Publier en Brazil - Débâts politiques et analyses - 05 Jan 2024 10:11 - 20

Dear erevollution citizens,
We are pleased to announce that the 1st G-11 eInternational Summit came to an end, with several great discussions, and solutions for the survival of the game and health of the community.
The G-11 started sessions in December 1st, with the following countries as full members:
-Brazil/Peru confederacy

G11 at debate
The main agenda was:
-Fixes and changes proposals to admins.
-New alliances and bring balance to the game.
We are all aware game came to a death point since October, without real fights, nor a good reason to keep playing; thats why G-11
identified that indeed Admin manage of the game and its "improvements" until November, had gradually negative impact on
player's community, but also this problem was a mere symptom of a bigger problem: Game Modules, mechanics, and
administration has been deteriorating gradually long ago, even years.
Also, we were aware that even real and consistent changes must be made, also a eWorld alliances balance is needed, because 30%
of the status-quo was players fault as well, and we didn't want to deny it.
Thats how, after several days of discussion between CPs and MoFAS of every country, we came with a totally approved solution for both
Here's the detail.
1) New Alliances
The G-11 fully agreed that new alliances are needed, and also this topics was entirely up to community, so we came first with this

A good rivalry and balance is one key of a healthy game.
The considerations of making a balanced alliances eWorld were:
- Countries firepower
- Countries Population
- Industry
- Strategical positions
- Flanks Exposures
- Former friendships and historical/social differences (the hardest topic)
The following alliances were completely approved by all the members of the G-11:
Alliance 1:
- Romania
- Germany
- France
- Brazil/Peru confederacy
- Poland
Alliance 2:
- Greece
- Serbia
- Croatia
- Argentina
- Bosnia
- Turkiye
This alliances have already taken place in game, and as soon as we focus on game fun and a friendly way of play this game, things should
improve. Also, G-11 accepted to review alliances balance every 6months- 1 year if its needed. Minor Countries are free to contact (or be contacted by)
any Alliance, in order to join them, or be allied with them. Minor countries have full autonomy of their Foreign Affairs since they can add up more value to this new order.
2) Games Changes and Fixes proposals
This topic is hard to achieve specially because every country have different opinions of how the game should be fixed, and also because we need Admin good will to develop those proposals. But taking into account that admin want the community help to know where they should focus, we ended up with
a list of proposals approved by the G-11 (this doesnt mean all members agreed with those proposals, it means that all members accepted every
proposal as valid). The ideas to change this game for good are the following:
- Warfare complete removal, or its limitation to at last1 hour before battle's end.
- Naval system and battles complete removal (Implement airstrike at a mive gold, CC, food cost; and limit it). Airbases removal or
- Temporary Hyperbars complete removal as rewards from missions/events.
- Temporary Hyperbars at sell at gold price over high quantities of buys.
- Warfare and other packs update, including hyperbars and increasing the damage value of them.
- Update Weekly challenge, applying more TIERs and players segmentation according strength (partially solved by admin on January updates,
also more TIERs needed)
- Allow travel between countries with CC, lower prices for travels inside the same country (fully implemented by admin, cheers!)
- Update Daily Orders Rewards (upgrade 1 EB to 1 Hyperbar, 2 RPGs to 200-500 RPGs, to be consistent with actual game speed).
- Change price of RPG in store (Partially solved by admin in Gold Store, it should be lower).
- Change weekly event rewards, giving permanent prizes like Storage instead of nukes, or even factories to new/low str players.
- Change price of gold in store: Since gold ingame came drastically low, and companies profit gone away, gold price in EUR should be
fixed to new game mechanics.
- Companies prices must go lower: following the reason explained above.
- Implement upgrades of parallel/actual companies industries in CC. Same as we have in RAWs companies, a CC weps/airs companies must be
needed, so CC can be drained also. This also give possibilites of a whole
new branch of companies, upgradeable with CC.
- Countries core regions review. Starting with a 7-10regions minimum, and adding more regions in a decreasing manner according
to real countries sizes.
- Limit maximum countries expansion to 50-70 regions.
- Automatically set a battle for a rare resource as Epic Battle.
- Review medals prizes. If stays at CC, economic development must be made (look 11th proposal), otherwise, turn back medals to gold reward.
-Update Missile and Nuke Damage taking into account actual battles mean damage dealt.
-Storage and companies bought with CC cost-benefit would be similar (not complete equal) than its gold alternative. Actually
their difference is high.
- Reactive the alliance Module, and also expand the MPPs allowance up to 12-15 MPPs, to boost minor countries activity.
We know there are several more ideas and changes that need to be implemented, but G-11 took in consideration also the probability of Admin
to make those changes, taking into account:
-Ease of fixes/changes to be implemented.
-Be consistent with Admin intentions, and create a good synergy between administration (Admin) and customers (players).
If admin wants to talk directly with G-11, he can contact us in order to talk through Discord. We can give them even more proposals that
were set in the backlog.
With these 2 main topics, the 1st eInternational Summit G-11come to an end, and countries will keep the general discord channel in order to
maintain and strenghen international cooperation for the sake of the game.
We hope admin could see our efforts to keep game alive, the will to help them out, and also the intention to help-by-doing. However,
we reserve the right to restart "boicot" if admins don't hear their customer's will.
Thanks for reading, and see you until next summit!.
G-11 Spokesman, and MoFA of BR/PER.
LushaitsotitzianoDarkestHour45F 4 R G 0ShaddyKolossaltitzianoL E G I O NL E G I O NL E G I O NPeakyBOSMANKiraBunnyLiuMiltiadosMiltiadosMiltiadosTsiggerT28Kalt puiRomyZvijer69The Last Lynx Pardinusdgyx1983GiovaniImKromionKhaleesiGabrielz HornafatdedeDeo ZeusBeWinnerDelincventCommentaires (20)

Vote by e-Turkey MoFA

We love temp hyperbars !!!! Minor countries have full autonomy of their Foreign Affairs since they can add up more value to this new order. Видећеш како ћеш проћи са Бразилом за који дан. СРАМОТА !!!!

ADMIN listen to your players!!!!

signed by the CP BiH

Temp hyper bars removal would be very bad for game without some additional mayor changes in production. That is only thing that is balancing overproduction

voted + DELETE ALL MULTI!!!!!

I kind of like temp. hyperbars, too :s



Fully support everything

Signed Arg CP

Selected a great name: G11. It will be just as effective as G7 or G20.
Look after own interest and f**k the world.

Half of this game change request are pointless. this list does not represent opinion of all players and beause there are too many requests, shuffled important ones with other minor requests admin will probably reject all of them

thanks! balance it is good all time!
but need small country/s aliance

Limit the MAX DMG needed to gain a battle medal at 10B.
Now, many players need over 100B to get a single (1K cc) medal!
Does NOT work for battles economy.

Good JOB lots of changes hope factory s become cheaper.

You are MoFA only from Brazil because you are Brazilian, you no longer represent Peru. Administrator who hopes that he does not ban Osito Renegan multi-account that is on CP in Peru.

Without shame, expect the Naval System to be eliminated because neither your account nor your multis have invested anything to develop that module. Instead, there should be a sale of a Starter Pack that increases strength to 300,000, to those who want to increase strength that costs them.
