
Δημοσιεύσε Croatia - Πολιτικές Διαμάχες και Ανάλυση - 02 Nov 2016 17:06 - 25
Pozdrav svima, moje ime je Tovar i preuzeo sam Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova (MOFA) Hrvatske na polovici mandata, sa željom da malo aktiviram vanjsku politiku koja praktički nije postojala. Stoga sam kontaktirao 70% država na erevu, nisam naravno dobio odgovor od svih no naš predsjednik ima izvješće od onih koji su poslali svoje stavove. U budućnosti želim pokrenuti "ambasador" projekt i zato pozivam sve voljne rada u MoFA timu neka se jave kako bi ih rasporedio po državama gdje bi im opis posla bio druženje i praćenje stanja, te održavanje kontakta između dvije Vlade. Uvijet je poznavanje engleskog jezika i Discorda/IRCa.
Nadalje kao sto znate raspali su se savezi Invictus (BiH, Kanda, Hrvatska, Njemačka, Mađarska, Srbija, Slovenija, Španjolska) , i MDP(Turska, Iran, Poljska, Portgal, Brazil, USA, Chile, Italija, Grčka, Indonezija, Japan, Paragvaj, Rumunjska, Bugarska, Urugvaj, Alabija, Meksiko,Švicarska, Tajvan,+ PRO MDP Francuska i Makedonija). MDP je bio značajno nadmoćniji od Invictusa, te su funkcionirali puno bolje i ratovanje im je bilo puno lakše obzirom da su imali ~70% server DMG-a. Sada nam ostaje gledati kako se situacija razvija i biti u kontaktu sa svima.
Imali smo ponuđen NAP sa Turskom koji smo odbili iako su uvjeti išli nama na ruku. Vecina je izglasala da ne zeli NAP, trazili smo trenutni “prekid vatre” sa Turskom kada su se oba saveza raspustila ali oni ne prihvacaju trenutni prekid vatre, stoga nastavljamo našu borbu.
Srbija je danas potpisala NAP sa svojim protivnicima Makedonijom, NAP ce trajati do 328og dana igre(mjesec dana) te do tada ne smiju napadati Makedoniju, Bugarsku, Albaniju i Rumunjsku niti ce oni napadati Srbiju.U slučaju da se prekrši NAP moraju platiti 300golda.Više možete pročitati u članku
Danas je potpisan i mirovni sporazum između država Španjolske,Francuske, USA, Portugala. Spanjolska ce dobiti vecinu svojih regija i biti na mapi te ce dobiti q5 bolnicu u regiji Murcija. Više o tome možete pročitati u članku
Hrvatska je kao i do sada raspolozena za razgovore i provodi razgovore sa svim drzavama.Otvoreni smo za svu vrstu komunikacije i rado cemo porazgovarati sa svim drzavama i njihovim predstavnicima koji nam se jave i odgovore na nase pozive na razgovor.
Napravili smo dva intervijua u par dana pa da upoznate ukratko dvi drzave iz Europe i situaciju kod njih.
Portugal sada ima registriranih 1311 igraca i imaju 13 regija, minimalna placa im je 1CC a porezi za placu u svim kompanijama su im 5%, dok PDV i porez na uvoz variraju od 1% do 5%.
Sabor im se sastoji od dvije stranke "Partido Liberal Português" koji sadrzi 90% glasova i "Partido Democrático" koji sadrzi ostalih 10% glasova.
Trenutni sastav vlade:
-Predsjednik: Ancestral
-Predsjednik vlade: donnis
-Ministar obrane: AjkeN
-Ministar vanjskih poslva: DaltonicD
-Guverner: Granikus
-Ministar znanosti: bigbadbear
Ambasador Djaki je napravio interviju sa predsjednikom Ancestral
D: Kako se zoves i odakle dolazis ?
A: Zovem se João i dolazim iz Portugala
D: Ja sam Hrvoje i dolazim iz Vukovara(Hrvatska), drago mi je da smo se upoznali. Koliko aktivnih igraca ima u Portugalu poznajete li se u RLu jeste li radili orkupljanje?
A: Imamo oko 120 aktivnih igraca, ali radimo stalno na dovođenju novih igrača. Portugal nije imao do sada okupljanja nismo zaintereseirani, ali znam dosta igrača u RL jer studiramo skupa.Odprilike nas ima 20 sa istog fakulteta.
D: To je sjajno, mi imamo oko 200 aktivnih igraca ali ih se dosta poznaje sa druge slične igre koju necemo imenovati ili su prijatelji. Je li imate stranaca u Portugalu i kako su se snašli?
A: Da, imamo nekoliko stranih igraca u Portugalu duze vrijeme i dobro su se utopili u drustvo i nemamo nikakvih problema sa njima, sto je odlicno.
D: Sto se dogodilo sa MDP-om, zašto ste napustili savez je li bilo nekih nesuglasica?
A: Sto se tice MDP-a, neko vrijeme su se skupljali unutarnji problemi koji su ukljucivali nasu drzavu i nismo se slagali sa nekim pravilima alijanse. I tako smo odlučili sagledati stvari iz druge perspektive i tako odlučili napustiti savez.
D: Kakvi su planovi u buducnosti, imate li neprijatelja u MDP-u ?
A: U skoroj buducnosti zelimo osigurati bonuse da imamo ekonomiju na 100%. Zelimo poboljsati odnose sa susjednom Spanjolskom. Sto se tice MDPa, stekli smo prave prijatelje za koje cemo se uvijek boriti.
D: Uspjeh za imati 100% bonusa zahtjeva dobre odonose sa susjednim drzavama.
A: slazem se, zato zelimo isprobati nove stvari. Igra bi trebala biti zabavna i izazovna
D: Slazem se sa tobom. Je li se bojite biti obrisani sada ? Razmisljate li o novoj alijasni zelite li mozda neke nove drzave ili cete se drzati drzava iz MDP-a
A: Za brisanje sa karte uvijek postoji prijetnja, ali bojati se biti izbrisan je druga stvar, stoga ne bojimo se. Sto se tice novih alijansi vec smo primili nekoliko poziva ali, bili smo prva drzava koja je napustila MDP jer nam je bilo dosta cekanja svih sto ce se dogoditi. To cemo mi sada raditi malo cekati sto ce se dogoditi.Mislim da ne trebamo zuriti sa alijansama. Kada se budemo pridruzivali alijansi necemo se drzati kriterija "samo clanice bivseg MDP-a"
D: Svidja mi se tvoje misljenje, mogu reci da djelimo isto misljenje. Sto ti osobno mislis o Portugalu je li dobar saveznik
A: Dokazano je da je Portugal dobar saveznik. Nikada nismo niti trepnuli kada smo pozvani u rat da pomognemo savezniku. U MDP-u smo drzali najveci dmg po igracu koji smo dali savezniku.
D: Sto mislis o Hrvatskoj i hrvatima u igri
A: Nikad nisam upoznao nikog iz Hrvatske i nisamo imao skoro nikakve razgovore sa ikim, stoga ne znam stvarno, ali smatram da ste jaka drzava na bojnom polju.
D: Mi balkanci smo takvi, hvala na razgovoru i sretno
A: Hvala tebi, takodjer zelim puno srece u igri
Francuska ima trenutno 3046 registriranih igrača i 51 regiju. Minimalna placa im je 1CC a porezi na placu u svim kompanijama su 3%, porez na uvoz im je velikih 15%(osim bolnice i obrambenog sustava) dok je PDV 1%.
Sabor im se sastoji od pet stranki. Union Française ima 50% glasova, L'Ordre des Siths ima 20% glasova, Atlantide ima 15% glasova, La France Royale ima 10% glasova, dok L'Obédience Maçonnique ima 5 glasova.
Trenutni sastav vlade:
-Predsjednik: Shurhia
-Predsjednik vlade: vinegifa
-Ministar obrane: Azzazel87
-Ministar vanjskih poslva: Akhonous
-Guverner: Spanki
-Ministar znanosti: ConnenNeute
Napravio sam interviju sa igracicom iz Francuske koja je dugo u vladi Magellan
T: Pozdrav, ja se zovem Mateo i dolazim iz Hrvatske. Možeš li se prestaviti Hrvatima(ime, odakle dolazis …)
M: Pozdrav, Ja sam Corentin i ja sam Francuz.Za sada zivim u Parizu, ali moj dom je Burgandy( najbolje vino i sir na svijetu <3)
Pohađam avaitičarsko-inžinjersku školu i privatni sam pilot. Više volim Pepsi nego Coca-Colu, ne pijem, ne pusim i volim partijati(moj svaki dan je izazov). Mogao bi reci jos stvari ali volim tajne <3
T: Je li znas nekog igraca u RL, kakav je zivot u Francuskoj?
M: Zivot u Francuskoj je odlican. Svi su pristojni i nitko ti ne zeli nista nazao. Zivim u “medvjeđem svijetu”, i stvarno ne znam kakav je zivot za ljude osim mene. Jedina losa stvar je sto su Francuzi političari
T: Radite li mitinge u Francuskoj, znas li nekoga mozda
M:Nismo. Znam jedino rođaka ali to se ne računa
T: Sto se događa u Francuskoj, imate li dosta ljudi iz drugih drzava i imate li kakvih problema?
M: Sto se dogadja u eFrancuskoj…? Tesko pitanje .. Nadam se da svi zele najbolje za nas, ali mi volimo kukati oko svega.Sto vise kukamo, vise smo aktivni, tako da je sve ok
T: MDP se raspustio,vi ste bili “član” MDPa, koji su vaši planvi sada ako možeš reći naravno.
M:Tajne su tajne :),
Nadam se da cemo imati multipolarni svijet, ali to se nece dogoditi nažalost.. Ljudi se boje biti sami ili u manjini, stoga ce unistiti esvijet.
T: Kako su u Francuskoj ljudi reagirali na raspustanje MDP-a, postoji li neka opasnost u susjestvu
M: Stvarno ne znam, mi odavno nismo u MDP-u
T: Zelis li nam nesto poruciti ?
M: Samo ljubav :) <3
T: Hvala na izdvojenom vremenu, sretno :)
Hello to all, I'm new Croatian MoFA. I'm here to activate Croatian foreign office whch was inactive for some time. I have contacted 70% of countries on game,I didn't get answer from all contacted countries but i have report which is given to CP. In future i want to start "ambador project" in Croatian, so anyone who want to help connect and socialize and talk with other people other countries feel free to contact me. The only requirement is knowing english so you can communicate.
Further as you know INVICTUS and MDP are disputed. MDP was significantly superior than INVICTUS and they had 70% of server DMG so they could easily win battles.
We had offer to sign NAP with Turkey witch we refused. More then half congres voted against NAP. We offerd Turkey “peacy treaty when MDP and INVICTUS were disputed, but they didn’t accepted it. So we will stay in war till last DMG.
Srbia signed NAP with their enemy Macedonia. NAP will be valid until 328day of game(one month).Serbia cannot declare war on following countries: Albania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Romania and likewise mentioned countries cannot declare war on Serbia.For more details you can read in article
Today France, Portugal, Spain and the United States of America agreed to sign a peace treaty.Spain will get most of their regions and they will have q5 hospital in Murcia, more about that you can read in article
Croatia is in contact with all countries and we are open for all kinds of communication and we will be happy to talk to all countries and their representatives
We have made three interviews, so you can start learning about countries. Those three are from Europe.
Portugal have 1311 registered players and 13regions , minimum wage is 1CC and work tax is 5%, while other taxes are from 1% to 5%
Congress is made up of two parties "Partido Liberal Português" with 90% votes and "Partido Democrático" with 10% votes.
The current composition of the government:
-President: Ancestral
-Prime Minister: donnis
-Minister of Defense: AjkeN
-Minister of Foreign Affairs: DaltonicD
-Guvernor: Granikus
-Minister of Education: bigbadbear
Ambador Djaki had interview with Ancestral
D: What's your name and where do you come from
A: My name is João and I am from Portugal
D: I am Hrvoje and I come from Vukovar ( small town on far east fo country ) from Croatia, nice to meet youHow much active citiziens Portugal has, do you have meetings and do you know eachother in RL?
A: Portugal has around 120 active players but we are constantly bringing new people.Portugal does not have meetings as other countries have. But I do know a lot of players in RL be cause they study in the same college as me. We might be around 20 players from the same university.
D: wooow that is great, i wish i am in that kind of situation ... We have I think around 200 active players and a lot of players know eachother from or they are friends from RL Do you have any foreigners in your country? And what happened in MDP, why did you leave? Did you have any fights or disagreements?
A: Yes we have some foreigners who have playing with us for quite some time now and are fully integrated in the community, which is great!
About MDP, it was the accumulation of some internal issues that involved our country and some disagreements we had with some policies. So we took action, put things in perspective in an adult manner and decided to leave.
D: What are you plans for future and do you have enemies in MDP ?
A: For the near future, we aim to recover some bonuses and get the economy rolling at 100%.
We are also trying to improve relations with Spain.From MDP, we have true allies which we will always fight for.
D: Succes to haing 100% bonuses is having good relations with your neighbours ( or at least eith some of them )
A: But now, we are free to decide which countries we will maintain relations with. Exactly. We will try some new stuff. The game is supposed to be fun and challenging.
D: I agree with you .... Are you afraid of beign erased maybe? And what do you think of new alliances ( would you maybe for alliance with some new members or would you stick with MDP members and for new alliance with them )?
A: Being erased from the map is always a threat. But being afraid of being erased is different. So no, we are not.About new alliances... Well, we have already received some invites.But... We were the first country to leave MDP (before all the other followed) and we had already a mindset of waiting and see what would happenSo that's what we will do.I don't think there's a need to rush alliances...With that being said, in the event of Portugal joining new alliances, we will not hold a criteria of "only previous-mdp members".
D: Okay I ( personally ) like your opinion and if I were asked in Croatia I would share your pinion too.... What do you personally think about Portugal ( is Portugal strong and desired ally )?
A: Portugal has proven its worth as an ally. We never even blinked about going into war to help an ally.
In MDP, we held the highest damage per citizen to allies. We were surped only by Japan but with many jap players leaving the country... And worldwide we were 5th.
So I'd ume that in a damage/citizen ratio to allies (not counting our own battles), we are now maybe in the 4th place.
D: What do you think about Croatia and Croats ( here in this game, non statistically )
A: You have to take into account that this stats always involve a period of time... And if a country is involved in direct wars, it is normal that the damage dealt for allies in inferior. About Croatia and Croats, I've never met any and had almost no interaction with anyone...So I really don't know. I do consider Croats to be fierce fighters in the battlefield
D: We balkanians are like that, we like to fight a lot
A: I can see that... Even against each other sometimes
D: Well it was nice talking to you
A: you too manbest of luck to youand cro
France have 3046 registered players and 51regions. minimum salary is 1CC and work tax in companies is 3%, import tax is big 15%(Hosital and defense system is 1% ), vhile VAT is 1%
Congress is made of five parties. Union Française have 50% votes, L'Ordre des Siths have 20% of votes, Atlantide have 15% of votes, La France Royale hvae 10% of votes vhile L'Obédience Maçonnique have 5% of votes.
The current composition of the government:
-President: Shurhia
-Prime Minister: vinegifa
-Minister of Defense: Azzazel87
-Minister of Foreign Affairs: Akhonous
-Guvernor: Spanki
-Minister of Education: ConnenNeute
I did an interview with player from France, which is long in the government Magellan
T: Hello I’m Mateo i’m RL Croatian, can you introduce your selfe to Croatians(Your name, where are you from, …)
M: Hi, I am Corentin and I am French. For now I am living in Paris, but my Heimat is Burgundy (best wine and cheese in the world <3).
I study in an Aerospatiale engineering school and I am private pilot. I prefer Pepsi than Coca-Cola, and I do not drink alcohol and do not smoke (my life is every day a challenge) and I love parties.
I could say a lot of more things, but I like secrets <3
T: Do you know any player in RL, how is life going on in France, is it hard, easy, studying ? :)
M: Life in France, is freaking cool, and so cool. Everyone is kind, nobody wants hurt you. I live in a Bisounours world actually, and I really do not know how life is for people, except me. The only bad thing in France are politics guys…
T: Did you do meeting for France players or did you think about it ?
M: Nope, only one actually, but he is my cousin, so that do not count.
T: What is going on in eFrance, do you have lot of ppl from other countries playin in france do they make problems?
M: What is going on in eFrance…? Hard question, I hope that everyone wants the best for our country, but we like moan about everything. So more we moan, more we are active, so all is ok.
T: MDP is disputed now, you were “member” of it, what are your plans for now if you can say something ofc :).
M: Secrets are secrets.
I hope we will have a multipolar world, but this will not happen, unfortunately… People are afraid to be alone or few, so that gonna ruin the world.
T: How are France people react on MDP dispute ? is there any thrett in neiberhood ? :)
M: We were out of MDP a long time ago, I really do not know.
T: Do you have anything to say if i forget to ask you :)
M: Just love :) <3
T: Thank you for your time, Good Luck 'n Have fun
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Sorry for typos
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Prvi sad ode čitati



Dobar, svaka čast na trudu i sretno dalje.

ajde bar ovaj francuz Pepsi pije. Respekt o7

Thanks for the interview



Vote + Sub

magare je pule 


njab 


Bravo Tovare o7

francuska odavno nije u mdp-u kaze ova njihova brkata...o majke ti sto ja citam

neko je bija streber u skoli, samo jako 1950

Good Article o7 Voted and Sub 



Hrvatska nije balkan!
Croatia is not balkan!

o7 good article

Ne sokole mi smo skandinavija

Ma ti altarije još uvik ostaješ balkanac ne brini, ja san reka da Hrvatska nije balkan! 


Sokole nebudi veća budala nego šta jesi mi smo blakan koliko god ti tia da smo arapi il šta ja znan u šta viruješ više. Ja mislin da smo mi po tebi direkt iz raja izašli

Ma kakvi arapi? To možeš biti ti kad si već tamo ali mi Hrvati nikako
U svakom slučaju Hrvatska i Hrvati nikad nismo bili niti možemo biti balkanci jer nemamo baš nikakve veze s ostalima koji pripadaju balkanu!


Nego kome mi pripadamo? Americi? Njemačkoj?

Sami sebi 


Kaze ne pijem alkohol, volim partije hmm