Publier en Portugal - Divertissement - 18 Jun 2016 01:02 - 22
Pois bem meus caros, aqui segue o meu primeiro artigo, mais para ver até como anda a tinta da impressora.
O papel, tá visto que é mau (Papel Q1), as impressoras foram me dadas pelo Guttenberg, e a paciência é nula!
Se estão a ler isto Parabéns, porque compraram a versão online deste artigo, e desde já obrigado! :D
Votem e deem a vossa Subscrição se vos aprouver, só se me quiserem continuar a ver mandar umas bacoradas "doudas", para me dar moral portanto.
A sério façam isso, eu bato muito mal. Mas com o tempo estou certo que vão descobrir isso. Melhor isso que entrgar a alma ao Satanás, ou um tiro na gaita.
Vocês é que sabem.
Abreijos! by: Bosniak

Well dear people from around the world, here am I, promoting my 1st article on eRev.
That's only for me to test the printer that i brought into this newspaper, cousin Guttenberg gave it to me so it sucks very hard, and the paper is even worse (Paper Q1).
So if you are here, Congratulations! You just bought the online version of this article, and for that, I thank you very much! :D
Please Vote and Subscribe if you want! I really would like that! But only if you want to continue to see some stupid motherin' deep happening here! Subscribe, you're giving me the moralI need to tear this world apart Lisa!!
Really, do it. For real, just DO IT. Im sure you'll think that I'm a little crazy. But you should think it already, be advised.
Ok, do it now up there. Better than giving your soul to Satan, or being shot in the cock. You know best.
Cheers! by: Bosniak

O papel, tá visto que é mau (Papel Q1), as impressoras foram me dadas pelo Guttenberg, e a paciência é nula!
Se estão a ler isto Parabéns, porque compraram a versão online deste artigo, e desde já obrigado! :D
Votem e deem a vossa Subscrição se vos aprouver, só se me quiserem continuar a ver mandar umas bacoradas "doudas", para me dar moral portanto.
A sério façam isso, eu bato muito mal. Mas com o tempo estou certo que vão descobrir isso. Melhor isso que entrgar a alma ao Satanás, ou um tiro na gaita.
Vocês é que sabem.
Abreijos! by: Bosniak

Well dear people from around the world, here am I, promoting my 1st article on eRev.
That's only for me to test the printer that i brought into this newspaper, cousin Guttenberg gave it to me so it sucks very hard, and the paper is even worse (Paper Q1).
So if you are here, Congratulations! You just bought the online version of this article, and for that, I thank you very much! :D
Please Vote and Subscribe if you want! I really would like that! But only if you want to continue to see some stupid motherin' deep happening here! Subscribe, you're giving me the moralI need to tear this world apart Lisa!!
Really, do it. For real, just DO IT. Im sure you'll think that I'm a little crazy. But you should think it already, be advised.
Ok, do it now up there. Better than giving your soul to Satan, or being shot in the cock. You know best.
Cheers! by: Bosniak

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