Publier en United Kingdom - Divertissement - 29 Jan 2021 10:28 - 3
Here are my SIX favourite Hotties with surnames that start with the letter 'H'
Geri Halliwell

Amber Heard
Vanessa Hudgens
Julianne Hough
Which one ticks the box for you - comments below.....


Geri Halliwell

Amber Heard

Vanessa Hudgens

Julianne Hough

Which one ticks the box for you - comments below.....
MonehMonehMonehMonehMonehMonehMonehMonehMonehPony of DarknessMonehMonehMonehMonehMonehMonehMonehMonehMonehMonehMonehednauMonehMonehMonehMonehMonehMonehMonehMonehMonehMonehMonehMonehMonehTonySimionTonySimionTonySimionTonySimionTonySimionDeepPasokThe GuardianCommentaires (3)

Amber Heard!

I like Françoise Hardy songs, she was beautiful at that time, at the 60-70s (I do not want to spoil that image in my mind so I do not want to see how she is today!)

For me it has got to be Geri Halliwell. The combination of the red hair and blue eyes - together with the generously proportioned figure is a wonderful combination....