Publier en Switzerland - Analyse de combat - 17 Jun 2016 07:48 - 7
Analysis, number of currently running battles
So i will have a job interview at monday, and realy i wasnt finding my place today so i started to play with excel a little bit. Anyways iam not an excel pro, and my english is just on communication level. So more or less there will be problems and realy i dont plan to correct them.

The current date is 17/06/2016, its the 159th day of the game and the server time is 07:24. Currently 5 direct and 14 ressistance battle is going on. The number of ressistance battles is 3 times bigger than the number of dirrect battles. This might be because of the variing strenght of contries and poppulation differences plus the cost of battles. As i see only 7 nation is involved in direct battles and 24 nation takes their part in ressistance battles.

In Turkey there is 3 ressistance and 2 direct battle. In Hungary there is 2 direct and 1 ressistance battle. At Romania there is 2 direct and 1 resistance battle. Ukranie, Bulgaria, Malaysia and Indonesia has only 1 direct and no ressistance battle. Argentina has already 3 ressistance battle. France has 2 ressistance battle going. While the other contries only have 1 ressistance battle.
Today the war is sparkling between Turkey, Hungary and Romania. While in South America Argentina is fighting in
Realy today nothing is going on, no gangbang today, but there are a lot of farming and drain rw's.
komeng_sajaHi i am a simple multino0bsailbotCommentaires (7)


szar a kép

Nice one, keep it coming mate.

Nice mate
