Publier en Turkey - Divertissement - 01 Dec 2021 00:17 - 21
Greetings to all allied countries and all friends who are our rivals on the battlefield.
Due to the intensity of my real life, I decided to take a break from this game. I've opened so many articles in this game, frankly, I never thought I would open such an article one day :) But every happy thing has an end.
Thanks to this game, I have made very good friends, I also thank the game manager for this. While your name has ped, please find a solution to the energy issue in order to make the game more beautiful and not to take away the enjoyment of the game from the people.
I'm sorry if I have hurt someone's heart or upset them during this process.
By the way, Many thanks to all non-German German citizens who made the whole world hostile to them and gave people a reason to play the game again, in the game where all the fun is over.
It was good fighting against you.
Endless thanks to MrBogdan team and all over Romania.
I would like to thank all Romanian citizens who gave me the task of foreign ministry on the first day of my Romanian citizenship and acted like a Romanian player for years.
Endless thanks to France, which respects our values by asking us when it will attack, so as not to attack at an hour when Muslims are important during Ramadan.
To Croatia, the constant ally of the Kumangaard army,
to Serbia, which is with us in our most difficult days
and endless thanks to all the players who left the game in the Kumangaard army for 5 years and still continue the game.
It was great getting to know you and playing in the same army as you guys.
Since the wolf level and tiger level are high, I will enter 1-2 times a day and do wt.
Maybe we'll see you here again when the intensity in my real life settles down a bit, and maybe when the game is a little more playable.
Goodbye until that day.
Due to the intensity of my real life, I decided to take a break from this game. I've opened so many articles in this game, frankly, I never thought I would open such an article one day :) But every happy thing has an end.
Thanks to this game, I have made very good friends, I also thank the game manager for this. While your name has ped, please find a solution to the energy issue in order to make the game more beautiful and not to take away the enjoyment of the game from the people.
I'm sorry if I have hurt someone's heart or upset them during this process.
By the way, Many thanks to all non-German German citizens who made the whole world hostile to them and gave people a reason to play the game again, in the game where all the fun is over.
It was good fighting against you.
Endless thanks to MrBogdan team and all over Romania.
I would like to thank all Romanian citizens who gave me the task of foreign ministry on the first day of my Romanian citizenship and acted like a Romanian player for years.
Endless thanks to France, which respects our values by asking us when it will attack, so as not to attack at an hour when Muslims are important during Ramadan.
To Croatia, the constant ally of the Kumangaard army,
to Serbia, which is with us in our most difficult days
and endless thanks to all the players who left the game in the Kumangaard army for 5 years and still continue the game.
It was great getting to know you and playing in the same army as you guys.
Since the wolf level and tiger level are high, I will enter 1-2 times a day and do wt.
Maybe we'll see you here again when the intensity in my real life settles down a bit, and maybe when the game is a little more playable.
Goodbye until that day.
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All the best in RL, Kocaelispor41!
Take care of yourself and maybe we ll see you again soon ...👋🤞

Have a good trip my friend in real life and in the game again when you deem it necessary or expedient


You will be missed. Hopefully this is temporary and as such most players here just login 1-2 times a day and the others have all left for good due to the mess in game.

all the best

I love you brother. I will be miss you so much in game but in RL we will talk a lot. A thousand thanks for teaching me and helping. I wish best for you


Good luck in RL

Good luck in RL.. we will be waiting for you here 

Erkan üzüldüm bro, reelde başarılar sal gelsin



Voted, good luck in RL! We will wait for your return o7

Good luck m8.

GL and TC in RL

Kendine iyi bak Erkan, uğra ara ara

Take care irl.
For sure it could be good to see u again on battlefield someday
