Publier en United States of America - Débâts politiques et analyses - 11 May 2016 17:02 - 4

I would like to start off telling you about our merge between Democratic Socialist Party after much debate the people of DSP decided to join us you can read more about that here. If you have been living under a rock for the past few days and haven't check our chatbox EddieA is coming back.
Writing History
YAY!!!! it's our 2 month anniversary the party has now exist for 2 months straight this is a huge accomplishment for a small but growing party soon we will be toppling the Federalist Party OFF their thrown.

This is the current list of people who are currently running for congress in our party I will keep updating the list as more people keep joining the race.



Leroy Combs





Thomas Killah


Tricky Dick

Yes as you see the list is pretty long. I was gonna add little descriptions but it would have taken me ages to finish.

The People's Revolutionary Party is a community that advocates for change in the government. We welcome anyone and everyone. OUR MISSION AND JOB IS TO LET THE PEOPLES VOICE BE HEARD IN THE GOVERNMENT
Do You Hear the People Sing?

Captain HarlockLeroy CombsCommentaires (4)

People s Revolutionary Party

I wish you success, my comrades

v, good luck

For the people! o7