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Frekvencija 10972 MHz

Publier en Serbia - Divertissement - 16 May 2016 03:28 - 1

Pre nekoliko nedelja, mozda oko mesec dana napravio sam jedan, mali a veliki giveaway, gde sam donirao pozamasnu kolicinu golda.
(Link: 1.000 Snage / 1.000 Strength / Giveaway! Updated - Check!)
A eto, sada nakon tih par nedelja ja sam pobednik na jednom od novijih giveaveja,  pa sada vi meni recite da li se isplati biti human ili ne? :)
(Link: YOU WANT TO WIN 30 EASY GOLD ? #2 ( WINNER # 1 = B A D Z A ))

Ako zelite novi givavej u mojoj realizaciji, pogledajte ovde: 2.000 Snage / GLASAJTE! 2.000 Strength / VOTE NOW!

Niko nije osiromasio davanjem...

(English version!)
Before few weeks, maybe about one month, i am made one, little but big giveaway, where i donate important gold.
(Link: 1.000 Snage / 1.000 Strength / Giveaway! Updated - Check!)
But now, after few weeks im a winner on one of new giveaway, tell me whether it is good to be human ?
(Link: YOU WANT TO WIN 30 EASY GOLD ? #2 ( WINNER # 1 = B A D Z A ))

If you want my new giveaway, check this: 2.000 Snage / GLASAJTE! 2.000 Strength / VOTE NOW!

No one is poor if donate...


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