I don t see their Canada, which is a southern-slavic multi-lead country. Yeah, they can multi-lead countries, but they ban real people on our side. Live long southern-slavic Cheetahs, included admins!

Einer für Alle, Alle für Einen - Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno.//