Publier en Japan - Débâts politiques et analyses - 17 Apr 2016 04:50 - 20

In this article I will address the military, economic and governmental topics regarding Japan.

Our campaign against France is for the moment halted. After our first unsuccessful attack in France where 2 billion damage was fired, with smart move from Japan's government we have made a resistance war in North Carolina so we can attack France before they could attack us. We have successfully lured French damage in both the American RW and in Aquitaine while Serbia further advances to Paris and we successfully delete Turkey. Because of this - France hit whole 30 million in the defense of the Turkish last region. And we have also taken several French regions in their resistance wars (Mexico, Canada, Belgium & Netherlands)
Now to address Ukraine. After Ukraine has completed it's military plans (Poland and Sweden) under the safety of TRS alliance they have once again decided to change their colors. This time they decided to declare war without warning (And also falsely telling that we are still friends 2 hours before the law) the country that was their first ally, a loyal ally, and the first MPP ever created in this game. However, we thank Ukraine for at least having the decency not to attack Japan immediately while we fought with France.
Thus, Japanese citizens - prepare to once again earn Ukrainian respect. But this time through the show of Nippon power.
We will still continue to fight for our allies who have given great help to Japan. Once again we thank you all.

Economy Please read this article, it is the official article of our Governor regarding our economy.
At the moment we have a plan to coordinate with KADIN Indonesia (Indonesian Chamber of Commerce Industry) to have a steady supply of food for our mighty samurais.
Our main priority at the moment is implementing a defense system, upgrading heli companies to q3 and to continue supporting our soldiers with training ground upgrades. Everyone who has a training ground level 4 should consider donating as much money as he can to the country treasury to speed up our projects. At the moment I wish to thank Crnobog, Burjak and nakituminayashi who unselfishly gave their gold for the good of our empire. Also to mention that Crnobog sacrificed upgrading his training ground in order to help us prosper.
Last thing regarding economy: Everyone who wish to work at government companies for 1 JPY in exchange for extra supplies should contact our governor - mrcow.

Me, Shiro, have been elected for Emperor instead of YouGodMe due to YouGodMe having less free time and he deserved some rest for his hard work.
Due to this, I have made small changes to the government members:
vEmperor: nakituminayashi
Minister of Defense: Requiem
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Shiro; my personal itent: Crnobog
Vice Minister of Foreign Affaris: Shiroyasha
Governor: mrcow
Minister of Education: Synhro
Like we said before, we are still seeking new candidates for government work and positions. If anyone is interested please contact nakituminayashi for an interview. The only conditions for an interview are: 1 month+ citizen of Japan, knowledge of English language and to be an active member of our community.

Lastly, I wish to formally announce honorary citizens of Japan for their unconditional help and support to Japan:

- phantom986
- KrstaVB
- Szefes
- TheOne
- ttanttane
- Arbitech
- Shirogane
- Yashar
- Bradoque
- shaumatraumax
- AbrahamLincoln
All of them have given great contribution to improving relations between Japan and their allies and to Japan in battle. The only exception is AbrahamLincoln who was the most respectable opponent we had and due to his great diplomatic contribution.
By the order of Emperor, phantom986 has also been promoted to honorary member of Amaterasu military unit.
For all of you we will make a special 'medal' to put on your avatar if you wish.
We thank you all once again!

P.S.: Due to his great wish to visit Tokyo, after hours and hours of meeting with my Government, and under great pressure from my vEmperor nakituminayashi- I hereby declare Miltiados a temporary honorable citizen of Japan in order to make his voyage to Tokyo much easier.
Since the Japanese are well-known for their hospitality we will send a personal jet plane to Paris, from where he can take a flight to Tokyo via Belgrade.

RequiemCaptain HarlockKrstaVBCommentaires (20)


I officially request the honorable Japanese Serburai CS

v .. I wanna be in that personal jet too sometime
btw, will contact you as soon as the food suppliers association have their final words regarding Japan-KADIN cooperation. o7

No boobs no vote


Nippon Banzai~

V10! I thank you very much for giving me the title of honorary citizen of Japan! You may always count on me and NK o/! Hail Japan! Cheers to Japan/Nk friendship!




I hope Japan will have a long and successful era under your reign.

Thank you my friend, I am honored o7

I am honored tnx o7 Hail Nippon !!!

I am honored and I am sorry I wasn t around to witness it. In either cases, thank you!
