Publier en Japan - Divertissement - 08 Jun 2016 12:46 - 35

Few months ago, what was Amaterasu? MU of 2 click peasants, who get some helis in the morning and shoot for DO and rest of day watching battles (or some of you save it for end of battles) but point is that we were inactive 2 click MU!
What is Amaterasu today!? Squadron of heavy cavalry that destroys enemy lines when we ram into them out of nowhere!!! MPP or RW means nothing to us we are mobile and we are powerful, our friends love us and respect us, our enemy fear us. Like one smart guy told few nights ago : "Fck it Amaterasu is here". Yes we are here and we will destroy something!
(usually some DS q5 :D). Why Amaterasu is like this? Because of YOU my brothers! Old crew and new one, some come some left, they didn't have what is needed to wear Amaterasu avatar, we thank them for everything and wish them all best, those who stay will continue to complete all tasks that are in front of us !

I swear by God that not a single commander in this game is not more proud and more happy than i am. Such discipline, such sacrifice, activity and fierceness is too long to describe you, my loyal soldiers and brothers in arms! So what i can do to repay you? You have best supply in world but, that is not enough, Amaterasu samurai needs to be better payed. So by the right of Commander of Amaterasu and blessing from our Emperor I declare:
From day 155 :
1) Every soldier who comes on 7 hits per week ( so everyday in week ) will be rewarded with 3.5 gold weekly salary.
2) Every soldier who comes on 5 hits per week will be rewarded with 2 gold weekly salary.

Commander of Amaterasu :

TyraelErutanXooKaip3Commentaires (35)

Voted o7



O/ blame japan as amaterasu

lol o7


Bravo be! Alal da vi e
Mnogu ste jaki 


I m proud to be one of you!



Svaka čast o/


We are the AMATERASU army and nobody will stop us o/



this is a lie *I swear by God that not a single commander in this game is not more proud and more happy than i am.* bcs you are atheist bit*h xD Delete

OMG, Amaterasu still riding horses, come to MU Bad Company, you will get brand new BMW s

Bmw ??? Im faithful, TDI Power 

Best organized MU and country in the eWorld

o7 Im happy that i am part of this. Keep up. Amaterasu for life !



