Publier en Turkey - Premiers pas sur eRevollution - 09 Dec 2020 05:40 - 12
The game, which I have played fondly for years, has recently gone beyond its purpose due to purely financial interest and has turned into a game structure that acts for the gain of those who have money.
In these recent times, when the game has entered the termination period, there has been a huge difference between the players who play by depositing money and the players who continue the game without any payment. The game is far from its old taste, it is in a monetary quagmire acting entirely for the sake of gain.
Rich players; While you can win a region alone with 10 seconds left to the end of a front, it ends the game play pleasure of players who do not want to invest money in the game.
The game turns into a war between the rich and the poor.
That's why I named this article El erevollution.
The war of the rich and the poor!
Attack with your bombs, weapons, or if not enough, your level 60 wolves.
Feed your tigers.
Get plenty of nukes from your credit card.
In the end, we will win!
Against guns, those who fight with knives, bears witness to history.
In these recent times, when the game has entered the termination period, there has been a huge difference between the players who play by depositing money and the players who continue the game without any payment. The game is far from its old taste, it is in a monetary quagmire acting entirely for the sake of gain.
Rich players; While you can win a region alone with 10 seconds left to the end of a front, it ends the game play pleasure of players who do not want to invest money in the game.
The game turns into a war between the rich and the poor.
That's why I named this article El erevollution.
The war of the rich and the poor!
Attack with your bombs, weapons, or if not enough, your level 60 wolves.
Feed your tigers.
Get plenty of nukes from your credit card.
In the end, we will win!
Against guns, those who fight with knives, bears witness to history.
afatdedeAntiterrorisBaba VossBaba VossBaba VossGreen EyesBattal GaziBattal GaziLajbachB A R O NsesebiBunnyLiuBunnyLiuBunnyLiuBunnyLiuSoy BurroDondarrionspageYamtar TPony of DarknessSaruhanbey45Saruhanbey45Saruhanbey45HeavenHellM U R A TJinxCaptain HarlockWonder WomanchicagolupanparicinoricinoimpossibleloveimpossibleloveimpossibleloveimpossibleloveimpossibleloveimpossibleloveimpossibleloveimpossibleloveimpossibleloveimpossibleloveimpossibleloveimpossibleloveimpossibleloveimpossibleloveimpossibleloveimpossibleloveimpossibleloveimpossibleloveimpossibleloveIbn Qayyim al JawziyyaCommentaires (12)

Everythin is bullshit i think +5 gears and +10 dogs and cats is normal but +60 this is not normal mr admin pay to win detected

Admin read it !!!

Admins probably don t pay taxes, because they probably have no legal documents to run this game. Because when I asked them to share the name of the firm which runs this game, and the headquarter of it, they just deleted my ticket without answer.
They just need money.


no to capitalism.

tell that to lajbach also 

I think admin will delete this article 

i would like to feed Dinosour. upgrade loading..................%51

Admin should add avatar for pets so we can customize them. +1 to chicagolupanpa suggestion btw, add Dinosaurs too!

I still want my pet giant squid for naval battles.
How about separate booster pets for land / naval battles??

Unban Fortuna, to be equal in battles