Publier en Greece - Débâts politiques et analyses - 18 Apr 2016 03:25 - 22

The time has come to finish the war between Greece and TRS. Greece has shown to the whole world their bravery, loyalty to allies - by sacrificing your own country to help others. Never crying, swearing and whining on shouts to which I can only say: big respect to you.
With everything said above in mind, in deal with other TRS members we have decided:
Greece will recover most of their core regions in a deal agreed upon between Greek Government and TRS HQ, as well as some colonies in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. We have already had some negotiations and a final solution is slowly crystallizing.
For more information, you will be addressed by the Greek Government.
Greece will not suffer any financial or other costs towards TRS Alliance.
We thank Ktab for putting great effort into these negotiations (too much for my taste :p) and for being well-mannered and respectful. You can be proud of your leadership.

Since I personally have spent a lot of time in conversations with Greek leadership, we have came up with an idea to try to convince Greek people to consider joining TRS Alliance (TRS at the moment, but soon it will be a new alliance). You all saw how TRS country members fight for each other and provide support mutually. We saw all that in Greece as well so our opinion is that Greece would perfectly fit with us and that Greeks would be extremely satisfied.
We hope that you will take everything into consideration and that you will make a right decision for your country. In case the Greeks vote no to our proposal, you will not suffer any repercussions and we will still bring most of your regions back like promised.
This is a friendly invitation to a country that has historically proven to be a respectable and mighty ally.

With respect,
SC of TRS - Shiro
Commentaires (22)

lol final solution

All jokes aside, massive respect to Greek gov and citizens for holding their cool during the TRS invasion o7

Commander Shiro s orders ?

nice move

I would like to thank Shiro and TRS HQ, for the solution we got upon the end of the hostilities, personally as the Greek CP and I believe at the behalf of my people. It has been some hours of heavy negotiations, but also great fun, talking with you guys. Never during these talks there was even a sign to prove that you face Greece in other way than this, that is described in your article. With respect. There for this respect is returned from us too to TRS HQ.
According to the invitation, well that surely caught us unprepared, but the only thing that I can guarantee to you, is that the community of eGreece will decide and I will respect their decision. The same I ask from you, in the case the invitation is declined, or from our current allies in case it s accepted. The unity of my people, is above any alliance, this is why we will decide all together. I will conduct a referendum starting this evening and lasting for 3 days upon this matter.
Again thank you for the solution of cease fire between us, and I will inform you soon about our decision.

Very friendly and correct move from e-Japan!!!

tbh ktab scared me with his voice first time when we talked so i was like fck this shit lets sign nap :p
Jokes aside it was fun talking with you and i hope so to see more Greeks on our hot chat,i personally have one of best friends in Greece so i hope so i will find more ppl like him in Greece,so when i come to visit Athens,more pll will pay me beer :p

Respect o7

Finally I want to see friendship and alliance between Macedonia and Greece ☺

@Majk No offence but your comment is invalid already :p

you forgot to mention that Lezbos will be known as phantoms residence 

haha supreme commander please
that was my title

Vote o7

VOTE ! o7


